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tion Committee we discussed the résumé of analysis made by the Illinois Committee on Public Utility Information of the accredited textbooks used in the regular courses of the Illinois public schools relative to their treatment of public utility problems. We were astonished at some of the statements to be found in these textbooks. No doubt the books in our own State are much the same.

Mr. Shearer, of Altoona, advised us that the Electric Association had this matter in hand and was making an investigation of Pennsylvania textbooks, and that he would send us a list of the books. Everyone was very much interested. It would seem that here is something that our committee might take a real interest in and see where we could help.

The thought occurs to me that the reason why so many educators are more or less hostile to big business is in many cases due to the fact that they themselves are not successful in a business way. There ought to be some way in which educators could be better paid. It would certainly help to cure at least some of their mental bias.

The same thought has come to me in regard to ministers, who are generally unfairly critical of corporations, including public-service companies. However, this is going pretty far afield, but nevertheless I believe that leaders in our business life could well consider the advisability of giving some real attention to the economic welfare of educators and others who are largely responsible for training the minds of our children.

As I write, the final thought comes to me in regard to the textbook matter would it not be possible for some of our men to approach the large publishers of textbooks and produce some quick results in clearing up the situation?

We were very sorry to miss you, and hope to see you at the next meeting.

[blocks in formation]

MY DEAR MR. ROBERTSON: Apparently I had overlooked informing you that for the past three months this bureau has been engaged in making an analysis of textbooks used in the schools of Pennsylvania. The survey is nearly three-quarters complete, and should be finished very soon.

We have encountered obstacles in this State which, I am informed, do not exist in other States. For instance, each district superintendent in Pennsylvania appears to have carte blanche in selecting such textbooks as he deems proper. Consequently we have had to cover much ground. The returns show that several unwholesome textbooks are being used.

I was very glad to note your expressions relating to the underpay ment of teachers. If the utility companies, in a discreet way, could foster a movement for adequate remuneration of teaching personnel in our public schools, I am convinced good results could come. The reason some of those superintendents approve the use of so-called Government and municipal ownership propaganda in textbooks is the usual reason for indorsing such stuff. They are sour. Their outlook is distorted and their judgment warped through personal disappointment. That is true also of some denominational ministers, though not to the same extent.

I regret my inability to attend your meeting, and assure you I shall make strident efforts next month.

[blocks in formation]

[Exhibit No. 958]

MUSCLE SHOALS, June 4, 1925.

Mr. J. S. S. RICHARDSON, Director Pennsylvania Public Service Information Committee, 930 City Center Building, Philadelphia, Pa. DEAR SIR: I assume you have received the newspaper story on my Muscle Shoals paper to be released June 7, which Mr. Oxley has arranged to send out.

I understand that Mr. Oxley has also arranged to send a copy of the reprint direct to each Member of the incoming Congress in addition to all of the daily newspapers in the United States. It has occurred to me that some live newspaper man could write a most interesting Muscle Shoals symposium by getting in touch with leading Members of Congress and get an expression from them regarding the Muscle Shoals situation after they have read the report. Furthermore, I believe that such a program would be of very great service in securing a wider diffusion of this information

He is talking about his own pamphlet, which he sent outThe electric industry to-day is very much under fire primarily because of the misinformation on Muscle Shoals, and one of the most effective ways of righting public opinions will be to show the insignificance of Muscle Shoals and, therefore, the needless fears from the fictitious Power Trust.

If this suggestion appeals to you and you can do anything with it, then merely act along the lines indicated by your own judgment. I am inclosing four reprints that you might want to use with local newspapers. Yours truly,


Samuel S. Wyer is the same man who has figured in other exhibits offered in evidence. He is the same man who several years ago this trust sent over to Canada. He went over there and with many false pretenses he secured information and gave out misinformation to the people of the United States, all in the name of the Smithsonian Institution in the United States, and under the theory that he was acting for it. I exposed that fraud in the Senate shortly after it occurred and put into the RECORD at that time, two or three years ago, the letter of reply written by Sir Adam Beck. It seemed to me then, it still seems to me, that those in charge of the Smithsonian Institution were conniving with this Water Power Trust through the instrumentality of this Wyer to put out misinformation to the people of the United States under the guise that it was scientific information coming from the Smithsonian Institution. I said then that the head of such an institution who would permit anyone in the name of the institution to participate, even though he might believe he was on the right side, in an activity of that kind, misrepresenting a friendly nation, ought to have been removed from the institution. This bears out that I was right at that time. He ought to have been removed for thus bringing the name of a great institution into disrepute in behalf of the Power Trust in a disreputable way, without letting the people of the country know that this man was paid by the Power Trust for the efforts he was making. This letter shows what a willing tool this man was of the Power Trust.

