GYMNASTICS. The Excercises commence early every morning, also at 12 Private Lessons given at all hours to untaught or incom- POCKET-BOOK AND LADIES' RETICULE MANUFACTURER, N° 76 WILLIAM-STREET, Near Liberty-Street, JAMES DEA MER'S CANE AND SPECTACLE MANUFACTORY, No. 38 Maiden-Lane, near Nassau-street J. D. has for sale, of his own manufacture, a general assortment of Gold, Silver, Gilt, Plated, Tortoise Shell, and Steel Mounted SPECTACLES, with concave, convex, or green glasses; concave glasses for the short sighted, mounted in various ways; Goggles for weak eyes; reading glasses, eye glasses, linen provers, pocket lenses for botanists, microscopes, opera and spy glasses, telescopes, thermome. ters, barometers, cases of mathematical instruments; and a general assortment of optical instruments, with a variety of spectacle cases. Also, an elegant assortment of Fancy Walking Canes, mounted with gold, silver, ivory, and buck-horn, with or without swords. All the above articles wholesale or retail, and all made and repaired to order. New glasses fitted to old frames. i g 3 Names of the Members of the Common Council. Hon. William Paulding, Mayor. Jacob Morton, Clerk of the Common Counca. John Fleming, Chamberlain. Garrat N. Bleecker, Comptroller. Morris D'Camp, Nicholas C. Everitt, Thomas Cotterell, Collectors of Assessments. Roswell Graves, Street Commissioner. George B. Smith, Assistant do. John M. Bloodgood, Superintendant of Streets. Jacob Rapleyea, Assistant do. George Cuming, City Inspector. John Coffin, Obadiah Ayres, } Assistant do. Jacob P. Roome, Superintendant of Repairs. Daniel Hageman, Superintendant of Wharves Michael Ulshoeffer, Counsel., Thomas Phenix, Attorney. Sylvanus Miller, Public Administrator. John G. Bogert, Inspector of Hackney Coaches. John Sidell, First Marshall. Jacob Hays, High Constable. 1198 1827-200 ANNEXA 117618 ANNEX |