Longworth's American Almanack, New-York Register, and City Directory: for the ... Year of American IndependencePrinted and published ... by David Longworth., 1827 |
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Abraham Allen Andrew Anthony attorney Avenue D baker Barclay Beekman Benjamin Bleecker boarding-house bookbinder Bowery Broadway h broker Broome butcher cabinetmaker Canal carpenter cartman Catharine chairmaker Chapel Charles Charlton Chatham Cherry Christopher Chrystie Clark Clinton Cortlandt Crosby Daniel David Delancey Division drygoods Duane Edward Eldridge Elizabeth widow Essex Forsyth Francis Frankfort Front h Fulton George Goerck Grand Greene Greenwich grocer Hamersley Harman hatter Henry Hester Hudson Isaac Jacob Joseph laborer Laurens Leonard Lewis Lombardy Ludlow Macdougal Madison Maiden-lane mariner Mary widow mason Mercer merch merchant Moore Mott Mulberry Nassau Oliver Orange Orchard painter Pearl h Peter Pine h porter house Pump rear Reed Richard Rivington Robert Roosevelt sailmaker Samuel shipcarpenter shipmaster shoemaker Smith South h Spring Stanton Stephen stonecutter Suffolk Sullivan tailor Thomas Thompson Vandam Varick Vesey vide Wall h Washington Water h weaver widow Elizabeth widow Mary widow of John widow Sarah Willet William William H Wooster