I have only a few minutes left, and I think I will be justified in reading a letter from my own State that was offered in evidence before the Federal Trade Commission. This letter is dated January 28, 1926. It is written on the letterhead of the Nebraska Power Co., which is a concern affiliated with the trust. It was written to Mr. R. V. Prather, secretary-treasurer Great Lakes division, National Electric Light Association, 205 Illinois Mine Workers' Building, Springfield, Ill. It is as follows: [Exhibit No. 343]

Mr. R. V. PRATHER, Secretary-Treasurer,

NEBRASKA POWER CO., Omaha, Nebr., June 28, 1926.

Great Lakes Division, National Electric Light Association, 205 Illinois Mine Workers Building, Springfield, IN. DEAR MR. PRATHER: I wish to thank you for your letter of June 22 for the proceedings of your last meeting, which are both very interesting, indeed. You have a great division and are doing splendid work.

As you say, you are fortunate in having several large companies who can spare men to do the work. We are in rather sparsely settled territory and find it hard to get anything of real value done.

You very kindly requested me to ask any questions which came to my mind. At this time I am particularly interested in public-utility information work. In Nebraska we have a newspaper man in charge of this work, but about all we are doing is putting out a weekly bulletin to all the newspapers in the State. We find that a certain proportion of this material is used by the country papers, although not as large a proportion as we would like.

our family. He frequently came to the home, and later on, with two other students who were quite favorites of ours, was a frequent visitor not only at the home but at the table. I learned to know him very intimately and grew into a very high appreciation of his qualities.

So they are sending to every newspaper in the State their | versity. That brought him into close intimate relationship with bulletins, their side of the controversy, and I presume the readers of those papers, if they read the articles, have no information that they are coming from the Water Power Trust. It would appear from your proceedings as if you are doing considerable work among the schools in your area. We receive reports from your public-speaking activities and know that they are very extensive. I would be pleased to know if there are any other activities engaged in by the utility-information committee, and would also be glad to know what you do with regard to school work.

They are trying to get ready to go after the school children of Nebraska.

When we analyze characters of his sort, quite naturally we look into what he received from his ancestry and also from his associations with books and friends. From that source of judgment, Senator WILLIS was rich in promise. We find that the Willis family dates back in America as far as 1630, only 10 years after the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. I also note that one of his ancestry owned the property which has been so christened Wayside Inn. One of the Willis ancestry owned all the property surrounding this particular locality. An ancestor of the Senator built the famous Wayside Inn. The grandmother of the Senator lived there and was married in that famous hostelry. In the famous inn to-day has been placed the furniture by a brother of the Senator, who had collected it in other days and later returned it where it now is.

Any pamphlets you have which have been distributed among the distinguished by the literature of a great poet in which he schools of your district would be appreciated.

We feel that here in Nebraska there is a fertile field for work in the State which produces a HOWELL and a NORRIS. We feel that this work

in the past has not been done, and we are particularly anxious to get any information we can about what a public-utility information committee could do in addition to sending out the weekly bulletins. I call the attention of my colleague to the fact thatThey have him on the list,

And they're sure he won't be missed.

Thanking you for your courtesy in supplying the information already given and trusting that we are not troubling you too much in asking for this further information, we are

Yours very truly,


So, Mr. President, if we would follow the evidence, we would find there is no locality in the United States that is being missed by this great corporation, and everywhere it is developing, so far as anything in that line has developed at all, that they are starting with the children in the schools,

they are putting the poison into the minds of the growing children, they are doing it under a deceptive practice, they are doing it without letting the children or the parents of the children know that they are getting information from men whose reputations may be established in the communities, but they are secretly drawing pay from this great trust.

Mr. HOWELL. Mr. President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. NORRIS. I yield.

