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is converted, and it is only for the use and benefit of converted souls that the sacraments are designed. A man destitute of penitence and faith has no more right to a participation in these sacraments, than an individual has to draw money from a bank who has no funds deposited in its treasury, and no personal interest in its concerns. The design of the sacraments is not to impart spiritual life where it is not possessed; but to strengthen and cherish it where it already exists. And no greater injury can be done to the cause of Christ and the welfare of the church, than to represent them as the necessary and appointed means for conveying converting grace. This is to cause the trumpet of the Gospel to give an uncertain sound. It is to point the inquiring soul in the wrong direction for salvation, and to cause it to rest its hopes upon a false foundation. The strength and glory of the Gospel lies, not in the efficacy of its sacraments, but in the power of its truth. preaching of that truth in its simplicity and purity is, to the church, what his unshorn locks were to Samson the secret of all his wonder-working power. To direct the attention of men to anything else than that truth, as the appointed agency for their renewal unto life, is to rob the Gospel of its power and glory, and make it like one of the many systems of man's devising. The law or the truth of God is the one great appointed instrumentality for the soul's conversion, and it is the efficacy of that truth to accomplish this which constitutes its crowning glory and perfection.




ALONE with God! How solemn, how sublime the idea! How tranquillisinghow comforting-how fraught with impregnable security, with indefatigable strength! Yet how awful! "Jacob was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place!" And Peter was bewildered and awe-struck, while he exclaimed, "It is good for us to be here!"

Alone with God! Such is the attitude of the Christian in prayer. "Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray." "There are," says Stilling,

heart-sorrows and plagues which the Christian could not bear to tell to his most intimate earthly friend." There are fears which we dare not whisper into mortal ear. There are hopes and joys

too vast and glorious to be imparted.. But when the Christian has hid his face in the bosom of his Father, he can breathe forth all; for when words fail, he can resort to the language of sighs and groans, for "he knoweth our thoughts afar off." "He that searcheth the heart, knoweth what is the mind of the spirit, because he make intercession for the saints according to the will of God." The Infinite Spirit prompts—the Infinite can alone understand them. Here there is no fear of betrayal, of contempt, of lack of appreciation and sympathy. For we converse with an Infinite Spirit whose name is Love, and who has told us to "pour out our hearts before him.”

Wondrous privilege! Does then this lowly, mortal, sinful, and suffering state admit of such intercourse with God? Yes! "Our communion is with the Father." Thou mayst at any moment, even at this, in the name of Jesus, enter the palace of the Universal Majesty, and, unquestioned by the bright guards who surround him, penetrate to the recesses of his glorious and awful abode, and stand in the very presence of the "King eternal, immortal, and invisible," and then, make thy requests known unto God," sure, yes, absolutely sure of a gracious hearing and a ready answer. For he hath said, "Call upon me, and I will answer you." "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to thee.”


Christian, be often thus alone with God; for this sweet and holy solitude, though it is much aided by occasional external silence and seclusion, may be attained even in the midst of bustle and multitudes of cares. Be often alone with God, and thou shalt never faint in sorrow, nor sink under duty. "Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee." Thou shalt begin heaven upon earth. For communion with God is heaven's commencement, and glory's dawn. Thou shall "dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty," and all the promises which follow, (read and ponder them well, Psa. xci.), shall be thine, even to seeing "the salvation of God."


Men ought not to live unto themselves from the very fact that they live at all.

Life is an incalculable blessing. Who can estimate its worth? All that a man hath will he give for his soul or life. No man hath called himself into existence. Apart from the will of

the Eternal One, all creatures might combine to produce one living thing, whether it were animalcule or animal, and they would assuredly fail. So extraordinary a possession is life, that without it everything else is vanity and vexation of spirit. Tell the merchant that he shall win for himself the treasures of every clime,tell the student that all knowledge, both of time past and of time to come, shall be laid at his feet, tell the commander that every sword shall be sheathed on his advance, and that every enemy shall be changed into an ally,tell the Alexanders who weep because other crowns and other kingdoms are not to be won, that every crown shall be doffed at their word, and that every kingdom and every world shall acknowledge their sway: but what would they all care for your promises, however ambitious they might be, if with the same breath you assured them life would be lost by the acquisition ? And on the other hand, tell a man he must resign his riches, and honours, and comforts, and influence,-and that he must become a poor outcast, if he will retain life at all, and the most courageous will become a coward, and the boastful will falter, and at last agree to the conditions you propose: What does all this show? The value people set upon life. But when it is borne in mind that life is not selforiginating, that it is held only at the will of Another, that we can do literally nothing, and that no creature can do anything to preserve it when the Divine fiat has gone forth, "Thou shalt die;" how weighty does the obligation become that we shall not live unto ourselves, but unto Him who grants us life!

