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Wiegmann. Hrsg. von W. F. Erichson. 10 r. Jahrg. 1844. Berlin. 26s.

Gmelin, L., Handbuch der Chemie. 4 Auff. 15. u. 16. Lief. 8vo. Heidelb. 4s.

Hartig, Dr. Th., Lehrbuch der Pflanzenkunde in ihrer Anwendung auf Forstwirthschaft. 7 u. 8 Heft. 4to. Berlin. 13s. 6d.

1 Abth.

sellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Redigirt von Dr. Wilh. Mahlmann. Neue Folge. 1 Bd. 8vo. Berlin. 8s.

Sobernheim, Dr. J. F., Elemente der allgemeinen Physiologie. 8vo. Berlin. 5s.

Synopsis Hepaticarum.Conjunctis studiis scripserunt et edi curaverunt Gottsche, Lindenberg, C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. Fasc. I. 8vo. Hamburg. 4s.

Kölliker, Dr. A., Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wicke, Dr. E. C., Versuch einer Monographie des

Cephalopoden. 4to. Zurich. 12s.

Lehmann, J. G. O., Novarum et minus cognitarum Stirpium pugilus VIII. 4to. Hamburg. 5s. Monatsberichte ueber die Verhandlungen der Ge

grossen Veitstanzes u- der unwillkurlichen Muskelbewegung, nebst Bemerkungen ueber den Taranteltanz und die Beriberi. 8vo. Leipzig. 14s.



Abrégé des Causes Célèbres et Interessantes, avec
les Jugements qui les ont decidés, par M. Berdel.
Bath, 1793, 179.

Abyssinia, and its Inhabitants, 43.
Affghan War, 212.

Aguessau, Discours de M. le Chancelier d', 179.
Ali-Agha, or Ali-Usta, History of, 168-170.
Almanach des Gourmands, par un Vieux Amateur.
Paris, 1803, 10 tomes, 98, 105.

American Theology.-The American Book Circu-
lar, with Notes and Statistics. London, 1843, 280.
Ampère, Voyage Dantesque, 1.
Angleterre, par Alfred Michiels.

(England, by A.

Michiels). Paris, 1844, 234.
Anglo-Indian Army:-Le Journal des Debats, 26
Mai, 1844-La Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 Mai,
1844, 210; military glory of the British, 210, 211;
character of the East India Company's army,
211-215; attachment of the Sipahi to his officer,
and illustrative anecdotes, 217, 218; exploits of
the British in India, 212; disasters of Affghanistan,
ib.; remarks on the policy of the Affghan war,
views of the Duke of Wellington and Lord
Palmerston, 212, 213; numerical strength of the
Indian army, 213; the recruiting of the Sipahis,
214; system of officering native regiments, ib.;
the Company's artillery and the camel-train, 214,
215; character of the Sipahi, 215; cordiality
subsisting between the Sipahi and the British
soldier; 215, 216; example of attachment in four
British soldiers to their officer, 217, 218; Lieut.
Eyre's narrative of the taking of the Fort Rika
Bashi, 219, 220; Lady's Sale's Journal, 220;
storming of Ghuzni, 221-223; history of the ser-
vices of Col. Outram, 224-226; the Bheel Corps,
227; pursuit of Dost Mahommed, 227-229; fall
of Khelat, 229; Lord Ellenborough and Sir H.
Hardinge, 233.

Annuaire des Voyages, et de la Géographie, pour
l'Année 1844. Par une réunion de Géographes
et de Voyageurs, sous la direction de M. Frederic
Lacroix. Paris, 1844, 129.

Artaud, Histoire de Dante Alighieri, 1.
Attribute (Die) der Heiligen, alphabetisch geordnet.
Ein Schlüssel zur Erkennung der Heiligen nach
deren Attributen in Rücksicht auf Kunst, Ge-
schichte un Kultur. Nebst eine Anhange, &c.
(The Attributes of the Saints, alphabetically ar-
ranged. A Key to the recognition of the Saints
in reference to Art, History, and Culture. With
an Appendix, &c.) Hanover, 1843, 281.
Azzolini, Sullo Spirito della Divina Commedia, 1.