Mr. HOWELL. I would like to ask my colleague if there is any evidence indicating that Mr. Wyer was paid by the electrical interests of this country for the pamphlet that was issued under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution. Mr. NORRIS. Oh, yes; it was paid for by the National Electric Light Association. I do not think that is disputed. He was paid, as some other evidence has already developed, for other work he did in Ohio, either directly by the Electric Light Association or some one of the corporations connected with that organization.

MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ON THE LATE SENATOR WILLIS The VICE PRESIDENT. The hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, the clerk will read the special order.

The Chief Clerk read as follows:


Ordered, That Friday, May 11, at 3 o'clock p. m., be set aside for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public services Hon. FRANK B. WILLIS, late a Senator from the State of Ohio. Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I ask that the resolutions which I send to the desk be read and adopted.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read. The resolutions (S. Res. 231) were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. FRANK B. WILLIS, late a Senator from the State of Ohio. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the business of the Senate be now suspended to enable his associates to pay tribute to his high character and distinguished public service.

Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to his memory the Senate at the conclusion of these exercises shall stand in recess. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased.

Mr. FESS. Mr. President, on such sad occasions as will mark this hour it is very difficult for one who has been very closely associated with our departed friend to utter what is in his heart, and I do not intend to speak at any length whatever. I knew Senator WILLIS probably as intimately as anyone outside of his own family would know him. I learned to love him when he first came to the university in which I was at that time a teacher. He was not only in my classes, but he studied his Latin under Mrs. Fess, who was also a teacher in the uni

Senator WILLIS came from an unusually patriotic stock. The father and mother, caught up in the excitement of the movement west, and especially in that stimulating era of 1849, started west and got as far as Kansas in 1850, and, because of illness, they in time returned and took up their permanent residence in Ohio. While in the West the Senator's father fell under the influence of the leadership of Abraham Lincoln when he attended some of the famous debates between Lincoln and Douglas, and became later one of the ardent advocates of the war President. I am of opinion that this background will largely explain a certain type of thought that dominated Senator WILLIS throughout his public life.

I recognized, as soon as an opportunity was given to test him as a pupil, that he was one of the brightest that has come to

the university. The one subject which appealed to him most was history. Later on he specialized in that subject together with the kindred subject of political science. He was all eyes and ears for anything of a political nature. The literary societies of the college gave him a forum for his talent, that of oratory. Senator WILLIS was a very clear-headed thinker, and I sometimes think in his frequent addresses that he spoke often without the preparation that he was so capable of giving any subject which he might attack.

Senator WILLIS became one of the most popular men of the college, and on the day of his graduation was made a member of the faculty. I was very closely associated with him in that when I left the university he became my successor, taking up the work that I left. Soon after I had gone he entered the

political field. He had been elected to the State legislature, where he added to his record laws that reflected credit upon a constructive mind. He was later promoted to membership in the lower House of Congress. When I came to Congress in 1913 I found my former pupil there to greet me. When I walked down the aisle to take the oath of office I was honored by being accompanied by him to the dais of the Chamber. After two terms in the House, where he had been very active upon many lines of legislation, he was promoted to the governorship of our State in 1914. Later on he was elected to this body. When I was elected in 1922 I was greeted at the door here by my former pupil, Senator WILLIS, and was accompanied down the aisle by him. He said to me, "The one thing that I wish could happen would be that our old friend, Doctor Lehr," the president of the college which opened its doors to him and thousands of others, "could be alive and see his two boys walk down the aisle of the United States Senate together." I know very few men who have the lofty ambition to achieve in public life, as did Senator WILLIS. He had so completely devoted himself to public service that at times he was criticized because, it was said, he was doing nothing except serving the public. I recognized that his ambition from the beginning was to be a public servant, and it was perfectly natural, with the background this man had, with the possibilities of the future in a Republic like ours, that he should have an ambition, if the way were opened, to pass from this body to even a higher promotion.

Senator WILLIS was known in his day as one of the best political speakers we ever had in our political history. I need not mention incidents which are historic that would indicate his power. Two or three stand out and will stand alone in the political history of our country. Suffice it to say that he was a very ready speaker, having received the training in his college career. He was a keen thinker, spoke often extemporaneously, and was unusually versatile and fluent. He had a wonderful speaking voice that would immediately command attention either in or out of doors, no matter what size the audience.

