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3. in that it affords us sufficient power and ability for the perform-
ance of our duty.....
•P. 74
4. in that it gives us the highest assurance of the immortality of
our souls, and of the judgment of the last day, and of the everlasting
rewards and punishments of the world to come
........ p. 75
The Lord's Prayer-with a Thanksgiving for the be-
nefits of the Christian Religion..
...p. 77
Prayer that we may walk worthily of the vocation where-
with we are called.
p. 77
4thly, (Thursday)-from a consideration of the peculiar
obligations of Christians to holiness of life,
1. in that to persuade and oblige us to lead holy and virtuous lives
was one of the main designs of our Saviour's coming into the world,
to the promoting of which not only His doctrines and precepts, but
His life and death, His resurrection and ascension, have a manifest
and direct tendency
p. 79
2. in that every one of us was engaged to its practice at our Bap-
...p. 81
3. in that a holy life is essential to the character of a Christian, and
is made the condition of salvation in the Gospel Covenant
...p. 82
4. in that without holiness we shall not be capable of the happiness
designed for pious Christians in Heaven...
.P. 84 5. in that disobedience in a Christian is a crime of a more heinous
nature, and will be more severely punished in the day of Judg-
..p. 84
The Lord's Prayer-and Prayer for grace that we may
live answerably to the obligations of our Christian profes-
sion, that so we may be entitled to the promises of the
Gospel Covenant
5thly, (Friday)-from a consideration
1. of the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ
2. of His death upon the Cross for us.
'p. 86
.p. 88
3. of the duty and reward of taking up our Cross and following
.p. 89
Christ's sufferings and death..
The Lord's Prayer-and Prayer for the benefits of
.p. 90
p. 88
6thly, (Saturday)—from a consideration of the duty and
reward of constancy and perseverance in the faith and
obedience of the Gospel.... ..p. 94
The Lord's Prayer, p. 96-with a solemn dedication of
ourselves to God, and Prayer for grace, and perseverance
in the faith and obedience of the Gospel.......
p. 96
containing the pious Christian's preparation for death and
eternity; in meditations thereon wholly taken from Scrip-
ture, and divided into six portions for the several days of
the week; with prayers suited to each portion..p. 99—124
1st, (Monday Afternoon) on man's mortality-the
certainty of a future judgment-and the necessity of being
always prepared for it
•p. 99
The Lord's Prayer, p. 102-and Prayer for grace to live
in a constant dependence upon God; and in an habitual
preparation for death and judgment............p. 102
2nd, (Tuesday Afternoon)—on the shortness and vanity
of this life, with supplications for pardon and peace at
the last... •p. 104
The Lord's Prayer, p. 106-and Prayer for the forgive-
ness of sins, and for a happy death.
⚫p. 107
Prayer for peace and comfort in the hour of death, p. 107
3rd, (Wednesday Afternoon)—on the uncertainty of the
time of our death-on life and immortality brought to
light through the Gospel-and on the judgment of the last
day universal
•p. 109
The Lord's Prayer-and Prayer for a blessed departure
out of this life; and for spiritual strength and comfort in
the hour of death.
p. 111
4th, (Thursday Afternoon)-on the certainty of death,
and of a general resurrection unto eternal life......p. 112
The Lord's Prayer-and Prayer for grace so to live,
that we may give a joyful account in the day of judg-
...p. 114
Prayer for grace to prepare our souls for the society of
glorified spirits in heaven..
p. 115
5th, (Friday Afternoon)-on the troubles and afflictions
of this life—and the duty and blessedness of patience and
perseverance to the end •••••p. 115
A Litany, consisting of deprecations and petitions re-
specting the time of our sickness and death......p. 117
The Lord's Prayer.
6th, (Saturday Afternoon)—on that all men are equally
subject to death-on the death of the righteous, as a pas-
sage to a glorious immortality-and on the greater degree
of glory for those who through much tribulation enter into
the kingdom of God....
•p. 120
The Lord's Prayer And Prayer for a blessed
Prayer for a joyful resurrection
•p. 122
..p. 123
Thanksgiving for all departed this life in the faith and
fear of God
'P. 124
By parents on behalf of their children: from Bishop
Taylor ****p. 125
On the return of a birth-day, or the beginning of a new
year from Dr. Johnson -
P. 126
On behalf of a sick friend: from the New Manual, p. 126
To be used if there appears little hope of his recovery:
from the Same
.p. 127
Prayer to be said in the beginning of a sickness from
Bishop Taylor
p. 128
Act of resignation to be said by a sick person in all the
evil accidents of sickness: from the Same....
p. 129
Holy resolution of amendment of life in case of re-
covery: from the Same..........
.p. 130
Prayer for pardon of sins, to be said in all the portions
of old age, and under protracted sickness; from the
p. 131
On engaging in a new pursuit: from Dr. Johnson, p. 133
On undertaking a journey: from Bishop Taylor, p. 134
For a blessing on the use of medicine: from the
Against wandering thoughts in our devotions: from the
p. 134
p. 135
Against unquiet and perplexing thoughts: from Dr.
Deprecation of a particular evil: from the New Ma-
'p. 136
For holiness of intention: from Bishop Taylor...p. 137
In a storm of thunter, lightning, &c.: from the New
.p. 137
Thanksgiving for a special blessing: from Bishop
.p. 138
The duties of the Clergy, as set forth in the Holy Scrip-
tures are-
1. to have the heart affected with an ardent love of Christ, and a
zealous concern for the salvation of souls
..p. 141
2. to apply seriously and constantly to the study of the Holy Scrip-
tures; and to teach nothing, as required of necessity to eternal salva-
tion, but what may be concluded and proved by them
..p. 142
3. to give diligent heed to instruct the people committed to their
charge in the principles and duties of Christ's holy Religion. p. 145
4. to live suitably to the sacredness of their character, that they
may be wholesome patterns to the flock of Christ............
..p. 147
The considerations proper to excite and dispose to a
conscientious attendance on the duties of the Ministry are-
1. the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd and
Bishop of our souls ....
..P. 148
2. the examples of the holy Apostles
..p. 151
3. the great reward promised to those who discharge the pastoral
duties faithfully,
...p. 155
4. the severe punishments that will be inflicted on them that are
negligent or remiss in any part of their office
..p. 156
The Lord's Prayer.-Prayer for the faithful and success-
ful discharge of the duties of the Ministry.......p. 159
Thanksgiving for the benefits of the Christian Ministry;
and prayer for grace to fulfil the solemn promises made at
'p. 161