Balbo, Vita di Dante, 1.
Balzac and George Sand, a parallel between, 145.
Euvres Complètes de. (See Euvres.)
Barzas-Breiz, Chants Populaires de la Bretagne,
recueillis et publiés avec une Traduction Fran-
çaise, des Eclaircissements, des Notes, et les
Melodies originales. (Popular Songs of Brittany,
&c.) By M. de la Villemarqué, 2 tom. Paris,
1839, 83; on the poetry of the Bretons, 83-86; |

[blocks in formation]

Causes Célèbres du dix-neuvième Siècle. Redigées.
par une Société d'Avocats et de Publicistes.
Paris, 1828, 180.

Choiseul-Daillecourt, 1688-1830, ou, Parallèle
Historique des Révolutions d'Angleterre et de
France, 128.

Coignard (Pierre), case of-Marshal Soult's opinion
concerning him, 195.

Colonies Etrangères et Hayti. Par V. Schoelcher.
Paris, 1842.-Candler's Brief Notices of Hayti,
with its Condition, Resources, and Property.
London, 1842.-Le Manifeste, 1st of May, 1842-
23d of April, 1844. Published at Port-au-Prince,
239; history of the Revolutions in Hayti, ib.;
hostility of the races to each other, 240, 241;
downfall of Christophe, 241; President Boyer,
241, 242; Mr. Candler's work noticed, 242;
earthquake in Hayti, 243, 244; revolt of Aux
Cayes, 246; fire at Port-au-Prince, ib.; abdica-
tion of Boyer, ib.; insurrection in the Spanish
portion of the Island, 247; French Consul in St.
Domingo, ib.; latest intelligence from Hayti-
General Guerrier, President, 248.

Combes et Tamisier (MM.), Voyage en Abyssinie,
dans le Pays de Galla de Choa et d' Ifat; précédé
d'une Excursion dans l'Arabie Heureuse, &c., 43.
Compte du Matériel de la Marine, Session 1840,
1845, 278, 279.

Cours de Littérature Dramatique; ou, de l' Usage
des Passions dans le Drame. (On the Employ-
ment of the Passions in the Drama.) Par M.
Saint Marc Girardin. Paris, 1843, 33; the 'Lao-
koon' of Lessing, 33, 41; summary of M. Girar-
din's work, 33-40; extract, 41.

Cuisinier Français (Le Nouveau et Parfait), en-
seignant la Manière de bien apprester et assais-
oner touts les sortes des Viandes, grasses et mai-
gres, Legumes et Patisseries, &c.-Augmenté
d'un Traité de Confitures, &c. Par le Sieur de
la Varranne, Ecuyer de Cuisine de Monsieur d'-
Uxelles. Rouen, 1692-Le Cuisinier Gascon.
Amsterdam, 1747.-Les Dons de Comus; ou,
l'Art de la Cuisine. Paris, 1758-Almanach
des Gourmands. Paris, 1803, &c., 98; history of
Cookery and Cookery-books, 98, 99; the first mo-
dern Cookery-book (published in Spain), 99; the
first French Cookery-book, 99, 100 'Les Dons

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du Comus,' 100; Father Brumoy,-his compari- |
son of ancient and modern Cookery, 100, 101;
the Almanach des Gourmands,' 105; the Phy-
siologie du. Goût,' 107; the Gentlewoman's
Companion,' 108; Mrs. Dalgairns' Cookery-book,
109; Dr. hitchener's, ib.; Ude's, ib.; Mr. Walk-
er's Original,' 110; Mrs. Rundell's Domestic
Cookery, 110, 111; Carême, 111; remarks on
English and French Cookery, 112-114.
Cuisinier Gascon (Le), Nouvelle édition. A la-
quelle on a joint la Lettre du Patissier Anglois.
Amsterdam, 1747, 98.