Those of us who knew Senator WILLIS best knew his fine personality. I do not think that he had any real enemy anywhere. Those who might differ from him, either in principle or in method, always recognized that he was one of the most lovable characters we ever had in public life. In that way he gripped the public. He probably knew more people whom he could call by name in our State than anybody living to-day, and I doubt whether there was anybody in the past who was his superior in that respect. When he would meet a friend and slap him on the shoulder, sometimes it would provoke a criticism, but it was not the basis for criticism, because that was the heart of FRANK B. WILLIS. It was the sincere expression of his attitude toward friends. To meet him was to like him. To know him was to love him. That can be attested by every person who was associated with him here in public life. He was a genuinely good


Mr. President, it seems difficult to explain that one so young, so full of promise, with such conditions of health, with such laudable ambitions, should pass on as did our lamented friend. But if we could choose the way that we were to go, I do not know anything finer than to die with the harness on, in the midst of one's friends who had gathered about to express their great love and gratitude and aspiration for his possibilities, as was the case of our lamented friend. To know him was to love him and the time will never come when we will forget the pleasing personality and the charming individuality of the muchbeloved FRANK B. WILLIS, of Ohio.

Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. President, the State of Ohio has furnished this body with many leaders in legislative science and in political philosophy. Among them we find Jeremiah Morrow, prominent in the affairs of Ohio and the Nation, governor and Congressman; William Allen Trimble, military commander, wounded and decorated at Fort Erie; Ethan Allen Brown, law student under Alexander Hamilton, member of the State supreme court, head of the State government; William Henry Harrison, hero of Tippecanoe, diplomat, President of the United States; Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Treasury under President William Henry Harrison, Secretary of the Interior under President Taylor, delegate to the peace congress which endeavored to avert the Civil War, tendered the Secretaryship of War by President Johnson, refused confirmation by the Senate; Thomas Corwin, master of humor and of eloquence, notable for utterances that have become a part of our permanent literature; Salmon P. Chase, one of the great figures of the Civil War era, author with Giddings of what has been termed the first proclamation of Republican Party doctrine, writer of a standard edition of the annotated laws of Ohio, drafter of the Liberty platform of 1843, the Liberty address of 1845, and of the declaration of principles of the Free Soil Party, celebrated lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury in Lincoln's war Cabinet and father of the national banking system, Chief Justice of the United States, rendering landmark opinions, in one of which he described the Nation as an indestructible union of indestructible States; John Sherman, 30 years a Senator, Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State, influential in party councils, molder of the Government's financial policies in war and reconstruction, one of the principal framers of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890; Allen G. Thurman, distinguished for half a century in both law and politics, associate and chief justice of the State's highest legal tribunal, important aspirant for the Presidency; Stanley Matthews, noted jurist, potent in political management and legal disputations of four decades, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; George Hunt Pendleton, Democrat in the National House of Representatives during the Civil War, scholar, practitioner of the law, railroad president, originator of the initial civil service act, the Pendleton Act of 1883; Warren Harding, the only man in our history elected President while a Member of the Senate.

FRANK B. WILLIS was qualified by nature, training, and experience for a conspicuous place in this succession. Equipped with a university education, member of a university faculty, member of the bar, twice a member of the Ohio General Assembly, Representative in the National House for two terms, Governor of Ohio for two years, he came into the Senate already trained for its multifold demands, with a national standing already his. Also he was already recognized as one of the most powerful advocates of prohibition in the United States. In committees and on the floor his activities were intense and varied. In fact, they attained such character and volume as to become a peril to his health, vigorous as he usually was. His addresses and discussions in the Senate related to hundreds of subjects, covering almost the entire range of national jurisdiction and concern. He was skilled in the presentation of measures and in conducting them through parliamentary chan

nels. He was especially active in securing substantial additions to the Volstead Act, among them the measures known popularly as the Willis antibeer bill.

His first assignment to committees included Commerce and Territories, and these he held throughout his service, becoming chairman of the latter. In connection with the former he took a deep interest in the Shipping Board, the merchant marine, the improvement of rivers and harbors, the promotion of the foreign commerce service. His work on the Committee on Territories made him familiar with the needs and aspirations of their peoples. He sponsored a number of measures for their advancement. From the Senate and House of Representatives of Porto Rico came official expressions of grief over his death, the house resolution referring to him as Porto Rico's kind and distinguished friend.

