WILLIAM B. DANA, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR,- Nos. 61 AND 63 WILLIAM STREET. 1863. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FORTY-EIGHTH VOLUME OF THE MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. A. N. BELL, M. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y. WILLIAM BROWN, of Cote des Neiges, Canada. CHARLES H. CARROLL, of East Cambridge, Mass. WILLIAM B. DANA, of New York. JOHN W. EDMONDS, late Justice of the Court of Appeals of New York. JOHN F. ENTZ, of New York. LADISLAS KORIZMICS, of Pest, Vice-President of the Hungarian Exhibition Committee for the International Exhibition of 1862. THOMAS P. KETTELL, of New York. J. JAY KNOX, of Washington. Professor LEONE LEVI, of London, England. H. E. MÖRING, Coffee and Sugar Broker, New York. THEOPHILUS PARSONS, LL. D., Professor of Law in the University of Cambridge. A. W. STETSON, of Boston. JOHN SAVAGE, of New York. J. W. SCOTT, of Toledo, Ohio. A. K. SHEPARD, of Albany. ISAAC H. UPTON, Secretary Shipmasters' Association, N. Y. THOMAS WHITNEY, of Milwaukee, Wis. J. D. WEBSTER. C. F. WREAKS, Secretary of Neptune Insurance Co., New York. |