--, L'Art du. Par A. Beauvilliers, Paris, 1816, 98.
Culinary Literature and History of the Art of
Cookery (See Cuisinier Français), 98.


Dahlmann, Geschichte der Englischen Revolu-
tion, 174.

Dalgairns' (Mrs.) Practice of Cookery, 98.
Dante Alighieri:-Opere minori di. Firenze,
1835-41.-Biographie de. Par M. Fauriel, 1836,
-Leçons sur. Par M. Lenormant. Paris, 1839.-
Vita di, scritta da Cesare Balbo. Turin, 1839-
et la Philosophie Catholique au 13ème Siècle.
Par A. F. Ozanam. Paris, 1839.-Histoire de
Par M. Artaud. Paris. 1841.-Voyage Dan-
tesque. Par M. Ampère, 1840.-Sullo Spirito
della Divina Commedia. Del Marchese Azzo-
lini. Firenze, 1837,1; Life and Works of Dante,
1, &c., &c.---Dante's commentators, 3; forgeries
attributed to him, 4; errors of Filelfo, ib.; Ugo
Foscolo on Dante, 5; errors of MM. Ozanam,
Balbo, Artaud, and other biographers, ib.; Bea-
trice, 8; the Guelphs and Ghibelines, 12.
Detmold, Randzeichnungen, 282.

Discours de M. le Chancelier d'Aguessau. Paris,
1820, 179.

Dons de Comus (Les); ou, l'Art de la Cuisine.
Paris, 1758, 98, 100.

Domestic Cookery (New System of). By a Lady,
67th edition. London, 1943, 98, 110.

Dudevant, Madame (George Sand), Euvres Com-
plètes de, 145.

Dupin, the elder, a notice of, 193, &c.; his advice to
Beranger respecting his Songs, 196.
Duveyrier, Letters Politiques, 127.


English Revolution, Prof. Dahlmann's History of
the, 174.

Estourmel, Journal d'un Voyage en Orient, 130.
Ethiopia, the Highlands of By Major W. Corn-
wallis Harris, of the H. E. I. Company's Engi-
neers, 3 vols. London, 1844.-Voyage sur la
Cote Orientale de la Mer Rouge, dans le Pays
d'Adel et le Royaume de Choa. Par C. E. X.
Rochet d'Héricourt. Paris, 1811.-4 Geogra-
phical Survey of Africa, its Rivers, Lakes, &c.
By James Mc Queen, Esq. London, 1840.-
Voyage en Abyssinie, &c., &c. By MM. Edward
Combes et Tamisier, 1835-1837. Paris, 1838,

Fesquet, Voyage en Orient, fait en 1839 et 1840
avec Horace Vernet, 130.

Fontanier, Voyage dans l'Inde et dans le Gol
Persique, par l'Egypt et la Mer Rouge, 163.
Foscolo (Ugo), his edition of the Divina Comme
dia,' 3-5.

Francklin's translation of the Tragedies of Soph
cles, 248.

French Bar, history of. (See Plaidoyers et H

French Cook (The). By Louis Eustache U
London, 1829, 98.

French Navy, and the Prince de Joinville. (Se
Note sur l' Etât, &c.


Galloway (John Alex.), on the proposed In
provements in the Overland Route via Egy

Geijer, Svenska Folkets Historia. (History of t,
Swedes,) 61.