Soon after his entry here he became a member of the Committee on Immigration and was one of the chief developers and advocates of legislation regarding entrants from abroad which set up new safeguards for the standards and traditions of our country. Later he reached that aristocrat of committees, Foreign Relations, and became one of the most diligent students, one of the most earnest defenders, of the foreign policies of his party. He spoke with characteristic aggressiveness and thoroughness on the Colombian treaty, naval disarmament, the treaty of peace with Germany, our relations with Haiti and San Domingo, the Isle of Pines, the Near East, the foreign-debt settlements, the World Court, Central American affairs, Nicaragua, and Mexico.

Among other subjects on which he spoke and labored were prohibition, welfare of ex-service men, Federal reserve system, farm relief, national resources, particularly forestation, the tariff, internal tax revision, Muscle Shoals, good roads, postal rates and salaries, commercial and military aviation, cooperative marketing, radio control, railway-labor disputes, the Oldroyd collection of Lincoln relics, compensation for quarantine losses, oil pollution of navigable waters, seasonal coal rates, agricultural diversification, and industrial conditions. Such is a meager outline of the amazing labors he crowded into the brief space of his seven years and two months in the United States Senate. Impressive in stature, attractive in personality, tireless in research, able, courageous, resourceful; combining with these attributes a boldness, a directness, and a resonance of expression, it is not strange that he loomed large in the Nation's life as orator and statesman. On the lecture platform and as a speaker for patriotic and historic occasions he was in constant demand outside the Senate. Naturally his time and strength were taxed to the breaking point. When to all this was added the strain of his candidacy for President, a distinction that came to him as the logical outgrowth of his career, the burden was too colossal even for his unusual strength. With the plaudits of the people of his home city ringing about him and as he was about to speak before them of his claims to the loftiest position in our political system dissolution suddenly came.

Viewing his life as a whole, we may well conclude that numerous as were the subjects with which he dealt, diversified as were the interests he touched, honorable and exalted as were his public capacities, the dominant feature was his devotion to | prohibition. For his work in behalf of prohibition he will be best remembered and most loved. With that momentous cause, that magnificent reform, he was most intimately associated in the public estimation and will be most signally identified in history. From the early contests on local option to the struggles in the States and in the Nation, he was ever at the front for prohibition, a favorite among its hosts, a terror to its adversaries. How admirable such an existence! How glorious to be so catalogued! I would rather be FRANK WILLIS and take to the assizes of eternity the record of a life whose best efforts had been expended against the traffic in intoxicating liquor than to be the monarch of the earth with all its treasure, its glitter, and its pomp at my command.

Mr. GOFF. Mr. President, to-day our thoughts turn to resignation and reverence as we meet to honor FRANK B. WILLIS with the tribute of our praise. In recollection of when he was here moving among us, beautiful unpainted pictures appear in the mind of how much sweeter life is that he lived. He was a friend, a friend worthy of the name in the best sense of the word, and I would be false to my deepest emotions if I failed to bring the love of my heart and embalm it in his memory to-day.

The warm, red blood of the Anglo-Saxon flowing and commingling with the life currents of other peoples has in all history produced men to stir with quickening speech, to thrill with ecstatic song, to die with superb daring, to live in truth for their loves and in faith for their friends, and with it all

to wear a sun smile in their souls that carries warmth and cheer wherever it beams. This was the blood from which FRANK B. WILLIS Sprung, and eminently did he illustrate its noblest traits. He had excellent common sense. He was definite in his purposes. He believed in what was just. He never descended to vindictiveness, so often the weapon of the prejudiced and the insincere. He was not a man of expediency, substituting tact for courage; nor did his affection for his friends find its origin in dependence. It was the impulse rather of a heart as tender as it was fearless and true, and his gracious manner and winning smile gained for him the confidence and the esteem of all who knew him. It is not the length of an association that gives it value but the lifelong impression it makes and the good that comes from it.

