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Mr. JOSIAH O. WARD offered the following preamble and resolution :


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Whereas, A Committee on Appropriations of the 48th Congress has publicly reported to Congress "that the officers especially "charged with the duty of arming our fortifications (i. e. Ordnance "Department) have been unable to give any assurance that the expenditure of the enormous sums of money they ask for will ac"complish the desired result. Your Committee has not "felt warranted in recommending a scheme that it is admitted by "its advocates (i. e. Ordnance Department) to require millions for preparation, ten years for the production of the first high pow"ered gun, and twenty years for the armaments of our fortifica"tions ;" and

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Whereas, A Mr. HASKELL, as shown by report of United States Senate, has proven by experiments made by the United States Ordnance Department, that his 6-inch badly manufactured "multicharge gun" was equal to and exceeded in penetrating power and velocity a 11-inch first-class KRUPP gun, as set forth in United States Senate Report, 49th Congress, 1st Session, Miscellaneous Documents, No. 157; and

Whereas, It has been and is publicly alleged, that one Colonel WIARD has also demonstrated by experiments in the presence of United States Army officers and others, that he can so reform and rifle old iron cannon now useless in the hands of the Government, into 15-inch rifles in less than one year, making said guns equal in power, &c., to any European gun, if not far better, of same caliber, and at an expense to the Government of only one-tenth the cost of steel guns of same bore; and

Whereas, The United States Ordnance Department, U. S. A., has not given these HASKELL and WIARD guns the full and fair tests as it ought to have done, well knowing the urgent need of the country for high-power guns; and

Whereas, Numerous committees of Congress from the 40th Congress has publicly shown their utter want of confidence in the Ordnance Department, U. S. A., as at present organized; and

Whereas, It is understood that the said Ordnance Department, U. S. A., is organized on an un-American and unprogressive basis, which makes its chief a dictator, if so inclined; and

Whereas, The Special Committee of this Chamber has just reported that said Ordnance Department is an obstacle to the prompt and suitable arming of our fortifications; therefore,

Resolved, That in view of the above facts, and the further fact that, after twenty years of urgent demand of the people that our coasts should be properly fortified and protected; and, as appear from reports of Committees of Congress, that nothing whatever

has been accomplished in fulfilling this just, urgent and patriotic demand of the people by the Ordnance Department, U. S. A., after twenty years of experimenting by the said Ordnance Department, the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York does hereby denounce the Ordnance Department, U. S. A., as grossly incompetent and derelict in its duty, and respectfully demands of Congress and the President that said Ordnance Department be immediately re organized on modern and American principles.

On motion of Mr. AUGUSTINE SMITH, the preamble and resolution were laid on the table.

Mr. ISAAC PHILLIPS called the attention of the Chamber to the recent Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Collection of Duties, as furnishing the most useful and valuable information on all points connected with the collection of revenue from imports.

On motion of Mr. JACKSON S. SCHULTZ, the Secretary was instructed to obtain as many copies of the Report as practicable, and distribute them to such members of the Chamber as are interested in the subject.


A communication was received from the President of the United States, dated Executive Mansion, Washington, December 7th, 1886, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the report and resolution adopted by the Chamber on the 2d December, in reference to the proposed removal of the Indian Warehouse from New-York to a western city, and stating that the same had been referred for information to the Secretary of the Interior and to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

The communication was ordered to be placed on file.

The following communication was read from the Hon. J. D. C. ATKINS, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in reference to the proposed removal of the Indian Warehouse from New-York to a western city :



WASHINGTON, December 24th, 1886.

Secretary Chamber of Commerce, New- York City:

SIR I have carefully considered all the representations made to this office as to the advisability of removing the Indian Warehouse

from New-York to some western city, and the statements made by you as to the advantage of retaining it in New-York.