Geographical Survey of Africa, its Rivers, Lakes
&c. With a Map on an entirely new Cons
tion. To which is prefixed, a Letter to Lo
John Russell regarding the Slave Trade and th
Improvement of Africa. By James Mc Quee:
Esq. London, 1840, 43.
Gentlewoman's Companion; or, a Guide to t
Female Sex, containing Directions of Beharie
in all Places, Companies, Relations, and Con
tions, from their Childhood to Old Age. L
German Newspaper Press:-Allgemeine Ze
don, 1673, 98.
(Universal Gazette). Augsburg-Deutsche A
gemeine Zeitung (German Universal Gazette
Leipzig-Allgemeine Preussische Zeitung (
versal Prussian Gazette). Berlin, &c, &c.,
Education in Germany, ib.; German works f
England, 201, 202; state of the public press
Germany, 203, 204; the censorship, 204; bisten
of the Allgemeine Zeitung,' from its commence
ment, 205, 206; the 'Leipzig Universal Gaze
207, 208; the Prussian Universal Gazete
209; the Cologne Gazette,' 'Frankfort Journal
&c., 209, 210.

[ocr errors]

Geschichte der Englischen Revolution. Von F.C
Dahlmann (History of the English Revolution
Leipzig, 1844, 174; application of the word 'Re
volution,' 174, 175; remarks on Dahlmans
work, 175; partisanship of native historians, ib :
errors pointed out, 176-179.

Geschichte Swedens. Von E. G. Geijer, übersetzt.
von Swen P. Leffler. Hamburg, 1832-36.
Bände, 61.

Ghuzni, storming of, 221; Captain Havelock's Nar-
rative of the approach to, 221-223.
Girardin, Cours de Littérature Dramatique, 33.
Gurwood's Despatches of Field-Marshal, the Duke
of Wellington, 253.


43; description of Abyssinia and its inhabitants, Harris (Major W. Cornwallis), The Highlands of

44; Aden, 45; French intrigues in Eastern Afri-
ca, and the shores of the Red Sea, 46-48; British
Embassy at Shoa, 48; the great Salt Lake or

Ethiopia, 43.

· Portraits of the Game and Wild
Animals of Southern Africa, 282.

'Sea of Honey,' 49, 50; Major Harris's interview Hayti, historical sketch of the Revolutions in, 239

with the King of Shoa, 50, 51; the adventures of

great earthquake in, 243-245.

M. Evan, 52; the Abuna, or Patriarch of Abyssi- Heimskringla, Sagen der Könige Norwegens, von

nia, 53, 54; African articles of trade, 54-59;
Berbera, 54; Slave-Trade, 55-57; captive Abyssi-
nian princes, 57, 58; remarks on the different
books of travels in Africa, 60.
Euripides, the Iphigenia of, 35.


Fauriel, Biographie de Dante, 1.

Snorro Sturleson. Aus dem Islandischen von D.
Gottlieb Mohnike. 1er Band. Mit einem Karte,

Stralsund, 268.

Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Nor-
way. Translated from the Icelandic of Snorro
Sturleson. By Samuel Laing, Esq. London,

1844. 3 vols., 268.

Heretic (The). Translated from the Russian of

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Lajétchnikoff. By Thomas Shaw, B. A., 3 vols.
London, 1834, 130.
Histoire Critique du Rationalisme en Allemagne,
depuis son Origine jusqu'à nos Jours. (A Critic-
al History of Rationalism in Germany from its
Origin to the present Time.) Par Armand
Saintes. 2me edition. Paris, 1843, 124.
Hugo (Victor), Catarina, 36, 37.
Hunt's Life of Sir H. Palliser, 271.


Icelandic, or Old Norse Tongue, Grammar of the.
Translated from the Swedish of Erasmus Rask.
By George Webbe Desent, M. A. London, 1843,

Illustres Medecins et Naturalistes des Temps Mo-
dernes. (Distinguished Physicians and Natural-
ists of Modern Times. By M. Isid Bourdon.
Paris, 1844, 126.