Men ought not to live unto themselves, from the very fact that they are capable of living unto God.

Human capacity may well be a subject of wonder. If it belongs to the Divine Being alone to create, it is permitted to man that he shall contemplate what is created, and that he shall draw from creation, for the instruction and benefit of his own mind, many of the secrets with which it has been entrusted. But while we cannot but admire the capacity of man as is shown in connection with the things of earth and time, in uncovering the hidden, in penetrating the obscure, in taking in both the past and the future; we are struck with highest wonderment when we contemplate the mind of man in its relation to the ever-blessed God. That there is a connection between the Divine Being and the meaner parts of animal existences, we by no means deny; but that there is a felt, a conscious connection on the part of the creature, we cannot admit. Indeed, we are inclined to think that wherever this felt connection begins, however low and imperfect may be its manifestation, there is rationality, and consequently responsibility. It is quite true that the flower as it blooms in your garden, and sends up its aroma to the skies,-the tree that towers in the forest, and spreads out its branches for the fowls to take shelter under,-the thousands of animals that live on the earth or warble in the heavens, quite as much accomplish the design for which God created them as the angels that dwell around the eternal throne. But then all these things differ from man in this important respect-they are destitute of will, and are entirely obedient, apart altogether from personal volition, to the will of Another. Besides man, all other earthly creatures leap at once to the

perfection of which they are capable, and are the blind children of instinct, their infallible guide. How glorious a distinction is conferred upon man, in the fact that he has the power to live unto God! How he can thread his way among all the wandering mazes of this universe to the throne of the Eternal! What discoveries he can make in nature, and providence, and revelation, in reference to the great object of his worship! And who will say that if such a capacity as this is possessed it ought not to be employed? While you are akin to angels and may be made like to God, is it fitting that you should live for the sake of some sinful sensual gratification by which you will become likened to demons? Are you a man? and will you not assert the true dignity of your manhood? Are you possessed of reason? and will you not let it rest upon its Author? Are you made in the likeness of God, only a little lower than the angels, and will you so debase and defile your nature that, like the prodigal son, you shall wish to herd with beasts? Let no man live unto himself.

Men ought not to live unto themselves, from the fact that God has made such provision for their living to him.

We might have found reason enough for living to God from the fact of its being God's pleasure that such should be the case. As it is, we not only know that he requires men to live to him, but in addition to having made known this requirement, he has made such provision for our serving him, and has put within our reach such helps for this high service, that he must be indeed a bad man who does not render unto God what he requires. Not only have we been created by the Almighty power of God, not only are all our wants provided for by his beneficial providence,-not only does he make all creatures minister to our welfare, but in addition to all these things, he has expressly provided, in the most extraordinary manner, for our hearts, and thoughts, and lives being given to him. Do you ask, How do we know that this is the case? Look at the instructions which have come down directly from heaven, and which are contained in the volume of Holy Scriptures. Look at the gift of his own dear Son, who entered our earth for the purpose of making an abundant provision for the salvation of all. Look at the promise of the Holy Spirit, to all who ask in faith, nothing doubting. Look at the return of Sabbath after Sabbath and opportunity after opportunity that men may be induced to consecrate their hearts to the claims of the Son of God. Is it nothing to you that all these things have been devised by the Divine Being to effect your salvation? Is it nothing to you that God exclaims, "Live not to the world, nor to the things of the world. Live not for the gratification of passion and appetite, for the pursuit of pleasure and honour, for the attainment of worldly riches! See what I have done for you, and live for me! See what I am still doing for you, and live for me! He that liveth to me, lives to the highest and most glorious object! He that liveth to himself, displeases me, robs me of my rightful possession, and entails upon himself everlasting death!" Northallerton.

J. B. L.


THE following admirable rules by which to prepare a profitable attendance on the public services of the Sabbath, are suggested by the excellent missionary Schauffler, and are worthy of being engraved on every Christian heart.

1. Cultivate day by day simplicity of heart and humility, and a proper regard for the precious word of God.

2. Compose your mind on Saturday evening or night, for the solemn exercises of the holy Sabbath.

3. On Sabbath morning rise early. Let secret prayer and meditation be your first exercise.

4. Keep in a still and uniform frame all the Sabbath. Read little except the Bible; relish and digest what you read. But,

5. Take care that this is all done in a sweet and easy way; make no toil or task out of the service of God. Do all freely and cheerfully, without violent effort.

