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State Bank to the Shereefian Treasury within the limits of the annual budget assigned to the police, which shall not exceed two million and a half pesetas for an effective strength of two thousand five hundred


ART. 7. During the same period of five years a general inspection shall be made into the working of the police. Such inspection shall be intrusted by His Shereefian Majesty to a superior officer of the Swiss army, who will be submitted to His approval by the Swiss Federal Government. This officer will be styled Inspector-General and reside at Tangier.

He shall inspect at least once a year the different bodies of the police, and after such inspection he shall draw up a report which he will address to the Maghzen.

In addition to such regular reports, he will, if he regards it as necessary, draw up special reports with reference to the working of the police.

Without directly intervening either in the command or the instruction, the Inspector-General will ascertain the results obtained by the Shereefian police, as regards the maintenance of order and security in the places where this police shall have been established.

ART. 8. A copy of the reports and communications made to the Maghzen by the Inspector-General, with reference to his mission, shall at the same time be transmitted to the Dean of the Diplomatic Body at Tangier, in order that the Diplomatic Body be enabled to satisfy itself that the Shereefian police acts in conformity to the decisions taken by the conference, and to see whether it guarantees effectively, and in conformity with the treaties, the security of person and property of foreign citizens, subjects, and protégés, as well as that of commercial transactions.

ART. 9. In the case of complaints filed with the Diplomatic Body by the legation concerned, the Diplomatic Body may, upon notice given to the representative of the Sultan, direct the Inspector-General to investigate and report for all available purposes in the matter of such complaints.

ART. 10. The Inspector-General shall receive an annual salary of 25,000 francs. In addition, he will be allowed 6,000 francs for the expenses of his tours. The Maghzen will place at his disposal a suitable residence and will look after the maintenance of his horses.

ART. 11. The material conditions of his engagement and of his establishment, as provided by article 10, shall be the subject of a contract drawn up between him and the Maghzen. A copy of this contract shall be communicated to the Diplomatic Body.

ART. 12. The staff of instructors of the Shereefian police (officers and noncommissioned officers) shall be Spanish at Tetuan, mixed at Tangier, Spanish at Larache, French at Rabat, mixed at Casablanca, and French in the other three ports.


Regulations concerning the detection and repression of the contraband

of arms.

ART. 13. Throughout the Shereefian Empire, except in the cases specified by articles 14 and 15, the importation and sale is forbidden of arms of war, parts of guns, ammunition of any nature, loaded or

unloaded, powder, saltpeter, gun cotton, nitroglycerin, and all compositions destined exclusively for the manufacture of ammunition.

ART. 14. Such explosives as are necessary for industry and public works may, however, be introduced. A regulation drawn up in the manner indicated by article 18 shall determine the conditions under which their importation may be effected.

ART. 15. The arms, parts of guns, and ammunition intended for the troops of His Shereefian Majesty will be admitted after the fulfillment of the following formalities:

A declaration signed by the Moorish Minister of War, describing the number and nature of such articles ordered abroad, must be presented to the legation of the country of their origin, whose visa shall be affixed thereto.

The passage through the customs of the cases and packages containing the arms and munitions, delivered at the order of the Moorish Government, shall be effected upon the presentation:

1. Of the aforesaid declaration.

2. Of the invoice indicating the number and weight of the packages and the number and kind of the arms and munitions contained therein. This document must be visaed by the legation of the country of their origin, which will mark on the back the successive amounts previously passed through the customs. This visa will be refused when the order shall have been entirely delivered.

ART. 16. The importation of sporting and high-priced arms, parts of guns, cartridges loaded and unloaded, is likewise forbidden. It may none the less be authorized

1o. For the strictly personal requirements of the importer; 2o. For supplying the gunshops authorized by article 18.

ART. 17. Sporting and high-priced arms and the ammunition for the same will be admitted for the strictly personal requirements of the importer on presentation of a permit issued by the representative of the Maghzen at Tangier. If the importer is a foreigner, this permit will only be granted at the request of his legation.

With respect to ammunition for sporting purposes, each permit shall allow a maximum of a thousand cartridges or the supplies necessary for the manufacture of a thousand cartridges. The permit shall only be issued to those who have never been sentenced for any offense.

