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his officers, he was startled from the lethargy of death by shouts from his ranks: "They fly! they fly!" "Who fly?" he faintly inquired. "The French," was the reply. "Then," said he, "I die happy;" and his spirit departed amid the thunders of the battle. The Marquis de Montcalm, the commander of the French army, was also mortally wounded, and died a few days after the engagement. Monuments have been erected to these two heroes in the city of Quebec. The remains of the French army, retiring to Montreal, demanded a capitulation, which was granted. Accordingly, in November, 1760, articles of agreement were entered into between General Amherst and the Marquis de Vaudreuil, by which the latter surrendered to the Crown of England Detroit, Michilimackinac, and all the posts within the government of Canada that were in possession of the French.

A few days after the signing of this capitulation, Major Rogers was detached by General Amherst, at the head of a competent force, to take possession of the distant posts on the frontier, to administer to the French inhabitants there the oath of allegiance, and effectually to establish the power of England in place of that of France. He was ordered to embark his troops in boats, on Lake Erie, stopping on his way at Presque Isle, to make known to the officer of that post the instructions he had received. He was also the bearer of despatches to Brigadier General Monkton, which he was to deliver and receive from that officer his final orders as to the manner in which he should proceed to take possession of Detroit, Michilimackinac, and the other French posts. Having accomplished the objects of the expedition, he was to return in compliance with the orders that might be given him by General Monkton, transport his boats across the portage of Niagara Falls into Lake Ontario, where they were to be delivered into the hands of his commanding officer, and thence he was to march his detachment by land to Albany.

In obedience to these instructions, Major Rogers embarked the force assigned him in fifteen whale-boats at Montreal. On arriving at Fort Frontenac he met with a party of Indians who were out upon a hunting excursion, and communicated to them the first news of the capitulation. They found these savages friendly, and were supplied by them with wild fowl and venison. Soon after they fell in with another body of about fifty Indians, on a stream which flows into Lake Ontario, where they were taking salmon. They all appeared to be gratified with the intelligence that the French had surrendered the country. After arriving at Toronto, the detachment were not long in reaching Niagara, where they provided themselves with moccasins, blankets, and such other articles as were necessary for the expedition. Proceeding on their way to Detroit they soon reached Presque Isle, from which point Rogers embarked in a canoe and proceeded to the old site of Fort Duquesne, now called Pittsburg. Here he found Brigadier General Monkton, and delivered to him the despatches he had brought from General Amherst. A detachment of Royal Americans, or colonial troops, under Captain Campbell, were marched from this post for the purpose of aiding him in so hazardous an expedition. At the same time an officer was ordered to drive forty fat cattle from Presque Isle to Detroit, where it was supposed they would be wanted by the troops. Captain Wait was also sent back to Niagara for provisions, and directed on his return to coast along the northern shore of Lake Erie and encamp about twenty miles east of Detroit. Thus started the first English military expedition that had ever ventured upon the western shore of Lake Erie for the purpose of wresting from the French their possessions in these distant regions.

At this time appeared Pontiac, a chief who was destined to figure largely in the history of this territory at a subsequent period. His residence was

Pechee Island, which looks out upon the waters of Lake St. Clair, about eight miles above the city of Detroit. An Ottawa by birth, and belonging to a tribe which claimed to be the oldest in this quarter, he was greatly esteemed both by the English and French. Thus his influence was greater than that of any other individual among the lake tribes. His personal qualities, indeed, were such as to ensure respect; and he possessed, moreover, hereditary claims to authority, according to the customs of the Indians. His form was cast in the finest mould of savage grace and strength, and his eye seemed capable of penetrating at a glance the secret motives which actuated the tribes around him. Such was Pontiac, the daring chief who was about to dispute the English claims to the territory of the lakes. He could not endure the sight of this people driving the game from his huntinggrounds, and his old friends and allies, the French, from the lands they had so long possessed. Accordingly, when he was apprized that an English detachment was advancing along the lakes to take possession of the country, he could not restrain his indignation. Forthwith he despatched a body of Ottawas from Detroit, with a message to the English, who were then encamped at the mouth of Chogage river, informing them that Pontiac, the King of the country where they were, was approaching, and requesting them to stop until he should arrive. Pontiac, on reaching the English camp, demanded of Rogers the business on which he had come, and how he dared to enter his country without his permission. Major Rogers replied that he had no designs against the Indians, and that his only object was the removal of the French, who had hitherto been the means of preventing all friendly relations between his tribes and the English. Pontiac then gave him to understand that he should stand in his path until the morning, and at the same time presented him with a small string of wampum, signifying that he forbade the English detachment from advancing any farther without his permission. He also told Major Rogers that if he was in want of any food he would send his warriors, and they should procure it for him.