6. Keep your heart with all diligence, as you go to the house of God; look not hither and thither unnecessarily, lest your mind be distracted and your devotion lost. Much less look about in the sanctuary; for this is a mark of disregard.

7. Ask, either at home or in the sanctuary, for God's blessing upon yourself, the preacher, and all the hearers.

8. When you retire after services, remember your obligations to God for having heard his word, and your responsibility for its improvement. Remember the perishing heathen, and ask that the Gospel may speedily be preached unto every creature.

9. During the Sabbath, refrain from remarks of any kind on the preaching; and from censorious remarks refrain always, except when and where duty may call for them.

10. Digest what you may hear, and do it, which will be the best preparation for the next Sabbath, if you should live to see it.

Thus shall your Sabbaths fit you for an everlasting rest in heaven; and the manna on which you feed in the wilderness of this world shall sustain you until you are admitted "to the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God," which may God, in his infinite mercy, grant through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory in the church for ever! Amen.

DR. CHALMERS ON INFIDELITY. "THE truth of Christianity," says Dr. Chalmers, "is neither more nor less than the truth of certain facts that have been handed down to us by the testimony of reporters. Let the historical evidences on which it rests be made to pass in review, and become the subject of sober, inductive examination; let the question be decided by a fair and patient inquiry; let the enemies of our faith show the world that their infidelity rests on higher grounds than a stale invective against the jugglery of priests, or the pertness of a flippant witticism; let them bring along with them the spirit of cool and candid reflection, an anxiety after truth, and a ready submission to evidence. How little do they think, as they strut along in the pride of their infidel philosophy, how little of the spirit and temper of true philosophy is in them-of that humble, cautious

spirit which Bacon taught, and on which Newton rests the immortality of his genius!

There is a puppyism in infidelity for which I have no patience. I thought that now-a-days both gentlemen and philosophers would have been ashamed of it! At the commencement of the last century one had some credit in sporting the language of unbelief and infidelity, for they were supported by the countenance of Shaftesbury and Bolingbroke, who, in addition to their being peers of the realm, had a sufficient acBut quaintance with their mother tongue. infidelity, like every other fashion, has had its day, and since the masterly and triumphant defences of our English divines, it has been generally abandoned by the superior and the more enlightened classes of society; and to use the words of an Oxford professor, is now rarely to be heard but in the language of bakers, and brewers, and bricklayers, and bell-menders, ard bottle-blowers, and blackguards.'

"I revere Christianity, not because it is the religion of my fathers,-I revere it, not because it is the established religion of my country,-I revere it, not because it brings to me the emolu. ments of office; but I revere it because it is built on the solid foundation of impregnable argument; because it has improved the world by the lessons of an ennobling morality; and because, by the animating prospects it holds out, it alleviates the sorrows of our final departure hence, and cheers the gloomy desolation of the grave."-Life of Chalmers, vol. i, pp. 153-4.



I SHALL not discuss the question, whether in this respect "the former days were better than these " Forty years ago it was almost the universal custom, I believe, in Christian families, to crave a blessing before meals, and to give thanks when they rose from the table. The custom almost as uniform now is, to unite both in one service. As we find no positive directions in the Bible, with regard to this matter, I suppose we may adhere to the old custom, or fall in with that which has for several years been fast taking its place, as may seem to us most convenient and proper. "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."

But I have a word or two to say about the manner in which this table service was and is performed. Formerly, it was expanded by some into a regular prayer of two or three minutes. This was going into one extreme; but not so far as many now go into the other. I often hear the whole despatched in a single sentence, and that a very short one. Half a dozen monosyllables are about all. I was going to say, this sounds like mere form; but it is hardly that. It looks more like saying grace because you must, than a serious address to the "Giver of every good and perfect gift."

The other fault which I have noticed lately, is, speaking so low as not to be heard across the table. I do not deny that it is a petition, or a "giving of thanks," for undoubtedly a man may "pray in the spirit," when nobody hears him; but it cannot be "to edification," and the closet is the better place for such prayers. Surely those who keep up the form of asking a blessing

and returning thanks at meals, ought to speak loud enough to allow all who wish for the privilege to join them.


