The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year, Том 20Gray and Bowen, 1849 Vol. 1 has title: The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge ... comprising a calendar for the year; astronomical information; miscellaneous directions, hints, and statistical and other particulars. |
Celestial Phenomena Signs | 3 |
Height of the Greatest Tides | 7 |
Governors of States and Territories 191 | 26 |
Statistics of the Army employed dur ing the War with Mexico | 27 |
January c | 34 |
Eclipses of Jupiters Satellites | 41 |
193 | 63 |
7 | 64 |
Connecticut | 241 |
New York | 244 |
New Jersey | 251 |
Pennsylvania | 253 |
Delaware INDIVIDUAL STATES | 254 |
North Carolina 11 Maryland | 257 |
Virginia | 262 |
South Carolina | 268 |
Tables | 83 |
8 | 93 |
Postmasters in the Chief Cities | 100 |
Abstracts of Public Laws | 105 |
Army List | 110 |
Navy List | 117 |
Army Officers Pay | 126 |
Alphabetical List of Representatives | 135 |
Articles imported in 1847 | 137 |
198 | 139 |
114 | 146 |
Postoffice Establishment | 148 |
U S Revenue from 1789 to 1847 | 161 |
3 | 163 |
Mint | 167 |
Coinage of the Mint for 55 years | 169 |
Increase of Population in the U S as affected by Immigration | 170 |
The IceTrade of the United States | 175 |
Immigration to the U S in 1847 | 181 |
Finances of the States | 183 |
Colleges in the United States 18 Theological Schools 19 Law Schools | 188 |
Medical Schools | 189 |
Railroads in the United States | 198 |
Traffic of German Railways in 1847 | 204 |
Titles and Abstracts of Public Laws | 205 |
Public Resolutions Length of Lake Coast | 217 |
Commerce of the Lakes and Western Rivers | 218 |
184 | 221 |
Population of the Principal Cities 188 34 Table of some of the Principal Cities in the United States 223 | 223 |
Maine | 225 |
New Hampshire | 227 |
Vermont | 231 |
Massachusetts | 235 |
Rhode Island | 240 |
Georgia | 271 |
Florida | 273 |
Alabama | 274 |
Mississippi | 276 |
Louisiana | 279 |
Texas | 281 |
Arkansas | 287 |
Tennessee | 289 |
Kentucky | 291 |
Ohio | 293 |
Michigan | 296 |
Indiana | 299 |
Illinois | 302 |
Missouri | 304 |
Iowa | 306 |
Wisconsin | 307 |
Oregon Territory | 311 |
District of Columbia | 313 |
British American Provinces | 314 |
Reigning Sovereigns of Europe | 315 |
States of Europe France EUROPE | 316 |
Parliament | 318 |
Commissioners U S in Foreign Countries 120 | 322 |
274 | 349 |
Connecticut | 359 |
276 | 360 |
279 | 361 |
281 | 362 |
287 | 363 |
289 | 364 |
296 | 365 |
307 | 366 |
American Obituary 323 General Index 358 Chronicle of Events 341 Index to the Obituary | 367 |
Magnetic Telegraph 356 Additions and Corrections | |