A council having in the meantime been held, Pontiac made his ance in the English camp the next morning, saying that he had the most friendly disposition towards the English, and he smoked the pipe of peace with their commander. At the same time, he informed Rogers that he would protect him against a party of Indians who had stationed themselves at the mouth of the Detroit river; and he sent also several of his warriors to assist Captain Brewer in bringing on the cattle which he was driving to Detroit. In addition to this, he despatched messengers to the Indians encamped on the Detroit river, and to those on the north and west shores of Lake Erie, to inform them that he had given the English permission to pass through his territory; and, still farther to evince his friendship, he supplied them with venison, wild turkeys, and several bags of parched corn.

Encamping at some distance from the mouth of the Detroit river, Rogers despatched the following letter to M. Bellestre, the French commandant at Detroit:

"To Captain Bellestre, or the Officer Commanding at Detroit:

"SIR:-That you may not be alarmed at the approach of the English troops under my command when I come to Detroit, I send forward this by Lieutenant Brheme, to acquaint you that I have General Amherst's orders to take possession of Detroit and such other posts as are in that district, which, by capitulation agreed to and signed by Marquis de Vaudreuil and General Amherst, the 8th of September last, now belong to Great Britain. I have with me the Marquis de Vaudreuil's letters to you, directed for your

guidance on this occasion, which letters I shall deliver you when I am at or near your post, and shall encamp the troops I have with me at some distance from the fort, till you have reasonable time to be made acquainted with the Marquis de Vaudreuil's instructions and the capitulation, a copy of which I have with me likewise.

"I am, sir, your humble servant,


After this he encamped with his detachment on a stream which empties into Lake Erie. Here he found a number of Huron chiefs, who inquired of him whether the reports which they had heard in regard to the surrender of the territory were true; apprizing him, at the same time, that they had been sent out by M. Bellestre for the purpose of defending the country, and to obtain information as to the events which had transpired below. Rogers confirmed the fact of the capitulation, and made a speech to the Hurons of the most conciliatory character; after which he encamped at the west end of Lake Erie with his detachment. The next day he met with a party of Indians, who told him that Bellestre was "a strong man," and that he intended to fight the English. Not long after, sixty Indians, who said that they had come from Detroit the previous day, arrived at his camp. They offered to conduct the English detachment to that place, and informed Rogers that M. Brheme, who had been sent by him with the letter, had been imprisoned by the French commandant.

While the English were thus advancing towards Detroit, the French commandant was not idle. He had collected round his post numerous tribes of savages, and, knowing that they were strongly impressed by symbols, he had caused a pole to be erected, with the image of a man's head on the top, and upon this was placed a crow. He told the Indians that the head

represented the English, and the crow himself, and that the meaning of it all was, that the French would scratch out the brains of their enemies. The Indians, however, would not believe it, and expressed their apprehensions that the reverse would be the fact, and that the English at Detroit would scratch out the brains of the French.

About this time Rogers received the following letter from the commandant of Detroit:

"SIR: I received the letter you wrote me by one of your officers, but, as I have no interpreter, cannot fully answer it. The officer that delivered me yours gives me to understand that he was sent to give me notice of your arrival to take possession of this garrison, according to the capitulation made in Canada; that you have likewise a letter from Monsieur Vaudreuil directed to me. I beg, sir, you will halt your troops at the entrance of the river till you send me the capitulation and the Marquis de Vaudreuil's letter, that I may act in conformity thereto.


I have the honor to be, &c., &c.,


Shortly after, on the 25th of November, the English commander received the letter inserted below from M. Bellestre:

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'DETROIT, 25th Nov., 1760. "SIR-I have already, by Mr. Barrager, acquainted you with the reasons why I could not answer particularly the letter which was delivered me the 22d instant by the officer you sent to me. I am entirely unacquainted with the reasons of his not returning to you. I sent my Huron interpreter to that nation, and told him to stop them should they be on the road, not


knowing positively whether they were inclined to favor you or us; and to tell them from me they should behave peaceably; that I knew what I owed to my general, and that, when the capitulation should be settled, I was obliged to obey. The said interpreter has orders to wait on you and deliver you this.

"Be not surprised, sir, if along the coast you find the inhabitants upon their guard. It was told them you had several Indian nations with you, to whom you had promised permission to plunder; nay, that they were even resolved to force you to it. I have therefore allowed the said inhabitants to take to their arms, as it is for your safety and preservation as well as ours; for, should those Indians become insolent, you may not, perhaps, in your present situation, be able to subdue them alone.

"I flatter, myself, sir, that, as soon as this shall come to hand, you will send me, by some of the gentlemen you have with you, both the capitulation and Monsieur de Vaudreuil's letter.

