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Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of NewYork heartily endorses the proposal made in Congress for an immediate and liberal appropriation to expedite the completion of the jetties in Charleston Harbor.

Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives from the State of New-York be respectfully and urgently requested to give their votes and use their influence for this appropriation; as a wise and economical measure for the Government of the United States, which has already begun the work; as a greatly needed help to the commerce of the Atlantic Coast, in which New-York is so largely interested, and as a kindly and proper recognition of the courage and confidence with which the people of Charleston have met the terrible losses and drawbacks resulting from the earthquake.

These resolutions were unanimously adopted, and an engrossed copy was ordered to be sent to Mr. J. SEAVER PAGE, a member of the Chamber, then in Washington, and he be requested to present it to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives, and urge the appropriation of a sum sufficiently large as would enable the jetties to be completed at an early day.

Mr. JOHN F. HENRY offered the following preamble and resolution, and moved their adoption :

Whereas, The Chamber of Commerce, New-York, firmly believes in the just principles of arbitration to settle the troubles of commerce in this country; and

Whereas, We believe that labor and capital should be allies, not enemies, and we believe in justice for both; and

Whereas, The present labor strikes are doing great harm to the business interests of the land; therefore,

Resolved, That the President of this Chamber be directed to appoint a Committee of five merchants in active business, himself to be Chairman, to investigate the present troubles, with power to arbitrate, if possible, with a view of a speedy settlement of the


Mr. JAMES H. SEYMOUR offered the following preamble and resolution as a substitute:

Whereas, The present dispute between the Coal Companies and their employees, and its extension to the Transportation Companies, if not settled immediately, will divert business from New-York to other markets; and

Whereas, The manufacturing and mercantile community are inconvenienced and are already suffering severe loss in consequence of the unwillingness of the Transportation Companies to receive and promptly forward the same; and

Whereas, It is the right of the business community legally to insist that the Transportation Companies shall perform their duties and handle such freight as is committed to their care, and which is believed to be within their power to do if they are so disposed ; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce favor the calling of a meeting by the merchants, manufacturers and the business community in general, to discuss the cause and the remedy of the present unfortunate situation.

On motion of Mr. DODGE, the whole subject was referred, with power, to the Executive Committee, by the following vote:

Yeas, 18; nays, 7-25 members voting.

Mr. G. WALDO SMITH offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption:

Resolved, That the bill introduced in the New-York Legislature by Assemblyman CANTOR, forbidding the making of preferences in assignments by insolvent debtors, and containing other provisions tending more effectually to protect the rights of creditors in assignment cases, is a proper, just and efficient measure, which should be enacted by the Legislature of this State, and thus prevent the evils, frauds and abuses which now prevail in assignment cases, and which are so rendered possible and almost impliedly sanctioned by reason of the absence of such prohibitory enactment from our statute books.

Mr. SMITH addressed the Chamber briefly in reference to the present assignment laws-their evils and remedies.

Mr. FREDERICK A. CONKLING moved the reference of the resolution to the Executive Committee.

This motion was lost.

The resolution was then adopted.



Mr. President: I ask the attention of this honorable body to join in a proper mark of respect to the memory of JoHN ROACH, who

died January 10th, 1887. As he was for many years one of our members, it is becoming of this Chamber to manifest a just pride in bearing testimony to his merits and honoring his memory. An Irishman by birth, an American by adoption, there were blended in his career the best types of both, affording a striking example of individual success and the possibilities of American citizenship. From the humblest beginning, by his industry and perseverance and capacity he arose, step by step, to the summit of commercial success, and became the greatest American ship-builder. He advocated and believed in an American built navy and an American merchant marine. How well, how industriously and how enterprisingly he worked, your harbor every week bears noble testimony. His character was stainless; a man of tenderest sympathies and strongest feelings, in the fullness of years-when his highest ambition seemed attained-he met with unjust reverses, and died a broken-hearted man in a land that should have crowned him with honors. Be it, therefore,

Resolved, That we deeply deplore the death of JOHN ROACH, and feel that this body has lost a valued member, the country a patriotic citizen, the laboring man a true friend, industry a brave defender, and the world, in its true sense, a "Knight of Labor.”

Resolved, That the Secretary record these expressions of our esteem and sympathy in the minutes of this body, and transmit a copy of the same to the family of Mr. RoacII.

The resolutions were unanimously adopted.


A communication was read from the Hon. WILLIAM F. VILAS, Postmaster-General, dated Washington, January 10th, 1887, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolution adopted by the Chamber at its last meeting, in respect to the establishment of a parcels post, and stating that the subject shall have due consideration, and that the project had the favor of the Post Office Department.

The communication was ordered to be placed on file.

A communication was read from the Hon. WILLIAM M. EVARTS, of the United States Senate, dated Washington, January 8th, 1887, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the report and resolutions adopted by the Chamber at its last meeting, on the subject of the Inter-State Commerce Bill, and stating he would present them to the Senate.

The communication was ordered to be placed on file.

The following communication was read from the Hon. S. S. Cox, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolutions adopted by the Chamber at its last meeting, on the subject of Harbor Defences:


WASHINGTON, D. C., January 10, 1887. GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your resolutions in relation to harbor defences, and laid them before the House this morning.

I need not assure the Chamber that upon this subject I will do all in my power as Representative of the metropolis.

The presentation which they made in their memorial was not only strongly worded, but overwhelmingly practical, and such argumentation is what is needed at the present time in Congress.

Truly yours,


Messrs. JAMES M. BROWN, President, and


S. S. Cox.

Chamber of Commerce, New-York, N. Y.

The Chamber then adjourned.

Monthly Meeting, Thursday, March 3, 1887.

A regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held this day, at one o'clock, P. M., at the Rooms of the Chamber, on Nassau-street, between Cedar and Liberty streets.


JAMES M. BROWN, President.

CHARLES S. SMITH, First Vice-President.

JOSIAH M. FISKE, Second Vice-President.

And a quorum of members.

The minutes of the last regular meeting, held February 3, were read and approved.


Mr. CORNELIUS N. BLISS, Chairman of the Executive Committee,

reported the following named candidates for membership, and recommended their election:



Nominated by


These gentlemen were, on one ballot, unanimously elected members of the Chamber.

Mr. BLISS reported that the resolutions introduced by Mr. JOHN F. HENRY and Mr. JAMES H. SEYMOUR at the last meeting of the Chamber, and referred to the Executive Committee, have been considered, and the Committee are unanimously of the opinion that action by the Chamber, as proposed by the resolutions, would not at any time during the pendency of the recent strikes have been judicious. The cause of the difficulties was beyond the control of the Chamber, and the natural remedy having been applied by the discontinuance of the troubles, no further consideration of the resolutions is necessary.

The report was, on motion of Mr. ALEXANDER E. ORR, unanimously adopted.

Mr. BLISS further reported the following preamble and resolution :

Whereas, In the opinion of this Chamber, the question of high license has not only an important moral bearing upon the interests of the City, but is of grave importance as touching the question of taxation, which bring it properly within the consideration of this Chamber as a commercial question; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Chamber heartily endorse the bill, entitled "An Act to suppress intemperance and to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors," introduced into the Assembly January 18th, by the Hon. E. H. CROSBY, and they earnestly request the members of the Legislature from this City to do all in their power to secure its passage.

The preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted, and a copy, authenticated by the signatures of the officers and seal of the Chamber, was ordered to be sent to the Lieut. Governor in the Senate and to the Speaker of the Assembly, with the request that they present them to the respective bodies.

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