the workmen to have it executed with despatch. My deceased uncle undertook this duty. They then resolved, that the constitution should be published at the Court House, in Kingston, on Tuesday morning, then next; of which the committee of Kingston were notified. This duty was performed by Robert Benson, the other secretary, from a plat-form erected on the end of a hogshead, VicePresident Cortlandt presiding. From this time to the 8th of May, the Convention were occupied for the public safety. On that day, they promulgated their ordinance for organizing and establishing the government, having in the mean time filled up provisionally the offices, necessary for the execution of the laws, distribution of justice, and holding elections." remarks of, on the Governor's term of on the bill of rights, 169, 172 to arrange the amendments, and re- 625 584 discussion of their report, 625-628 adoption of the report, 628 145, 149 of three, to consolidate the amend- 353 their report, 3639 63, 87. motion to strike out militia duty as a speeches and remarks of, on appointing on legislative department, remarks of, on the law of libels, proposition of, relative to the appoint- KENT, MR. K. speeches of, on the revisory pow 190 remarks of, on the pardoning pow. on the law of libels, speech of, on the judiciary, remarks on lotteries, propositions of, relative to those KING, MR. 568 573, 579 LIVINGSTON, P. R. 36, 37 motion of, to increase certain com- 48, 50, 57, 90 MEMBERS M. 618 of the convention, catalogue of residence, &c. &c. on the revisory power, proposition of, on same subject, he disclaimed being in favour of 191 MEMORIAL of the society of Friends, ib, 273 Xof debate upon, 572 554 MUNRO, MR. speeches of, and remarks, on the on the legislative department, 474] relative to impeachments 500, 528, 610, 615, 621 proposition of, on same subject, lost 527 RHINELANDER, MR. on canal tolls, auction duties, OBJECTIONS 0. 647 27 speech of, on the appointing pow'r, 304 of the council of revision, to the PLATT, MR. P. speech of, on the revisory power 521 128 on the elective franchise, 211, 278 power, speeches of, on same subject, 294 (pardoning power) governor's term of service, 33 61, 98 131 137, 146, 175, 547 motion of, to reconsider the vote fixing the governor's term at two years, 167 175 186, 202 propositions of, on the elective franchise, speech of, on coloured voters, 185 309 ally, 210, 222, 272, 277 R. Xin regard to the clergy, 357 RIGHTS, BILL OF militia qualifications, 359 registry of voters, 370, 372 on the duelling oath, 207 debate upon, 163-173 disposal of 173) discussion of, resumed, 485-487 RULES AND ORDERS, committee on, 29 remarks of, on future amendments, speeches of, on appointing power, 300, 313, 330. 378, 384, 386, 540 speeches and remarks of, on the relative to those who have con- scientious scruples against Xrelative to the christian religion, 465 Xproposition that no witness shall remarks of, on the law of libels, 489 tion of the judiciary (lost) 291, 292, 293 384 399 462 462 465 465 496 502 577 |