"I have the honor to be, sir,

"Your very humble and obedient servant,


After advancing five miles farther up the Detroit river, Rogers the next day sent a second letter, of which the following is a copy, by Captain Campbell:

"SIR:-I acknowledge the receipt of your two letters, both of which were delivered to me yesterday. Mr. Brheme has not yet returned. The enclosed letter from the Marquis de Vaudreuil will inform you of the surrender of all Canada to the King of Great Britain, and of the great indulgence granted to the inhabitants, as also of the terms granted to the troops of his most Christian majesty. Captain Campbell, whom I have sent forward with this letter, will show you the capitulation. I desire you will not detain him, as I am determined, agreeable to my instructions from General Amherst, speedily to relieve your post. I shall stop the troops I have with me at the hither end of the town till four o'clock, by which time I expect your answer. Your inhabitants will not surprise me: as yet I have seen no other in that position but savages waiting for my orders. I can assure you, sir, the inhabitants of Detroit shall not be molested, they and you complying with the capitulation, but be protected in the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of their estates; neither shall they be pillaged by my Indians, nor by yours that have joined me.

"I am, &c.,

"To Captain Bellestre, Commanding at Detroit."


After despatching this letter he pushed his boats up the Detroit river to within half a mile of the fort, and encamped his detachment in a field.

The English camp was soon visited by Captain Campbell and a French officer, who presented to Major Rogers M. Bellestre's compliments, stating that he was instructed by that officer to inform him that the post had been surrendered. Lieutenants Lefflie and McCormick were then sent with thirtysix Royal Americans, who immediately took possession of the fort; when the Indians, to the number of seven hundred, who had been collected there by the French commander, set up a tremendous yell, exulting that their prophecy concerning the crow had been verified.

Major Rogers now formally took possession of this important post, receiving at the same time a plan of the fort, and a list of the warlike and other

stores. The French commandant and the troops forming the garrison were placed under the charge of Lieutenant Holmes, with thirty Rangers, to be conducted to Philadelphia. Twenty men were also sent to escort the French soldiers from the posts of Miami and Gatanois, and the command of the fort was given to Captain Campbell. Rogers, having made a treaty with the neighboring Indians, set out with a party to Lake Huron for the purpose of taking possession of Michilimackinac; but the ice in the lake so obstructed his passage that he could not proceed by water, and the Indians told him that it would be impossible for him to reach that place by land without snow-shoes. Accordingly, having replaced the ammunition and stores which he had taken with him at Detroit, he left that post on the 21st of November, 1760, after intrusting to Captain Campbell its command. With the change of jurisdiction thus effected, a new scene will now open upon us.


No material change took place in the condition of the country in consequence of its surrender to the English. The capitulation of Montreal permitted the French emigrants to remain in the territory and to enjoy undisturbed their civil and religious rights. Agriculture was no more encouraged than before, and the same general plan continued to be pursued in conducting the fur-trade. No land was allowed to be purchased directly of the Indians, nor were the English commandants, styled governors, permitted to make any grants of land except within certain prescribed limits. The settlements of the French, however, continued to extend, and their long, narrow farms, surrounded by pickets and fronted by houses of bark or logs and their roofs thatched with straw, were seen stretching along the banks of all the principal streams. There were as yet no schools, and the instruction of the children continued to be confided entirely to the Catholic priests. Before that time peltries had constituted almost the only medium of traffic, but now English coin began to be introduced. Horses were for a long time unknown at Detroit, the first having been brought there, it is said, from Fort Duquesne after Braddock's defeat.

Although the English had acquired possession of the country, it had been against the will of the Indians. The design of Pontiac probably was to lead the English into his territory only that he might have a better opportunity to destroy them. He believed that it was their intention to drive him from his lands, and he therefore considered them as dangerous intruders. His spacious domain, its waters abounding with fish and its woods with game, had now fallen into the hands of a people whom he had always looked upon as his enemy. Some of the Indians had been struck by the British officers in the garrison, an indignity which their savage natures could not endure, and they readily joined with their chief to expel these hated strangers from their country.

Pontiac was not long in circulating war-belts among all the principal tribes on the borders of the lakes, and he formed a chain of operations extending more than a thousand miles along their waters. He flattered himself that if the British garrisons could be destroyed or driven away he should afterward be able effectually to defend the country against farther intrusion by means of his own strength combined with that of his savage allies. A grand council of the Indians was accordingly soon assembled at the River Aux Ecorce, and Pontiac addressed them in person. He told them that it was the design of the English to drive the Indians from their country, and that they were their natural and inveterate enemies. He also assured them

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