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In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty and have affixed thereunto their seals.

Done in Washington on the 13th day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fourteen.

En fe de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han firmado el presente Tratado, y puesto al pie sus sellos.

Hecho en Washington, el día 13 de febrero en el año de Nuestro Señor mil novecientos catorce.


[SEAL] J. B. Calvo


Plenipoten tiaries.

Treaty between the United States and Denmark for the Advancement of General Peace1

The United States of America and His Majesty the King of Denmark being desirous to strengthen the bonds of amity that bind them together and also to advance the cause of general peace, have resolved to enter into a treaty for that purpose and to that end have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States: The Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State; and

His Majesty the King of Denmark: Mr. Constantin Brun, His Chamberlain and Envoy Envoy Ex

De amerikanske Forenede Stater og Hans Majestæt Kongen af Danmark har, besjælede af Ønsket om at styrke de Venskabsbaand, som sammenknytter dem, og samtidig at fremme Freden i Almindelighed, besluttet at indgaa en Traktat mellem sig til dette Formaal og har i den Anledning udnævnt til deres befuldmægtigede :

Præsidenten for de Forenede Stater, the Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Statssekretær; og

Hans Majestæt Kongen af Danmark, Hr. Constantin Brun, Hans Majestæts Kammerherre og En

1 U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 38, pt. 2. p. 1883. Signed at Washington, April 17, 1914; ratification advised by the Senate, September 30, 1914; ratified by Denmark, November 21, 1914; ratified by the President, January 14, 1915; ratifications exchanged at Washington, January 19, 1915; proclaimed January 20,

traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:


The High Contracting Parties agree that all disputes between them, of every nature whatsoever, which diplomacy shall fail to adjust, shall be submitted for investigation and report to an International Commission, to be constituted in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding article; and they agree not to declare war or begin hostilities during such investigation and report.


The International Commission shall be composed of five members, to be appointed as follows: One member shall be chosen from each country, by the Government thereof; one member shall be chosen by each Government from some third country; the fifth member shall be chosen by common agreement between the two Governments. It is understood that the fifth member of the Com

voyé extraordinaire og Ministre plénipotentiaire i de Forenede Stater;

Som efter at have meddelt hinanden deres respektive Fuldmagter, der fandtes at være i behørig Form, er komne overens om følgende Artikler:


submitted to


tion and


De høje kontraherende Parter Disputes to be er enige om, at alle Stridigheder International mellem dem, ligegyldig af hvilken for investigaArt, som det ikke er lykkedes at bilægge ad diplomatisk Vej, skal forelægges en international Kommission til Undersøgelse og Betænkning. Komissionen skal sammensættes paa den i den følgende Artikel bestemte Maade, og de er enige om ikke at erklære Status Krig eller paabegynde Fjendt- report. ligheder, saalænge Kommissionens Undersøgelse ikke er tilendebragt og dens Betænkning afgivet.



Den internationale Kommis- International Commission. sion skal bestaa af 5 Medlem- Composition. mer, der udnævnes paa følgende Maade: et Medlem skal vælges fra hvert Land af dettes Regering; et Medlem skal vælges af hver Regering fra et tredje Land; det femte Medlem skal vælges efter Overenskomst mellem de to Regeringer. Det femte Medlem af Kommissionen maa ikke være Statsborger i noget af de to




Duties of

Facilities for investigation.

mission shall not be a citizen of either country. The expenses of The expenses of the Commission shall be paid by the two Governments in equal proportion.

The International Commission shall be appointed within four months after the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty; and vacancies shall be filled according to the manner of the original appointment.

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties the procedure of the International Commission shall be regulated by the prescriptions contained in the Convention signed at The Hague on October 18, 1907, for the peaceful settlement of international disputes, Chapter III.1


In case the High Contracting Parties shall have failed to adjust a dispute by diplomatic methods, they shall at once refer it to the International Commission for investigation and report. The International Commission may, however, act upon its own initiative, and in such case it shall notify both Governments and request their cooperation in the investigation.

The High Contracting Parties agree to furnish the Permanent

Lande. Kommissionens Udgifter skal betales af de to Regeringer med lige Dele.

Den internationale Kommission skal udnævnes inden Udløbet af 4 Maaneder efter Udvekslingen af Ratifikationerne af denne Traktat, og ledige Pladser skal udfyldes paa samme Maade som den oprindelige Udnævnelse.