After fully reviewing the whole subject, I have come to the conclusion that the interests of the Indian service will be best promoted by receiving and opening in St. Louis bids for beef, flour, mess pork, bacon, corn, corn meal, oats, hominy, lard, salt, barley, oatmeal, hard bread, wheat and sugar; also transportation, and by retaining the Warehouse in New-York and receiving and opening there bids for the remaining articles to be purchased, viz. dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hardware implements, &c., &c

This course will be pursued next spring, of which due notice will be given by advertisement in newspapers in all sections of the country.

Very respectfully,

(Signed,) J. D. C. ATKINS,

The communication was ordered to be placed on file.

After the transaction of the business before the Chamber, the President presented to the members Mr. ELISHA SMITH, President of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, who made a brief address, as follows:


GENTLEMEN: I am sure that it will be more convenient to all present if the few remarks which your President has asked me to make be indeed few, remembering that the meeting has been already somewhat prolonged by the important business which has been under consideration. I thank you, Mr. President, for the very agreeable manner in which you have introduced me, and I thank you, gentlemen, on behalf of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, for the hearty welcome which you have given me.

Considering the important business relations between New-York and Liverpool, it is not difficult to imagine that the Chambers of Commerce of the two cities may, from time to time, make suggestions to each other which may be of service in the better regulation of trade. We shall be happy, when opportunity offers, to make such suggestions, and equally happy to receive them from you.

It is, perhaps, too much to expect that an International Code of Law can be agreed upon. But if the law, with respect to bills of lading, average adjustment and the mercantile usage in regard to such matters were similar in England and America, it would add to the certainty with which business could be conducted between the two countries. In trade, all uncertainty costs money.

I thank you for the cordial manner in which you have received me, and should be glad if we were able at some time to welcome you in Liverpool. We cannot receive you in as handsome rooms as


these in which we are now met. We have in our rooms the portraits of one or two eminent men, but we cannot say, as you may, that the centuries are looking down upon us; our welcome, however, will be none the less hearty.

The Chamber then adjourned.

Monthly Meeting, Thursday, February 3, 1887.

A regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held this day, at one o'clock, P. M., at the Rooms of the Chamber, on Nassau-street, between Cedar and Liberty streets.


JAMES M. BROWN, President.

CHARLES S. SMITII, First Vice-President.

And a quorum of members.

The minutes of the last regular meeting, held January 6, were read and approved.


Mr. CHARLES S. SMITH, in behalf of the Executive Committee, reported the following named candidates for membership, and recommended their election:

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These gentlemen were, on one ballot, unanimously elected members of the Chamber.


Mr. AMBROSE SNOW, Chairman of the Special Committee appointed by the Chamber on the 2d of December last to develop

information upon the efficiency of ordnance for national defence, called up the Report submitted at the last regular meeting, and moved its adoption.

Mr. CHARLES S. SMITII seconded the motion, and the Report was, without debate, unanimously adopted.

On motion of Mr. HERVEY C. CALKIN, a copy of the Report was ordered to be sent to each member of Congress.

On motion of Mr. CHARLES S. SMITII, the Committee was continued for the consideration of the general subject of Harbor Defences, and the President was authorized to increase its number by the addition of two members.

The President thereupon appointed Messrs. ALEXANDER E. ORR and HERVEY C. CALKIN members of the Committee.

The President submitted a communication from Mr. JOHN ERICSSON, an honorary member of the Chamber, dated New-York, January 13th, 1887, on the subject of the defenceless condition of New-York City, accompanied by a chart he had prepared for the purpose of showing clearly what is needed for its defence.

Both documents were, on motion, referred to the Special Committee on Harbor Defences for consideration.

Mr. ISAAC PHILLIPS, Chairman of the Special Committee on a National Bankrupt Law, verbally reported that there was little probability of Congress taking any action on the bill pending before that body to establish a system of National Bankruptcy.


The President submitted a communication from the Hon. WILLIAM A. COURTENAY, President of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, dated Charleston, January 18th, 1887, accompanied by a copy of resolutions adopted by that body on the subject of the defenceless condition of the seacoast cities and harbors, and a copy of resolutions in regard to the completion of the jetties in Charleston Harbor.

Mr. WILLIAM E. DODGE thereupon offered the following resolutions:

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