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STATEMENT of toll received on salt from 1837 to 1866, per

[blocks in formation]

There was no account kept of salt previous to 1837, and no

separate account kept of foreign salt till 1850.

This agreement, made this 12th day of April in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, between O. C. Childs of the first part, and "The Salt Company of Onondaga," a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, of the second part; witnesseth: That the party of the first part, agrees from and after the date hereof, to enter into the employment of the party of the second part, in the business of manufacturing fine salt in block No. 120, in the Inspection District, No. 2, belonging to the party of the second part, and to continue in such employment until the close of the salt manufacturing season of 1860.

The party of the first part agrees that in such employment he will take the whole charge and assume all the expenses of furnishing fuel and manufacturing fine salt on the prem ses and in the block aforesaid, that - will make the said salt of the best quality, and according to the requirements of the superintendent of the Salt Springs, and place and deliver the same in the bins of said block as the property of the said party of the second part, in good order and condition, and assume the care and expense of keeping the same in such good order and condition until the same shall be removed by the party of the second part. The party of the first part also agrees that at all times during the said employment and until the 1st day April 1861 he will keep and maintain said salt block, cisterns, fixtures and appurtenances for the manufacture of salt in good order and repair, so as to save the said party of the second part from all trouble and expense on that account; and the party of the first part, also agree to assume the expenses of putting and keeping the yard and grounds of said block in such condition for packing and rolling out salt, as the party of the second part may require.

The manufacture of salt in said block shall be commenced on or before the 10th day of May next, and be continued so as to make the quantity of salt hereafter required during the season of canal navigation, with such rapidity and at such times as the party of the second part may from time to time direct.

The quantity of salt to be manufactured as aforesaid in said block shall be 16,000 bushels.

It is also agreed between the parties hereto, that in the classification of the blocks by the Superintendent in the supplying of brine, the party of the second part is authorized to control on the part of said block and agree with the Superintendent, in regard to such classification, as may be deemed for the best interest of the party of the second part.


The salt manufactured as aforesaid shall be removed from the bins by the party of the second part, from time to time, in such lots and quantities and in bulk or in such packages as they, the said party of the second part, in the ordinary sale or sending the same to market, may require. The party of the second part agreeing to remove salt from all the blocks in which they (the party of the second part) may make salt on similar conditions in a pro rata proportion as near as may be convenient.

In consideration whereof, it is agreed between the parties, that the party of the second part shall pay to the party of the first part, for salt manufactured as aforesaid, eleven and one half cents per bushel, and the same shall be payable for all salt removed from the bins during the season of canal navigation, at the principal office of the party of the second part, upon the removal of each one thousand bushels.

The party of the second part also agree that they will appoint three competent and impartial persons, who shall, within twenty days after the close of canal navigation, estimate the amount of salt manufactured as aforesaid which may be then remaining in the bins of said block aforesaid, and within thirty days after said close of navigation, pay said party of the first part, for making the same, retaining therefrom fifteen per cent, which shall be payable in the season of 1861, after the same shall all be finally taken from the bins and removed from the premises by the party of the second part in the ordinary sale or sending of the same to market, and the accounts between the parties hereto shall have been finally adjusted.

The party of the first part shall have the right to use the salt block aforesaid only for the purpose of fulfilling the foregoing agreement-the party of the second part to be deemed at all times in possession of said block and the salt manufactured therein. In case by any error a larger amount of salt be made therein than is heretofore authorized, it will be removed by the party of the second part any time they see fit, and any salt so manufactured will be paid for by the party of the second part on the first day of July, 1861, at the rate and price per bushel it may cost the party of the second part to make salt in the season of 1861, previous and up to said first day of July, provided the same does not exceed the cost of 1860.

It is agreed that the party of the first part is at all times to conform to, and follow any reasonable direction of the party of the second part in the manufacture of salt in said block.

(Indorsed): Ending April 1, 1861. Contract for making fine salt. O. C. Childs with the Salt Company of Onondaga. Block No. 120, Salina.

This indenture, made this first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, between Lawrence Power, of the city of Syracuse of the first part, and "The Salt Company of Onondaga," a corporation duly organized under the act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes, passed February 17th, 1848, of the second part.

Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part has leased and granted, and by these presents does lease and grant unto the said party of the second part its successors or assigns the following premises and property, that is to say, fine salt lot number one hundred and twenty-three, more particularly designated on a map made by Benj. F. Green, Deputy Surveyor, in 1858; and on file in the offices of the Superintendent of Salt Springs and the Clerk of the County of Onondaga, on which is situated fine salt block number thirty six, in the inspection district number one, (Syracuse), excepting therefrom one house now situated on said lot, so far as the same does not interfere with the manufacture of salt in said block, together with all and singular the erections of every kind for the manufacture of salt situated thereon, and all tools and implements connected therewith, and all the appurtenances thereto belonging, to have and to hold the said premises, erections and appurtenances unto the said party of the second part its successors and assigns from the time when these presents are interchangeably delivered until the first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and no longer. But this lease and grant are upon this expressed condition, that the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, shall punctually pay unto the party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns a certain rent equal to twelve and a half per cent. per annum on the value of the said premises, erections and appurtenances to be appraised as hereinafter provided, payable in each year after the first day of March, A. D., 1860, in four equal installments on the first days of September, November, January and March. And in case of failure on the part of said party of the second part to pay the said rents at the times above specified, the same being duly demanded at the principal office of said company in the city of Syracuse, there and in that case these presents shall cease and determine at the election of the said party of the first part, his representatives or assigns, and the said party of the first part, his representatives and assigns, may in such case re-enter upon the said premises and appurtenances and be fully repossessed of the same, it being, however, understood that such right of forfeiture and re-entry cannot be exercised until the expiration of ten days after demand made as aforesaid.

For the purpose of determining the value upon which the rents aforesaid are to be ascertained and paid, it is mutually understood and agreed that, between the date of this instrument and the fifteenth day of April next, the aforesaid premises, erections and appartenances, may and shall be valued and appraised by eleven impartial appraisers appointed or to be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the said party of the second part, which appraisal shall be in writing, signed by at least eight of the said appraisers, and the amount thereof shall be noted by the President or Secretary of the said party of the second part, at the foot of these presents, or shall be indorsed thereon, and the said appraisal shall be final and conclusive. And in case of a vacancy occurring in the number of appraisers first appointed, or of the absence or inability to serve of any one or more of them, the said Board of Trustees may fill such vacancy or appoint others to serve for the time being.

And the said party of the second part hereby covenants and agrees to, and with the said party of the first part, his representatives and assigns, (but entering into no other covenant) that the said party of the second part will, during the period of this lease or grant, or until its termination sooner by forfeiture as above provided, pay all ordinary, city, town, county, school and highway taxes, and will at all times make reasonable and proper repairs for the purpose of protecting the said premises from dilapidation and waste by the elements, or other causes, and, at the expiration of the period aforesaid,

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