Medmindre andet er aftalt mellem Parterne, skal Proceduren ved den internationale Kommission ske i Overensstemmelse med Reglerne i Kap. III i den i Haag den 18. Oktober 1907 undertegnede Konvention om fredelig Bilæggelse af internationale Stridigheder.


Hvis det ikke lykkes de høje kontraherende Parter at bilægge en Strid gennem diplomatisk Forhandling, skal de straks henvise den til den internationale Kommission til Undersøgelse og Betænkning. Den internationale Kommission kan desuden handle paa eget Initiativ, og i saa Tilfælde skal den underrette begge Regeringer og anmode om deres Bistand til Undersøgelsen. De høje kontraherende Parter er enige om at yde den permanente interna

1 U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 36, pp. 2214-20.

International Commission with all the means and facilities required for its investigation and report.

The report of the International Commission shall be completed within one year after the date on which it shall declare its investigation to have begun, unless the High Contracting Parties shall extend the time by mutual agreement. The report shall be prepared in triplicate; one copy shall be presented to each Government, and the third retained by the Commission for its files.


The High Contracting Parties agree that, upon the receipt of the report of the International Commission as provided in Article III, they will immediately endeavor to adjust the dispute directly between them upon the basis of the Commission's findings. The High Contracting Parties, however, reserve the right to act independently on the subject matter of the dispute after the report of the Commission shall have been submitted.


The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent

tionale Kommission alle Hjælpemidler og enhver Bistand, som er nødvendig til Foretagelse af Undersøgelsen og Afgivelse af Betænkningen.

Den internationale Kommis- Time for report sions Beretning skal være færdig inden 1 Aar efter det Tidspunkt, paa hvilket den erklærer, at dens Undersøgelse er paabegyndt, medmindre de høje kontraherende Parter efter Aftale forlænger dette Tidsrum. Betænkningen skal udfærdiges i 3 Eksemplarer, af hvilke eet skal overgives hver Regering; det tredje skal Kommissionen beholde til sine Arkiver.


of dispute.

De høje kontraherende Parter Adjustment er enige om ved Modtagelsen af den internationale Kommissions Betænkning, som forudsat i Art. III, uopholdelig at ville bestræbe sig for at bilægge Striden direkte mellem sig paa Grundlag af Kommissionens Resultater. De Independent høje kontraherende Parter forbe- reserved. holde sig dog Ret til at handle uafhængigt med Hensyn til Stridens Gjenstand, efterat Kommissionens Betænkning er bleven forelagt.



Nærværende Traktat skal Ratification. ratificeres af Præsidenten for de amerikanske Forenede Stater med Senatets Raad og Samtykke og af

Exchange of ratifications.

Duration and denouncement.


of the Senate thereof, and by His Majesty the King of Denmark. The ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. It shall take effect immediately after the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force for a period of five years; and it shall thereafter remain in force until twelve months after one of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of an intention to terminate it.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed. the present treaty and have affixed thereunto their seals.

Done in duplicate in the English and Danish languages at Washington this 17th day of April, in the year 1914.

Hans Majestæt Kongen af Danmark.

Ratifikationerne skal udveksles i Washington saa snart som muligt. Traktaten skal træde i Kraft umiddelbart efter Udvekslingen af Ratifikationerne og skal forblive i Kraft for et Tidsrum af 5 Aar, og derefter skal den blive i Kraft indtil Udløbet af 12 Maaneder efter, at en af de høje kontraherende Parter maatte give den anden Part Meddelelse om, at den har til Hensigt at bringe den til Ophør.

Til Bekræftelse heraf har de tvende Befuldmægtigede undertegnet nærværende Traktat og paatrykt den deres Segl.

Givet i to Eksemplarer paa Engelsk og Dansk i Washington den 17de April, 1914.

[blocks in formation]


Treaty between the United States and Ecuador for the Advancement of General Peace1

The Governments of the United States of America and of the Republic of Ecuador, being desirous of once more contributing to the consolidation of their traditional

Los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos de América y de la República del Ecuador, en el anhelo de contribuir una vez más á la consolidación de su política tradi

1 U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 39, pt. 2, p. 1650. Signed at Washington, October 13, 1914; ratification advised by the Senate. October 20, 1914; ratified by the President, January 4, 1916; ratified by Ecuador, November 10, 1915; ratifications exchanged at Washington, January 22, 1916; proclaimed, January 24, 1916.

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