Death always preaches an impressive sermon and warningly teaches us what shadows we are and what shadows we pursue. We understand death for the first time when it lays its immortal hand upon those we love. We know little of each other, even under conditions of the greatest intimacy. We mingle with men who can never know us and whom we can never know. Our real world is within ourselves, secret chambers to which no one carries a key. Across its portals none may ever step except to catch the imperfect reflections of another soulthe twilight that faintly heralds the glow of the approaching


FRANK B. WILLIS was typically human-so true and so real. He was untaught to feign. He was wedded to the principles and the practices of self-trust and strong and great in all that should become a man. He saw things straight as a ray of light. He, too, had heard the lions roar, but he knew no fear except the fear of doing wrong. In his real world he wore the breastplate of untainted candor. He believed that the essential element in all life is conduct and that conduct springs from what we are taught, what we cling to, what we yearn for in faith and resolution. He lived the truth that it is not life that matters but the valor we bring to it, the spirit that enables us to do the best we can just when and where we are. Every environment produces its type, every age its men. In America birth has neither given the rank nor determined the station. Every path leading to a goal has been free to every foot. Our great and worthy men have risen by their innate qualities and powers. Our departed friend demonstrated that it is the thoughts that come from the brain and the heart that move us to action. And as he came and went among us he always sought the contests of struggle and toil, because he realized that all man can do is to turn and face the battle, just as we now know that in the hour of pain and sorrow

Memory is the only friend That grief can call her own.

Turning to where man meets man in the absorbing activities of life, where can we go or to whom can we point as a truer example of American manhood than Senator WILLIS? No storm of passion ever unbalanced him; and we who knew him realized that he possessed a standard of truth which no ambition could ever cause him to violate. He lived the best of all lives, because he lost self in the service of others. He knew that no man ever makes a friend who has never made a foe. I can never forget him, Mr. President; he was such a sturdy, kindly, rugged man-divine with all the divinities.

After all is said and all is done, when the play is over and the player gone, the spirit of duty remains; not success for its own sake, but the doing justice between man and man, our brother and the stranger within our gates.

There is nothing heroic in the discharge of duty. The incentive is often lacking, and at times it will cost us the admiration and the respect we crave; but if we are content with our part and our share in common hope, and responsive to the highest promptings, then we will the best express, as FRANK WILLIS always did, the ideals of the race and the Nation. He lived a friend of man in that mystic house by the side of the road where all the world is kin. No truer eulogy can be paid his name and his fame than is contained in the words "death" and "duty." Dead at the post of duty.

What finer eulogy

All the boast of pomp and glory seem but idle breath Beside the calm, quiet dignity of death,

Where death and duty meet,

Is found solution most complete

Of all life's problems; 'tis enough

Dead at the post.

Death always leaves in its train the thought that he who was taken was fitted for a higher destiny and for grander achievements. Such occasions always seem like admonitions. To-day our brother sleeps. It is we who speak. To-morrow our lips

may be silent and other voices speak as we are doing now. The dread moments are sure to come, when the happiness of a lifetime melts away in one sad moment. Yes; when the pale messenger lays his hand upon an accomplished life, a life which has rounded out the years allotted to human endeavor; when those years have been occupied and filled with usefulness, rewarded by success, and crowned with love and gratitude; yes; when a good man, having performed the trusts and discharged the duties of life, lies down calmly and peacefully to his final repose we may grieve, but we can not complain. The tears of deep affection can not be kept back, but the voice of reason is hushed.

To complain at the close of such a life as FRANK B. WILLIS lived is to complain that the ripened fruit drops from the overloaded bough and that the golden harvest waits for the sickle. To complain under such circumstances is to reprove the Creator because He did not make man immortal on the earth. We can not understand, and here we shall never know.

It is the temporal conception of life that so profoundly disturbs mankind. Three thousand years of profound thought, grave contemplation, philosophy, and religion, and we have advanced no nearer the solution of the problem. We must not despair. This is a world in the making. We must find hope in growth, faith in conscience, courage in knowledge, and inspiration in the listening planets and the sentinel stars. We can do this only as FRANK B. WILLIS did it, by keeping our hearts and

our hands clean.

What a comfort it is to have had him with us, and to have heard, as we hear now, the echo of his thrilling and convincing voice! What a consolation it is that where he was known, respected, and loved, undaunted and unafraid, he gladdened the everlasting God by lying down to his dreamless sleep in the unmolested hope of a glorious immortality!

How wonderful is death!

Death and his brother sleep.

But he is not dead. He lives in his example and his influence. He lives in the splendor of his deeds. He lives in the hearts he left behind. He will live in the traditions that pass from generation to generation and from age to age. He has just wandered over the boundary, there to illuminate and irradiate the pathway of mankind. His sunset has come, but we believe it was a sunrise that will never again set.

