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Maintenance of military and naval status quo.



dently on the subject-matter of the dispute after the report of the Commission shall have been submitted.


Pending the investigation and report of the International Commission, the high contracting parties agree not to increase their military or naval programs, unless danger from a third power shall compel such increase, in which case the party feeling itself menaced shall confidentially communicate the fact in writing to the other contracting party, whereupon the latter shall also be released from its obligation to maintain its military and naval status quo.


The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice of the Senate thereof; and by the President of the Republic of Salvador, with the approval of the Congress thereof; and the ratifications shall be exchanged as soon as possible. It shall take effect immediately after the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force for a period of five years; and it shall thereafter remain in force until twelve months after one of the high contracting parties have

dependientemente en la materiasujeta de la disputa después que el informe de la Comisión se les haya sometido.


Durante la investigación é informe de la Comisión Internacional, las Altas Partes contratantes convienen en no aumentar su programa militar ó naval, á menos que el peligro de un tercer Poder los compela á tal aumento, en cuyo caso, la parte que se creyere amenazada deberá comunicar confidencialmente el hecho por escrito á la otra parte contratante, por lo tanto, la última quedará exonerada de las obligaciones de mantener su status quo militar y naval.


El presente Tratado será ratificado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, de acuerdo y con el consentimiento del Senado respectivo, y por el Presidente de la República de El Salvador, con la aprobación del Congreso, y las ratificaciones deberán ser canjeadas tan pronto como fuere posible. Deberá entrar en vigor inmediatamente después del canje de ratificaciones, y continuará en fuerza por un período de cinco años; y deberá después permanecer en fuerza hasta doce meses después que una de las

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(Legislative Day of August 11, 1914)

Resolved (Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the Treaty between the United States and Salvador (Ex. K, 63d Cong., 2d Sess.), looking to the advancement of the Cause of General Peace, signed at Washington, August 7, 1913, with the following amendments:

1. In line 3 of Article I, after the word "whatsoever" and before the word "which" insert the following: to the settlement of which previous arbitration treaties or agreements do not apply in their terms or are not applied in fact, and, so that as amended the article will read:

"The High Contracting Parties agree that all disputes between them of every nature whatsoever, to the settlement of which previous arbitration treaties or agreements do not apply in their terms or are not applied in fact, and which diplomacy shall fail to adjust, shall be submitted for investigation and report to an International Commission, to be constituted in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding Article; and they agree not to declare war or begin hostilities during such investigation and report."

2. Strike out Article IV.

3. Change the title of the next article so as to make it read "Article
IV" instead of "Article V." Attest:



Disputes to be submitted to an International Commission for investigation

and report.

Treaty between the United States and Switzerland for the Advancement of General Peace1

The President of the United Der Präsident der Vereinigten States of America and the Swiss Federal Council, being desirous to strengthen the bonds of amity that bind them together and also to advance the cause of general peace, have resolved to enter into a treaty for that purpose, and to that end have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United
States, the Honorable William
Jennings Bryan, Secretary of
State; and

The Swiss Federal Council, Dr.
Paul Ritter, Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary of
Switzerland to the United States;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles:


The High Contracting Parties agree that all disputes between them, of every nature whatsoever, which can not be adjusted through diplomatic methods, or are not submitted to arbitration, shall be

Staaten von Amerika und der Schweizerische Bundesrat, in der Absicht, die Bande der Freundschaft, die sie verbinden, enger zu knüpfen und die Sache des allgemeinen Friedens su förden, haben beschlossen einen bezüglichen Vertrag abzuschliessen und haben zu diesem Zecke zu ihren Bevollmächtigten ernannt:

Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten: Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Staatssekretär; und

Der Schweizerische Bundesrat: Dr. Paul Ritter, Ausserordentlicher Gesendter und Bevollmächtigter Minister der Schweizbei den Vereinigten Staaten;

Welche, nach gegenseitiger Auswechslung ihrer in guter und richtiger Form befundenen Vollmachten, folgende Artikel unter sich vereinbart und abgeschlossen haben:


Die Hohen Vertragschliessenden Parteien kommen überein, dass alle zwischen ihnen auftauchenden Streitigkeiten, welcher Natur sie auch sein mögen, welche auf diplomatischem Wege nicht

1 MS. Department of State. Signed at Washington, February 13, 1914; ratification advised by the Senate, August 13, 1914.

referred for investigation and report to a permanent International Commission, to be constituted in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding article; and they agree not to declare war or begin hostilities during such investigation and before the report is submitted.


The International Commission shall be composed of five members, to be appointed as follows: One member shall be chosen from each country, by the Government thereof; one member shall be chosen by each Government from some third country; the fifth member shall be chosen by common agreement between the two Governments, it being understood that he shall not be a citizen of either country. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall have the right to remove, at any time before investigation begins, any Commissioner selected by it and to name his successor, and under the same conditions shall also have the right to withdraw its approval of the fifth Commissioner selected jointly; in which case a new Commissioner shall be selected jointly as in the original

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Die internationale Kommission International soll aus fünf, wie folgt zu bes- Composition. timmenden Mitgliedern zusammengesetzt sein: ein Mitglied wird von jedem Lande durch die betreffende Regierung gewählt; ein Mitglied wird. von jeder Regierung aus einem dritten Staate ernannt; das fünfte Mitglied wird durch gebeinsames Uebereinkommen der beiden Regierungen bezeichnet, in der Annahme jedoch, dass es nicht Bürger eines der beiden Länder sei. Jede der Hohen Vertragschliessenden Parteien soll das Recht haben, irgend einen von ihr gewählten Kommissär, jederzeit vor Beginn der Untersuchung, abzuberufen und seinen Nachfolger zu ernennen, und soll unter denselben Bedingungen das Recht haben, ihre Anerkennung des gemeinsam ernannten fünften




Duties of

selection. The Commissioners shall, when actually employed in the investigation of a dispute, receive such compensation as shall be agreed upon by the High Contracting Parties. The expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the two Governments in equal proportion.

The International Commission shall be appointed within six months after the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty; and vacancies shall be filled according to the manner of the original appointment.


In case the High Contracting Parties shall have failed to adjust a dispute by diplomatic methods, or through an arbitration, they shall at once refer it to the International Commission for investigation and report. The International Commission may, however, spontaneously offer its services to that effect, and in such case it shall notify both Governments and request their cooperation in the investigation.

The High Contracting Parties agree that in such a case they will

Kommissärs zurückzuziehen; in diesem Falle soll ein neuer Kommissär nach der Art der ursprünglichen Wahl gemeinsam ernannt werden. Die Kommissäre sollen während der tatsächlichen Inanspruchnahme durch die Untersuchung eines Streitfalles eine Entschädigung erhalten, wie sie von den Hohen Vertragschliessenden Parteien vereinbart worden ist. Die Kosten der Kommission sind von den beiden Regierungen zu gleichen Teilen zu tragen.

Die internationale Kommission soll innert sechs Monaten nach Austausch der Ratifikationsurkunden dieses Vertrages ernannt werden; Vakanzen sind nach der Art der ursprünglichen Wahl auszufüllen.


Für dem Fall, dass die Hohen Vertragschliessenden Parteien einen Streitfall auf diplomatischem Wege oder durch ein Shiedsgericht nicht werden beilegen können, so werden sie denselben sofort der internationalen Kommission zur Untersuchung und zum Bericht unterbreiten. Die internationale Kommission kann immerhin auf ihre eigene Initiative zu diesem Zwecke ihre Dienste anbieten, und soll in solchen Fällen die beiden Regierungen benachrichtigen und deren

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