ART. 18. The trade in sporting and high-priced arms, not rifled, of foreign manufacture, as well as of the ammunition appertaining to the same, shall be regulated, as soon as circumstances permit, by a Shereefian decision made in conformity with the advice of a majority of the Diplomatic Body at Tangier. This shall be the case, as well, with decisions intended to suspend or restrict the exercise of such trade. Only such persons as have secured a special and temporary license from the Moorish Government shall be allowed to open and operate retail shops for the sale of sporting guns and ammunition. This license shall only be given at the written request of the applicant, indorsed by his legation.

Regulations drawn up in the manner indicated by the first paragraph of this article shall determine the number of such retail shops which may be opened at Tangier and, if occasion arises, in the ports that may be later designated. They shall fix the formalities to be imposed on the importation of explosives intended for industry and

public works, of arms and ammunition intended to supply such shops, as well as the maximum quantity of stock that can be kept.

In case of the violation of the regulating ordinances, the license may be temporarily or permanently withdrawn without prejudice to other penalties incurred by the offenders.

ART. 19. Every introduction of, or attempt to introduce, the prohibited merchandise shall make it liable to confiscation, and further to the punishments and fines mentioned below, which shall be pronounced by the competent jurisdiction.

ART. 20. The introduction or attempt to introduce in a port open to commerce, or through a custom-house, shall be punished:

1o. By a fine of from 500 to 2,000 pesetas and an additional fine equal to three times the value of the imported merchandise;

2o. By imprisonment of from five days to a year, or else by only one of these two punishments.

ART. 21. The introduction or attempt to introduce outside a port open to commerce or a custom-house shall be punished:

1o. By a fine of from 1,000 to 5,000 pesetas and an additional fine equal to three times the value of the imported merchandise;

2o. By imprisonment of from three months to two years, or else by only one of these two punishments.

ART. 22. The fraudulent sale, the receiving and peddling, of merchandise prohibited by the present regulations shall be punished according to the penalties specified in article 20.

ART. 23. The accomplices in the offenses set forth in articles 20, 21, and 22 shall be liable to the same penalties as the principals. The elements determining complicity shall be adjudged according to the laws of the court in charge of the case.

ART. 24. When there is good reason to suppose that a vessel anchored in a port open to commerce carries guns, ammunition, or other prohibited merchandise, with a view of introducing the same into Morocco, the officers of the Shereefian customs shall so inform the competent consular authority, in order that the latter may carry out, in company with a delegate of the Shereefian customs, such investigations, verifications, or searches as may be judged necessary. ART. 25. In the case of the introduction or the attempted introduction by sea of prohibited merchandise outside of a port open to commerce, the Moorish customs authorities may bring the vessel to the nearest port, to be turned over to the consular authority, who shall have the right to seize it and continue such seizure until payment of the fines decreed. The vessel may, however, be released at any period of the trial, provided that the judicial proceedings shall not be impeded thereby, on the deposit made with the consular authority of the maximum of the fine, or else under responsible bail accepted by the customs.

ART. 26. The Maghzen may retain the confiscated merchandise either for its own use, if able to utilize it, on condition that the subjects of the Empire shall not be able to get possession of it, or it shall dispose of it abroad.

The conveyances of the same on shore may be confiscated and shall be sold for the profit of the Shereefian Treasury.

ART. 27. The sale of arms condemned by the Moorish Government shall be prohibited throughout the Shereefian Empire.

ART. 28. Rewards taken out of the amount of the fines levied are to be given to the informants who have been instrumental in discovering forbidden merchandise and to the agents who have effected its seizure. Such rewards shall be assigned after deducting, if necessary, the costs of the trial, one-third to be distributed by the customs among the informants, one-third to the officers who seized the merchandise, and one-third to the Moroccan Treasury.

If the seizure has been effected without the intervention of an informer one-half of the fines shall go to the officer making the seizure and the other half to the Shereefian Treasury.

ART. 29. The Moorish customs authorities shall notify directly the diplomatic or consular agents of any violations of this regulation, committed by those under their jurisdiction, in order that the same may be prosecuted before the proper jurisdiction.