We have gratitude, honor, pride, and affection, but no blinding tears for such a man as he. We should save our tears for those who have failed, for those who have fainted by the wayside; not for those who have finished the journey without a spot or a blemish on their escutcheon.

This we know, that in the death of Senator FRANK B. WILLIS, whose career and whose services we commemorate to-day, an earnest, active intellect is stilled; that just as he harkened to the call of duty, God's finger touched him, and he slept; beckoned him away from all the splendid, majestic achievements and beauties of life, from love and care and sorrow, to awaken in eternity free from grief and pain. He is safe without panegyric. No; he is not dead. The living are the only dead.

The dead live never more to die; and as we bid him a him as John o' the Mountains: gracious, a sorrowful, yes, a lingering good-by, let us think of

John o' the Mountains, wonderful John,

Is past the summit and traveling on;
The turn of the trail on the mountain side,

A smile and "Hail" where the glaciers slide.

A streak of red where the condors ride,
And John is over the Great Divide.
John o' the Mountains camps to-day
On a level spot by the Milky Way;
And God is telling him how he rolled
The smoking earth from the iron mold,
And hammered the mountains till they were cold,
And planted the redwood trees of old.

And John o' the Mountains says: “I know.
And I wanted to grapple the hand o' you;
And now we're sure to be friends and chums,
And camp together till chaos comes."

Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana. Mr. President, school days come back to me this afternoon. I find my feelings strangely stirred. The old university rises up before me. Back there was my dear friend, the Senator from Ohio [Mr. FESS], who is with us to-day. There also was dear old "Prexy" Lehr, the president of the university. There, too, was this great, big, fine, wholesome young man who had recently become a member of the faculty and whose memory we honor to-day.

How loyal he remained to the old university throughout the years, ever ready to assist in all its worthy undertakings! For more than a quarter of a century I enjoyed the intimate friendship of FRANK B. WILLIS, and what a loyal friend he was!

Throughout his distinguished career, I have followed him with the greatest admiration and the most profound respect. To-day, on this solemn occasion, I go back in memory to the first time I ever saw him. It was in 1901. He was a teacher at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, and I was a student. Big in body and mind, popular with faculty and student body alike, wholesome, magnanimous, he could only be an inspiration to all who came in contact with him.

In those days, as throughout his life, he was universally admired, and with infinite patience he gave of his talent and his genius to the youth of the land. From every State in the Union and from most countries of the earth they came there for light, and none left the university without having been influenced tremendously, and for good, by the nobility of character of FRANK B. WILLIS.

Small wonder that in the years which followed those who had known him in college days rallied unanimously to his support!

His entire life was given to the public service. He was the most industrious man I have ever known. "Toiling upward in the night," he fitted himself for the law, and in 1906 was admitted to the bar in Ohio, where he continued to be an honored member to the day of his death.

We who loved him watched his rapid rise in public life. It seemed his people delighted to do him honor. As their representative he served with distinction in the seventy-fourth and seventy-fifth general assemblies of his native State. Here, indeed, his service was so outstanding that he was promoted to the National House of Representatives, where he was an honored Member during the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Congresses.

That his untiring efforts in behalf of the people of Ohio and the Nation were fully appreciated by the folks at home is attested by the fact that he was triumphantly elected to the office of governor while in the House, and resigned his seat there in January, 1915, to become the chief executive of the State of Ohio.

man stood at the doorway of his cave and, with stone-pointed weapons, defended the woman whom his savage heart loved, the children she had borne him. We have always admired fine physical strength and courage.

Our race is no exception. We have admired physical strength, the thing that we call physical courage, and that quality which we call courage which consists of a commingling of both the mind and the heart with the physical strength of the body to endure. As a nation we have admired strength and courage throughout our history, from that hour when Betsey Ross first pieced together the colors in our flag, to the last battle in the last war in which our sons were engaged.

Senator WILLIS was a man of superb physical strength. He was a man of fine mental strength. He was a man of great vigor of intellect. He was a man of infinite good nature and infinite good will.

He spoke often in this body. He spoke upon many occasions and upon many public questions. It would be most difficult to recall a single sentence from his lips which impugned or questioned the motive of any man.

He did not agree with the opinions of men, he differed from their views, he was willing to take his side upon issues, and not one of his colleagues can recall when he failed to take his position upon any question of moment or of importance, whether we agreed or disagreed with the position taken by him.

