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Water-borne intercoastal commerce of port of Charleston, S.C., by origin and destination of principal commodities, calendar year 1933 [Cargo tons of 2,240 pounds]


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The following table, prepared from the records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture, shows the origin and destination of cotton handled at Charleston during the crop year from August 1, 1932, through July 31, 1933, by States and countries. The table also shows comparatively the transportation facilities used in moving the cotton to and from the port.

Receipts of cotton at Charleston greatly exceeded the shipments with a total for the year of 209,557 bales while shipments during the same period showed a total of only 40,577 bales. Receipts by truck totalled 108,266 bales of which 106,713 bales originated in the State of South Carolina, 1,004 bales in Georgia and 549 bales in North Carolina. Receipts by rail were also from those States in the immediate territory tributary to the port. Shipments from South Carolina points ranked first with a total of 69,989 bales while Georgia contributed 4,433 bales, North Carolina 285 bales, and Alabama 175 bales. Receipts by water consisted of imports, coastwise receipts, intercoastal receipts, and movements by lighter from nearby points. The principal receipts by water originated in Egypt, China, Arizona, and Texas, with small shipments originating in India, Massachusetts, Peru, and a small lighter movement from South Carolina.

Shipments from Charleston were principally by rail with truck and water movements ranking second and third in total number of bales. Shipments by rail were principally to points in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. Truck shipments were destined entirely to points in North and South Carolina, while outbound movements by water consisted of coastwise shipments to New England and North Atlantic States and an export movement of seven bales to England.

Movement of cotton at Charleston, S.C., Aug. 1, 1982, through July 31, 1933

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