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To this little flock (the children of a single
family) are given regularly two rulers, taking
them all in all, better disposed and better
qualified, in almost all instances, than any other
persons found in the world. The circumstances
in which those are placed who are to be go-
verned are more favourable to the accomplish-
ment of the end than any other can be.
infancy, childhood, and youth in succession,-
their feebleness, dependance, and ignorance,—
the affection and superiority, the care and
kindness of the parents,-the instinctive love
and reverence of the children, together with
their necessary and long-continued residence
during their earliest years under the paternal
roof-all these present to the contemplative eye
a combination of things which display, by their
singular adaptation, one of the most remarkable
proofs of Infinite Wisdom. Fewer hands could
not possibly accomplish this mighty task; a
task which cannot be acomplished by proxy, nor
could substitutes be found. All the wisdom of
legislation, all the energy of despotism, would
be spent upon it in vain. It is beyond calcula-
tion a greater and more arduous work than all
the labours of all rulers, whether legislative,
executive, judicial united.

This division of labour is, in short, the best, because it is the simplest and easiest possible

the best, because it has been thoroughly tried, and has always been able, peaceably and happily, to accomplish the end in view-the best, because it is the established order of the universe, the result of Divine wisdom and goodness, and one leading proof of these attributes from age to age.-Dwight.

RELIGIOUS DECLENSION PROGRESSIVE. DR. POND, in his sermon, contained in the June number of the National Preacher, remarks

"Fatal declensions in religion are not ordinarily accomplished at once. The fearful descent is not passed over at a bound. The first step in the declension is slight, scarcely perceptible. The next is greater, and the next greater, till Christian character is at length forfeited, and hope is gone. A young Christian-a recent convert-a recent professor of religion-with high hopes and animating prospects, begins, it may be, to neglect partially his secret devotions. His closet duties are from time to time omitted. Next he is found to neglect the stated meetings of the church. Next, the company and conversation of Christians are shunned, and the company of the ungodly is frequented. Next, you hear of him as mingling in some scene of pleasure and amusement, and it is not long, ordinarily, before this man can swear with the profane, and drink with the drunken, and laugh at the censures of the church, and set his brethren at defiance. How often has all this been acted over in the evangelical churches of our own country. How often, alas! have my own eyes seen it and wept over it in secret places!"

Lessons by the Way; or, Things to Think On.

PRAYER AND LABOUR. "Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to sift thee as wheat,"-here is the believer's toil: "but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not," -this is our safety. No man's condition is so sure as ours: the prayer of Christ is more than sufficient both to strengthen us, be we never so weak; and to overthrow all adversary power, be it never so strong and potent. This prayer must not exclude our labour; their thoughts are vain who think that their watching can preserve the city which God himself is not willing to keep. And are not theirs as vain who think that God will keep the city for which they themselves are not careful to watch? The husbandman may not, therefore, burn his plough, nor the merchaut forsake his trade, because God hath promised, "I will not forsake thee." And do the promises of God concerning our stability, think you, make it a matter indifferent for us to use, or not to use, the means whereby to attend, or not to attend, on reading?-to pray, or not to pray, that we fall not into temptations? Surely, if we look to stand in the faith of the sons of God, we must hourly, continually, be providing and setting ourselves to strive. It was not the meaning of our Lord and Saviour, in saying, "Father, keep them in thy name," that we should be careless to keep ourselves. To our own safety our own sedulity is required.-Hooker.

"I LOVE MY SAVIOUR MORE." "It is a sad thing," said one to his neighbour,

"that one so young and promising should be taken away."

"It is, indeed," was the reply; "very few persons have more to attach them to life than she had. It must have been hard for her to die." "It will be hard for us all, if we do not live nearer to God."

The remarks above recorded were made as the neighbours were following to their last resting-place the remains of a young lady who had died of consumption. She was the idol of her friends, who were in circumstances to gratify all her wishes. She had, in truth, much to attach her to life. Still she could say in calmness, “I have no wish to live: I love my friends very much, but I love my Saviour more."

Hers was a peaceful and happy death. Why was it so? To what is it owing that, to some, death loses his terrors? It is owing to faithful preparation for the last hour. The young lady alluded to above made it her daily business, for several years, to make preparation for death. She fixed her affections so fully upon the Saviour, that she was ready, when he called her, to go and meet him. She made preparation for death the business of her life. Did she regret it, as she went down the banks of the cold river?


Let no man think that the diligent reading of the Holy Scriptures will leave him with slight and imperfect knowledge. Such a study embraces the chief points of all human learning

and science. In thoroughly knowing the Bible, he will know the most ancient and authentic history, the most sublime strains of poetry, the most just lessons of deep wisdom to guide his life, the most curious antiquities of nations, the most perfect book of devotions, the only infallible theology, and a sufficient sketch of all false theology; the true origin and nature of the world in which he lives, and the only true information concerning that to which he is going. He will have laid open to him the elements of oratory, and the purest specimens of eloquence; the secret spring of all human actions, and the chief events that shall hereafter take place, up to the final judgment of all things. One justly said, "Give me a candle and a Bible in a dark dungeon, and keep me there, and I will tell you what the whole world is doing."-Bickersteth.


