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provision for issuing bonds to the amount of not to exceed fifty million dollars for the purpose of constructing and improving state and county highways, and providing for a submisson of the same to the people to be voted upon at the next general election to be held in the year nineteen hundred and twelve,' be approved."

Chapter 787, of the Laws of 1913

Section 1. Bonds of the state hereafter issued and sold pursuant to chapter 469 of the laws of 1906, as amended by chapter 718 of the laws of 1907, for the improvement of highways, chapter 298 of the laws of 1912, for constructing and improving state and county highways, chapter 66 of the laws of 1910, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws of 1912, for improving the Erie canal, the Oswego canal and the Champlain canal, and the procurement of the lands required in connection therewith, chapter 139 of the laws of 1910 for improving the Cayuga and Seneca canals and the procurement of the lands required in connection therewith, or chapter 746 of the laws of 1911 for furnishing proper terminals and facilities for barge canal traffic, including the acquisition and interchange of property therefor, shall bear interest at the rate of 41⁄2 per cent. per annum, notwithstanding the provisions of any such act or acts fixing or authorizing a different rate.




The following appraisal of the constitution and government of the state of New York has been prepared by the Bureau of Municipal Research at the request of the constitutional convention commission and submitted by the commission to the constitutional convention. It supplements the volume entitled "Government of the State of New YorkOrganization and Functions," prepared jointly by the Bureau of Municipal Research and the department of efficiency and economy and published as a state document, but unlike that volume it is issued upon the sole responsibility of the Bureau of Municipal Research.

On the constructive side the Bureau of Municipal Research entered into conference with Senator John G. Saxe and Mr. John H. Delaney and prepared the following proposed constitutional amendments :

Amendment No. 555, relating to the organization of the executive branch of the government including the departments of audit and law and the administrative divisions of the executive branch. (Introduced by Mr. Saxe.)

Amendment No. 510, relating to the powers, duties and functions of the executive branch, the departments of audit and law and the administrative divisions of the executive branch. (Introduced by Mr. Saxe.)

Amendment No. 470, relating to the establishment of a scientific budget system for the state. (Introduced by Mr. Saxe.)

Amendment No. 560, to establish a state department of labor. (Introduced by Mr. Parsons.)

Amendment No. 608, to create a department of charities and corrections as a division of the executive branch of the state government. (Introduced by Mr. Parmenter.)


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