Was everything by starts, and nothing long; But, in the course of one revolving moon, Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon: Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking, Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking. Blest madman ! who... Imagination and Fancy, Or, Selections from the English Poets: Illustrative ... - Страница 32написао/ла Leigh Hunt - 1845 - 345 страницаПуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | John Dryden - 1716 - 424 страница
...fomething New to wilh, or to enjoy! Railing and praifing were his ufual Themes ; And both (to fliew his Judgment) in Extremes : So over Violent, or over...Civil, That every Man, with him, was God or Devil. In fquandring Wealth was his peculiar Ait : Nothing went unrewarded, but Defert. Beggar'd by Fools, whom... | |
 | Robert Shiells - 1753 - 366 страница
...fomething new to wifh, or to enjoy ! Railing, and pra;fing werehis ufual themes, And both, to fhew his judgment, in extremes ; So over violent, or over...civil, That every man with him was God, or devil. , In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art ; Nothing went unrewarded but defert. Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
 | John Dryden - 1760 - 448 страница
...fomething hew to wifh, or to enjoy ! Railing and praifing were his ufual themes ; And both, to fliew his judgment, in extremes: So over violent, or over...civil, That every man with him was God or Devil. In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art : Nothing v/ent unrewarded but defert. Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
 | 1762 - 560 страница
...fomething new to wifb, or to enjoy | " Railing and praifing were his ufual themes ; " And both (to fhew his judgment) in extremes : " So over violent, or...civil, " That every man with him was God or Devil. " In fquandring wealth was bis peculiar art : " Nothing went unrewarded, but defert. " Beggar'd by fools,... | |
 | 1764 - 200 страница
...fomething new to wifli or to enjoy ! • Railing and praifing were his ufual themes ; And both (to ihow his judgment) in extremes ; So over violent or over...civil, That every man with him was god or devil. In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art; Nothing went unrewarded but defert : Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
 | Joseph Grove - 1764 - 506 страница
...fomething new to wifh, or to enjoy! Railing and praifing were his ufual themes ; And bo.,ih (to mew his judgment) in extremes: So over violent, or over...civil, That every man, with him, was God or Devil. In fquandring wealth was his peculiar art. Nothing went unrewarded, but defert Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
 | George Villiers Duke of Buckingham - 1770 - 310 страница
...to enjoy ! Railing and praifing were his ufual themes, And both (to fhew his judgment) in extremes 5 So over violent, or over civil, That every man with him was god or devil. In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art ; Nothing went unrewarded but defert. Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
 | John Bell - 1777 - 636 страница
...all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking, Besides ten thousand freaks that dy'd in thinking. Blest madman ! who could every hour employ With something...enjoy ! Railing and praising were his usual themes, 335 And both (to show his judgment) in extremes ; So over violent, or over civil, That every man, with... | |
 | 1783 - 800 страница
...fomething new to wifli, or to enjoy ! •Railing and praifmg were his ufaal themes,; • And both (to (hew his judgment) in extremes : • So over- violent,...• That every man with him was God or devil. •In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art : • Nothing went unrewarded.btit defert. •• Beggar'd... | |
 | 1793 - 830 страница
...fomcthing new to with, or to rnjoy ! Railing and praifing were his ufual themes; And both, to (hew his judgment, in extremes : So over violent, or over...civil, That every man with him was God or Devil. In fquandering wealth was his peculiar art : Nothing went unrewarded but dt-fert. Beggar'd by fools, whom... | |
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