741 77 719 77 740 77 11,331 55 811 97 811 97 811 47 10,897 17 838 00 915 62 838 00 11,561 25 1,568 34 18,157 24 1855, 1,532 25 1,532 25 1,351 25 17,559 42 1,275 00 16,758 00 1,632 29 21,706 57 2,826 73 2,643 73 32,646 07 2,661 22 2,464 72 31,584 42 32,840 64 3,132 72 39,956 34 Total,. 1865, 1866, 3,934 36 3,681 33 3,375 25 4,713 88 4,713 88 4,713 88 50,362 55 60,501 36 $485,583 38 The cost of collecting "Market Cellar Rents" is the commission to the Collector of City Revenue, which is at present 1 per cent. |