Inde Anglaise (L') en 1843. (British India in
1843.) Par le Compte Edouard de Warren.
Ancien Officier au Service de S. M. Britannique
dans l'Inde, Presidence de Madras. Paris, 1814,
114; character of the work, 115; opinion of it
given by the French press, 116; policy of the
East India Company, 117, 118; Gwalior and
Cutch, 118, 119; the Thugs, 119; incident in the
Beloochistan war, 120; native Indian troops, 121,



Joinville (Le Prince de), Note sur l'Etat des Forces
Navales de la France, 270.

Journal d'un Voyage en Orient, par le Compte Jo-
seph D'Estourmel, 2 vols. Paris, 1844, 130.



Napoleon's dislike to lawyers, 193.
New Works published on the Continent, (List of),
141-143; 288-290.
Ney, trial of, 193.

Niederlandische Sagen. Gessammelt und mit An-
merkungen begleitet, herausgegeben von Johann
Wilhelm Wolf. (Legends of the Netherlands,
collected, illustrated with notes, and edited by J.
W. Wolf.) Leipsic, 1843, 282.

Note sur l' Etât des Forces Navales de la France.
Par l'Amiral Prince de Joinville (published in the
'Revue des Deux Mondes,' for May). The Ports,
Arsenals, and Dockyards of France.
By a
Traveller.-Rapport sur le Matériel de la Marine.
Par M. le Baron Tupinier. Paris, 1838, 270;
sketch of the history of the French navy, 271-274;
naval career of the Prince de Joinville, 274; rapid
progress of the French navy, 274, 275; the Prince
de Joinville's pamphlet, 275, 276; naval victories
of the British over the French, 276, 277; French
navy estimates. 278, 279


Observations on the proposed Improvements in the
Overland Route via Egypt, and Remarks on the
Ship Canal, the Boulac Canal, and the Suez Rail-
road, by John Alexander Galloway, Esq., C. E.,
1844, 283.

Euvres Complètes de M. de Balzac. Paris, 1842,
1843.-Œuvres Complètes de George Sand, ac-
compagnées de morceaux inédits. Paris, 1842,
1843, 145; George Sand and Balzac compared,
as moralists, 245-150; as artists, 151-158;*as en-
tertaining writers, 158-161; British reviewers of
George Sand's writings, 161, 162:

çaise, contenant ses Plaidoyers, Harangues, &c.
3me édition, augmentée de plusieurs Plaidoyers,
&c. Paris, 1714, 179.

Kaiserreich Rusland (Das). Statistisch-Geschicht-Euvres diverses de M. Patru, de l'Academie Fran-
liche Darstellung seiner Kultur-Verhaltnisse,
namentlich in, &c. (Agricultural, Trading and
Commercial Statistics of the Russian Empire.)
Von Freiherrn Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden.
Berlin, Posen, and Bromberg, 1843, 73.


Laing's translation of the Heimskringla; or, Chroni-
cle of the Kings of Norway, 268.
Lajétchnikoff's Heretic, translated by Thomas
Shaw, B. A., 130.
Lavalette's trial, 193.

Leçons sur Dante dans le Cours d'Histoire moderne,
par M. Lenormant. Paris, 1839, 1.
Lemaistre, Recueil de divers Plaidoyers et Ha-
rangues, prononcés au parlement, 179.
Lessing's Laokoon,' 33, 41.

Lettres Politiques. Par M. Charles Duveyrier.
2me edition. Paris, 1843, 127.

List of the principal New Works published on the

Continent, 141-143; 288-290.

Literary Notices (Miscellaneous), 131-140; 283-


Literature of Germany from the earliest Period to
the present Time. By Franz L. J. Thimm.
Edited by William Henry Farn. London, 1844,


Lyndhurst (Lord), anecdote of, 196, 197.
Lytton (Sir E. Bulwer), translation of the Odes
and Ballads of Schiller, 258.


Mc Queen's Geographical Survey of Africa, 43.
Mecca, description of the pilgrimage to, 167, 168.
Merivale's translation of the Minor Poems of
Schiller, 258.