He fell in the very prime of his life. In action he passed away. It is most difficult for all of us, for any of us, to realize that he has gone. It seems strange that a man of such strong physique, such robust mental vigor, such intense activity, such infinite good will and good faith, should pass away in action in the prime of life. We do not yet realize it. His going serves to remind us again and again that in the midst of life we are in death.

It is difficult to appraise men here, Mr. President. It is difficult to estimate them at their true value. Suffice it to say that whatever may be our judgments in this body, engaged as we are in the consideration of public questions of great moment, it is hardly probable that any one of us comes here who does not possess in some marked degree the elements of human greatness and strength.

In this body the man who does not possess some element of strength, some virtue of mind or soul, some willingness and

Throughout these years we who had known him in college capacity to work and to labor will scarcely attract the attendays looked on with admiration and applauded.

As Governor of Ohio his courage and force of character were splendidly tested, and the people found him in the forefront and on the right side of every great moral issue.

From this high office to the Senate of the United States was but a logical step and none was surprised to see him overwhelmingly triumphant in both nomination and election.

Coming to the Senate in January, 1921, when his friend and neighbor, Warren G. Harding, became President of the United States, he served with great distinction until the day of his tragic death.

What a wholesome influence he wielded in this body! Genial, companionable, helpful, and withal tremendously able, he was a powerful moral force in the Government of the United States. Senator WILLIS was a righteous man. He had moral stamina and his counsel was good. He was an ideal public servant who could never be stampeded from what he conceived to be his line of duty.

And now, in the prime of life, he is stricken down. The ways of the Infinite are inscrutable, but we know that He doeth all things well.

The living are the only dead, the dead live never more to die. FRANK B. WILLIS, in the flesh, has departed this life but his gentle spirit and his great influence for good go on forever. He has passed on, out into the silence and has taken on the robes of immortality.

In the fact that all men speak well of him, that he was a Christian gentleman who rendered outstanding patriotic service to his country and his people throughout his life, he has left a priceless heritage to his loved ones.

America was proud of him and every State in the Union shares the grief of Ohio in the loss of her distinguished son.

Mr. GEORGE. Mr. President, I wish that I might pay suitable tribute to the memory of the late Senator FRANK B. WILLIS, of Ohio. Words do not enable me to do so. A certain physical disability makes it necessary for me to speak but briefly.

Senator WILLIS was a strong man physically. He had all the elements of physical strength which make death all the more difficult to realize. We have always admired strength, even physical strength, since the earlier days, when the crude cave

tion of his neighbors about him. Senator WILLIS had a zeal for his work. I think that no one of his colleagues would question that statement. He was always industrious, he was always alert, he was always active, and he seemed to have a zeal for public service. It therefore is not strange when we read that he was a representative in his State legislature, a Member of the other House of Congress, a governor of his State, and a United States Senator from his State.

Certainly there was no abatement of his energy in the study of public questions; certainly there was no slackening of the pace in his prosecution of his duties as a Senator from his State. Back in his State at the time of his death he was engaged in an ardent campaign. He was still carrying forward with that same physical strength and mental vigor so characteristic of him in this body.

It would be untrue to say, and no occasion, it seems, would demand a statement inconsistent with the facts, that Senator WILLIS never made mistakes upon public questions. That we can always occupy the right position upon great questions which disturb the thought of the people is scarcely to be hoped. But whether he was right or wrong his colleagues here knew his position. He stated his position with force and with energy. He was prepared to maintain his position and did maintain it upon every important question to which he gave his thought and attention,

He served his State well in this body. He was alert in the interest of his immediate constituents. But his interest and his sympathy and his efforts were not confined to Ohio. He linked his name with the great causes which have inspired men of this generation in America. He took his side upon a great question, and there was never any doubt about his loyalty and devotion to the side on which he cast his affections. He was a man of loftiest patriotism. He possessed the virtues common to all men of greatness. He possessed a certain fine strength, a certain strong and charming personality, a certain mental and moral vigor that distinguished him even in this body in a day of men of great strength and vigor.

On occasions like this, Mr. President, we regret that we have not the words to pay suitable tribute, but those of us who were privileged to associate with the figures that have left their impress upon this body and upon the history of this time may pay genuine and sincere tribute to one such, who in due season, has been called away.

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