Dr. Tyng, addressing a public meeting a short time since, said, a friend had told him that in his travels he had one day encountered an emigrant journeying with his family to the fertile regions beyond the Mississippi. He had all his worldly goods packed on wagons, and on one load there hung a huge jug with the bottom broken out. He asked him why he carried that with him. "Why," said he, "that is my Taylor jug." "And what is a Taylor jug?" asked my friend. "Why," said he, "I had a son with General Taylor's army in Mexico, and the old General always told him to carry his whiskeyjug with a hole in the bottom; and since that I have carried my jug as you see it, and I find it is the best invention that I ever met with." "Now," said Dr. Tyng, "if our presidents, and governors, and legislators would only carry such whiskey-jugs as this Western emigrant carriedif their jug had no bottom to it, we should have much less drunkenness in high places. It is their example that does more mischief than rum-sellers do. My brother Chambers has said that the ladies do much toward sanctifying drinking, by the example which they give, in offering their wines to the young and inexperienced; and this is too generally the case even among members of the church. Yet I am happy to have it in my power to say that all do not do this. Of the six hundred members of the congregation which I have the honour to address from my pulpit, I do not know a single person who drinks wine or offers it to others, and I have never seen in any of their dwellings any of the paraphernalia of drinking."


The following is an extract from a letter of Southey to his brother, Lieutenant Southey, who was proceeding with his ship to the West Indies. The letter was dated Dec. 31, 1803.

"Adapt your mode of living to the climate you are going to, and abstain almost wholly from wine and spirits. General Peche, an East Indian officer here, with whom we dined on Christmas-day, told me that in India the officers who were looking out for preferment, as a majority, &c., and who kept lists of all above them, always marked those who drank any spirits in a morning with an X, and reckoned them for nothing. One day,' said he, when we were about to march at day-break, I and Captain

were in my tent, and we saw a German of our regiment; so I said we'd try him. We called

to him, said it was a cold morning, and asked him if he would drink a glass to warm him. I got him a full beaker of brandy-and-water, and he drank it off. When he was gone, I said, "Well, what d'ye think? we may cross him, mayn't we?" "O yes," said he, "cross him by all means." And the German did not live twelve months.' But the natives of all hot countries invariably abstain from spirits, as deadly."-Southey's Life, vol. ii., p. 245.


There is hardly anything so much needed in a family as a newspaper; and yet nothing, comparatively speaking, is esteemed of so little value. If a man undertakes to retrench his expenses, instead of lopping off what is really useless and extravagant, the first thing he does is to sit down and demonstrate that a paper neither feeds nor clothes him, therefore the paper is a great tax. And then a note is despatched to the publisher: "Sir, I cannot afford to take your paper any longer; times are hard, money is scarce, therefore you may discontinue sending my paper." Now, we believe that every one who will make a fair trial, and observe the influence of reading on his family, will find, at the end of the year, that he is not a cent. the poorer for having been a subscriber to a good newspaper. He will have accumulated more real intelligence of the every-day concerns of life, and the movements of nations, than he would have done in a series of years without it. His wife will have picked up much information relative to children, many useful lessons of household economy, and no small share of instruction suited to her situation. The children will have acquired a habit of reading, and a degree of intelligence, worth the price of subscription ten times told. In fact, a good, virtuous, well-conducted newspaper in a family, is the best economist of time, and the aptest instructor of the mind.-American Paper.



The fragrant white clover thrives, though trampled under foot; it furnishes the bees with stores of pure honey, without asking or receiving the credit of it. Meekness and disinterestedness.

The morning glory makes a fair show at sunrise, but withers as soon as it becomes hot. Excitement without principle.

To cut off the top of the dock does no good; its root must be eradicated. Sin is the dock root. The thistle has a beautiful blossom, but it is so armed with spines that everybody abhors it. Beauty and bad temper.

The alder-bush produces fragrant and delicate blossoms, but the farmer abhors it, because, if he gives it a foot, it will take a rod. Obtrusive


If the grasshopper eat the silk of the corn, there will be no harvest. Irreligious principles in childhood.

If you go into a field of beggar-ticks in autumn, when you come home your clothes will reveal the fact. Vulgar companions.

Cranberries hide themselves beneath the moss; he who would find them must look for them. Modest worth.

The blossoms of the barberry blast grain in their vicinity. Bad temper.

Thistle-seed have wings. Bad principles.

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