Michiels' England,' 234.

Miscellaneous Literary Notices, 131-140; 283-287.
Moreau, trial of, 192.

Original (The). By Thomas Walker, M. A. Lon-
don, 1834, 98.

Ozanam, Dante et la Philosophie Catholique, au
13ème Siècle, 1.


Palmerston (Lord), his Asiatic policy, 213, 233.
Palliser, Life of Sir H. By R. M. Hunt, Esq.,
1844, 540.

Parallèle Historique des Révolutions d'Angleterre
et de France, sous Jacques II. et Charles X. Par
M. le Compte Maxime de Choiseul Daillecourt.
Paris, 1844, 128.

Pasquier, short biographical account of, 186.
Patru, notice of, 188, 189.

Physiologie du Goût; ou, Méditations de Gastro-

nomie transcendante. Par un Professeur. Paris,
1828, 98.

Physiologie de l' Homme de Loi. Par un Homme
de Plume, Vignettes de MM. Trimolet et Mau-
risset. Paris, 180.

Plaidoyers et Harangues (recueil de divers), pro-
noncés au parlement. Par M. Antoine Lemais-
tre, 3me édition, 1656.-Euvres diverses de M.
Patru, de l'Academie Française, contenant ses
Plaidoyers, &c.-Abrégé des Causes Célèbres
et Interessantes, avec les Jugements qui les
ont decidées. Par M. Berdel, 179; history of the
French Bar, 180-183; ordinances concerning the
functions of advocates, 183-185; institution of
the order of advocates, 183; the Cours d'amour,
184, 185; religious obstacles, 185; notices of
celebrated advocates, with extracts from their
pleadings, 186-191; suppression and re-establish-
ment of the order, 191, 192; modern French ad-
vocates, and quotations from their speeches, 192;
Napoleon's dislike to lawyers, 193; the French

bar at the restoration, ib.; political trials, 195;
prosecution of Beranger, 196; anecdote of Lord
Lyndhurst, 196, 197; the revolution of 1830, and
trial of Charles X.'s ministers, 199; judicial or-
ganization of France, 199-201.

Ports (The), Arsenals and Dockyards of France.
By a Traveller. 1841, 271.

Potter's translation of the Tragedies of schylus,

Procés célèbres de la Revolution; ou, Tableau His-
torique de plusieurs Procés fameux, tenant aux
principaux Evènemens de l'Interregne revolu-
tionnaire potamment. Par M. G. Avocat. Paris.
1814, 179.


Racine's 'Iphigenie,' beauties in, 36.
Randzeichnungen. Vom Advocaten Detmold, in
Hanover. Braunschweig. 1844, 282.
Rapport sur le Matériel de la Marine. Par M. le
Baron Tupinier. Paris. 1838, 271, 277.
Rask (Erasmus), Grammar of the Icelandic or Old
Norse Tongue. Translated by George Webbe
Desent, M. A., 130.

Recent Publications (Short Reviews of ), 124-131;

Reden (Freiherrn F. W. von), Das Kaiserreich
Russland. Statistischgeschichtliche Darstellung
seiner Kultur-Verhaltnisse, &c., 73.
Rochet d'Hericourt, Voyage sur la Côte Orientale
de la Mer Rouge, dans le Pays d'Adel et le
Royaume de Choa, 43.

Russia, commercial policy of, 73.
Russian mission in Teheran, massacre of the, 171.


Saintes (Armand) Histoire Critique du, Rational-
isme en Allemagne, 124.

