ness, nor my tongue utter deceit. I will not remove mine integrity from me 2. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live 3. I have borne chastisement, I will not offend any more that which I see not, teach Thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more. I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin". Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation, not to be repented of. And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men'. O that my ways were directed to keep Thy statutes; then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all Thy commandments 3. Prayer before the Resolutions. And now, O Lord God, most gracious and merciful, having through Thy grace seriously endeavoured to humble myself before Thee, in a deep sense of my wretchedness, and a sincere contrition for all mine offences; and having implored Thy pardon and forgiveness of the same, through Jesus Christ Thy dearly beloved Son, Who is our advocate with Thee, and the propitiation for our sins; I prostrate myself again before the throne of Thy mercy, most heartily desiring to renew that covenant which I made with Thee in my baptism, but have so miserably violated through the whole course of my life. O Thou, Who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he may turn from his wickedness and live; 1 Job xxvii. 3, 4. 4 Ibid. xxxiv. 31, 32. 7 Acts xxiv. 16. 2 Ibid. ver. 5. 3 Ibid. ver. 6. 5 Psalm xxxviii. 18. 6 2 Cor. vii. 10. turn me, I beseech Thee, that I may turn unto Thee with all my heart and soul. O suffer me not to be formal or heedless, or partial in a matter of such infinite concern; but let Thy good Spirit so direct, assist, and govern me, that I may be sincere, earnest, and unreserved in all my holy purposes and resolutions ; and may so heartily and devoutly renew my baptismal vow, that I may be restored to those glorious privileges, which my baptism entitled me to, through Thy mercy in Christ Jesus. Solemn Resolutions to live answerably to the engagements of our christian profession. In an humble dependence therefore upon Thine allsufficient grace, I do here again most seriously and solemnly promise, and resolve from henceforward for evermore to renounce the devil, the world, and the flesh; to continue stedfast in my belief of all the articles of the christian faith; and to keep Thy holy will and commandments all the days of my life. More particularly, O Lord, I resolve, by Thine assistance, never to give consent to any of those wicked thoughts which my great adversary the devil shall suggest to my mind; nor to comply with those temptations whereby he shall solicit me to sin: and especially, I resolve to avoid all pride, malice, and envy; all treachery, lying, revenge, and cruelty, which are more particularly the works of the devil. Lord, have mercy upon me; and keep me evermore under the protection and guidance of Thy Spirit and providence; that I may faithfully perform and make good these holy resolutions. I resolve, through Thy help, O God, not to do any thing unlawful in order to procure honour, riches, or pleasure; nor to be immoderate in the use of any lawful enjoyment. I resolve to do what in me lies to discountenance the evil maxims and customs, and to avoid the bad company of a vain and wicked world; and to forego all worldly comforts and possessions ; all my natural relations, and even life itself, whenever they shall stand in competition with my duty to Thee, my God. Lord, have mercy upon me &c. I resolve, O God, by the help of Thy grace, to purify myself from all filthiness both of the flesh and the spirit; to suppress all lascivious and wanton thoughts; to avoid every thing that may have the least tendency to uncleanness: to be temperate in the use of meats and drinks; and never to satisfy my fleshly appetites, but in such a manner as is suitable to the dignity of my nature, and the purity of my christian profession. Lord, have mercy upon me &c. I resolve, by Thy divine assistance, to pay a sincere and diligent obedience to Thy holy will and commandments at all times, and in all instances whatsoever to be constant and regular in my devotions, both public and private: thankfully to own Thy bounty in all the good things I receive, and to submit patiently to Thy wisdom in all the afflictions I suffer: to honour Thy Name, which is holy and reverend; so as never to use it lightly, nor to profane it by swearing in ordinary conversation, and much less by false or faithless oaths: to use reverently Thy word, and to observe religiously the day set apart for Thy worship and to shew a suitable regard to all things and persons that more immediately relate to Thee and Thy service. : Lord, have mercy upon me &c. I resolve, O God, by Thy grace, to be just in all my dealings with my neighbour; never to deprive him of his right by fraud or force; to be sincere in my expressions, and to be true to my promises. I resolve to relieve his necessities according to my ability, and to be candid in interpreting his words and actions; never to slander him by false reports, nor unnecessarily to publish even his real faults by evil-speaking. I resolve to be meek and patient under all provocations, and to be ready to forgive all affronts and injuries, and to study to live peaceably myself, and to promote peace among all men. I resolve to love, reverence, and obey my natural parents, and faithfully to perform the several duties I owe to all my governors in church and state, and to all my relations, friends, and dependents. Lord, have mercy upon me &c. I resolve, O God, by the help of Thy grace to make it my constant care to preserve in my mind such a just sense of my many sins and infirmities, as may secure me from a vain conceit of myself, or from uneasiness at the mean opinion that others may have of me. I resolve to be contented and satisfied under all Thy dispensations, how disagreeable soever to the natural inclinations of my corrupt heart: and to apply myself diligently and conscientiously to the discharge of all the duties which the several relations wherein I stand, and the state of life to which I am appointed by Thy Providence, require of me. I resolve to be frequent and impartial in the examination of my conscience; to take heed to all my ways; to be upon my guard against all temptations, and occasions of sinning; and to cherish and improve all the good dispositions Thy grace shall inspire. Prayer after the resolutions. All this, O Lord, is my bounden duty and service; and I am stedfastly purposed to perform it faithfully unto my life's end. But, O my God, I am not able to do these things of myself: Lord, Thou knowest my failings, and my infirmities are not hid from Thee: O let it please Thy Fatherly goodness to show Thy strength in my weakness; to confirm me every day more and more in these good desires; and to keep it for ever in the purpose and resolution of my heart to make good the promises I have now so solemnly made to Thy divine Majesty. Suffer me not, O Lord, to turn again to sin and folly: but let Thy grace continually preserve me, and enable me to reform whatever is amiss in the temper and disposition of my mind, and in any of the actions of my life; and to become every day better and more useful in my generation. Make me careful so to live as I shall wish I had done when I come to die. Let my loins be always girded about, and my lamp burning; and I myself like unto one that waiteth for his Lord. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. |