Similar violations committed by Moorish subjects shall be submitted directly by the customs to the Shereefian authority.

A delegate of the customs shall be assigned to follow the procedure of cases pending before the different jurisdictions.

ART. 30. In the region bordering on Algeria, the enforcement of the regulations on the contraband of arms shall be the exclusive concern of France and Morocco.

Similarly, the enforcement of the regulation on the contraband of arms in the Riff and in general in the regions bordering on the Spanish possessions shall be the exclusive concern of Spain and Morocco.


Act of concession for a State Bank.

ART. 31. A bank shall be established in Morocco under the name of the "State Bank of Morocco," to exercise the following specified rights, which are granted to it by His Majesty the Sultan for a period of forty years, to date from the ratification of this act.

ART. 32. The Bank, which will have power to carry on all transactions entering into the operations of a bank, shall have the exclusive privilege of issuing notes to bearer, payable on presentation and receivable for public dues throughout the Moorish Empire.

The Bank shall maintain for a period of two years, to date from its going into operation, cash on hand at least equal to half its notes in circulation, and equal to at least one-third after the expiration of said period of two years. At least one-third of such cash on hand is to be gold bullion or gold coin.

ART. 33. The Bank shall, to the exclusion of every other bank or establishment of credit, discharge the duty of disbursing treasurer of the Empire. To this end the Moorish Government shall take all necessary measures to deposit in the Bank the proceeds of the customs revenues, exclusive of the part thereof applied to the loan of 1904, and such other revenues as it may designate.

With reference to the special tax established in order to carry out certain public works, the Moorish Government must have the same deposited in the Bank, as well as the revenues it may later pledge for its loans, the Bank being especially charged with the

payments thereon, except, however, in the case of the loan of 1904, which is governed by special contract.

ART. 34. The Bank shall be the financial agent of the Government both within and without the Empire, without prejudice to the Government's right to apply to other banking houses or establishments of credit for its public loans. The Bank, however, shall enjoy, in regard to such loans, a right of preference, other conditions being equal, over any banking or credit establishment.

For Treasury notes or other short-term notes which the Moorish Government may wish to negotiate without making it a public issue, the Bank shall, however, be charged, to the exclusion of every other establishment, with negotiating the same for the account of the Moorish Government, either in Morocco or abroad.

ART. 35. The Bank shall make advances to the Moroccan Government on account current up to a million francs, chargeable against Treasury receipts.

The Bank shall likewise open a credit account for the Government for the period of ten years, to date from its establishment, such account not to exceed two-thirds of its initial capital.

This credit account shall be distributed over several years and employed primarily for the expenses of establishing and maintaining the bodies of police, organized in conformity to the decisions adopted by the conference, and secondarily for the expenses of such works of public interest as might not be charged to the special fund as provided for by the following article:

The maximum rate for these two advances will be 7 per cent, bank commission included, and the Bank may ask the Government to give as security an equal amount in Treasury notes.

If before the expiration of the said term of ten years the Moorish Government should contract a loan, the Bank would have the right to obtain the immediate reimbursement of its advances made in accordance with the second paragraph of the present article.

ART. 36. The proceeds of the special tax (articles 33 and 66) shall form a special fund for which the Bank shall keep a separate account. This fund shall be employed in conformity to the regulations adopted by the conference.

In the case of its insufficiency, and chargeable to later receipts, the Bank may open a special credit for such fund, the amount of which should not exceed the total of the receipts for the previous year.

The conditions of the rate and commission shall be the same as those established by the preceding article for advances, to the Treasury on account current.

ART. 37. The Bank shall take such measures as it may deem conducive to a sounder monetary situation in Morocco. Spanish currency shall continue to be permitted to circualte as legal tender.

In consequence, the Bank shall have the exclusive charge of purchasing precious metals, of striking and melting coins, as well as of all its other monetary operations for the account and profit of the Moorish Government.

ART. 38. The home office of the Bank shall be at Tangier, but it shall establish branches and agencies in the principal cities of Morocco or in any other place it may deem expedient.

ART. 39. The land necessary for the establishment of the Bank, as well as its branches and agencies in Morocco, shall be placed gra

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