Sand (George), Euvres Complètes de: accom-
pagnées de morceaux inédits, 145.
Schoeman, Des Eschylos Gefesselter Prometheus,
Griechisch und Deutsch, 248.
Schiller's Odes and Ballads translated by Sir E.
Bulwer Lytton, Bart.-Minor poems of Schiller
translated for the most part into the same metres
with the original. By John Herman Merivale,
Esq., 258; character of Schiller's poetry, 259, 260;
the translations compared, 261; Dr. Anster's con-
tributions to Merivale's collection, 262; versifi-
cation, 262, 263; specimens from the two works,

Selbst-Schau. Erster Theil. Das Schicksal und
der Mensch. (Self-Contemplation. Part First.
Man and his Destiny.) By Heinrich Zschokke.
Aarau. 1843, 18; life of the author, 19, &c.; his
literary works, 23, 32.

Seneca's Polyxena, 35.

Session de 1845. Compte du Matériel de la Ma-
rine, 271.

Short Reviews of recent Publications, 124-131;

Sinde. Captain Postans' work on, 232. (See Note.)
Sipahis, 120, 211, 215.

Snorro Sturleson, Life of, 268, 269.

bridge, 1809, 248; German and English Transla
tions from the Greek, ib.; observations on trans
lation, 249; Leigh Hunt, ib.; Francklin's Sopho
cles, 252; examples of inaccuracies in poetical
translations, 252-255; Potter's Eschylus, 255
specimens of German translations, with liten
English versions, 255-257; English prose tras
lation of Sophocles, 257, 258.
Staeger, Sophocles Tragödien. Urschrift und
Uebersetzung, 248.

Sullo Spirito della Divina Commedia. Del Mr
chese Azzolini. Firenze. 1837, 1.
Svenska Folkets Historia. Af Erik Gustaf Geije
(History of the Swedes.) Orebo, 1832-183-
Geschichte Swedens von E. G. Geijer, uebersez
von Swen P. Leffler. Hamburg, 1832-1836.6
outline of Geijer's work, 63-73; Dr. Leffer
translation,63; aboriginal races of Scandinavia
early history of Sweden, 65, 66; Anscharius te
Swedish apostle, 66-67; union of the three kine
doms, 69; Gustavus Vasa, 70; Gustavus Ad
phus, 71, 72.

Sweden. (See Svenska Folkets, &c.)

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sur la Côte Orientale de la Mer Rouge, dans
le Pays d'Adel et le Royaume de Choa, par C.E.
X. Rocher d'Héricourt. Paris, 1841, 43.

Dantesque, par M. Ampère, 1840, 1.
dans l'Inde et dans le Golphe Persique, par
l'Egypt et la Mer Rouge. Par V. Fontanier
Vice-Consul de France à Bassora ler partie, Pa
ris. 1844, 163; character of the English, 164,
165; coral-beds described, 166, 167; pilgrimage
to Mecca, 167, 168; Ali-Usta, 168-170; Zobeir
170; Russian mission at Teheran, 171; murder

of Ben-Tajib, 173, 174.

en Orient fait en 1839 et 1840, avec Horace
Vernet, Texte et Desseins par Goupil Fesquet.

Paris, 1843, 130.


Walker's Original,' 98, 110.

Sophocles and Eschylus, German and English Warren (Le Compte de), L'Inde Anglaise en 1844,

Translations of: Sophokles Tragödien. Von F. 114.

W. G. Staeger. Urschrift und Uebersetzung. Wellington, Duke of, on late events in India, 212,

Halle, 1842.-Das Sophokles Antigone. Greich- 233.

isch und Deutsch. Herausgegeben von August Wolf, Niederlandische Sagen, 282.

Boeckh. Berlin. 1843. Das Eschylus Gefes- Woolley's Gentlewoman's Companion; or, Guide

selter Prometheus. Griechisch und Deutsch. to the Female Sex, 98, 108.
Von G. F. Schoeman. Griefswald. 1844.-The

Tragedies of Eschylus, translated by R. Potter,
1819. The Tragedies of Sophocles, from the


Zobeir, description of, 170.

Greek. By the Rev. Thomas Francklin, D. D., Zschokke, Selbst-Schau. Das Schicksal und der

Professor of Greek in the University of Cam-

Mensch, 18.

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