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It was decided in the negative; and the said motion lies on the table till to-morrow.

The Speaker laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement exhibiting the amount of duties and drawbacks on the several articles imported into the United States, and reexported therefrom, during the years 1829, 1830, and 1831; which letter and statement were laid on the table.

The Speaker laid before the House the following communication, viz.


WASHINGTON, D. C. December 11, 1832.

Speaker of the House of Representatives U. S.

SIR: There are a variety of reasons, too obvious to be enumerated, why I should not act as a member of the "Committee on Military Affairs" during the present crisis. I therefore ask to be discharged from further service on said committee.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAMES BLAIR, of South Carolina.

The said communication was read: when, on motion,

Mr. Blair was excused from further service on the Committee on Military Affairs.

And then the House adjourned until to-morrow, twelve o'clock, meridian.


Another member, viz. from South Carolina, Warren R. Davis, appeared and took his seat.

Mr. Jarvis presented a petition of sundry citizens of Eastport, in the State of Maine, praying that a marine hospital may be established in the town of Eastport; which petition was referred to the Committee on Com


Mr. Kavanagh presented a petition of Thaddeus Hubbard, of the State of Maine, praying to be indemnified for the loss of a vessel condemned under the British orders in council; which petition was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Kendall presented a petition of Amos Davis, of the State of Massachusetts, praying for a pension.

Mr. Arnold presented a petition of George Reneau, of the State of Tennessee, praying for a pension.

Mr. John Blair presented a petition of George Hammel, of the State of Tennessee, praying for a pension.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.

The undermentioned petitions, heretofore presented, were again presented, and referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, viz.

By Mr. Harper: the petition of John Taylor, presented on the 22d December, 1831.

By Mr. Noyes Barber: the petition of Nathan Chapman, presented January 3, 1332.

By Mr. Storrs: the petition of Benjamin Goodrich, presented January 9,


By Mr. Blair, of Tennessee: the petition of Henry Maggart, presented March 6, 1832.


By Mr. Carr: The petition of Thomas Phillips, presented April 2, 1832. By Mr. Doubleday: the petition of William Slocum, presented January


Mr. Choate presented a petition of Mary Elliot, Susan Neal, and Hannah Patch, of the State of Massachusetts, widow of persons killed on board private armed vessels in the late war with Great Britain; praying for a continuance of the pension heretofore granted them, respectively; which petition was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Choate,

The undermentioned petitions, heretofore presented, were again presented, and referred, viz.

The petition of Philip Bessom, presented December 14, 1830, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The petition of Glover Broughton, presented January 9, 1832, to the Committee on Commerce.

The petition of William Haskell, presented January 3, 1832, to the Committee on Commerce.

The petition of Henry Hallowell, presented December 28, 1831, to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.

The petition of inhabitants of the district of Ipswich, in the State of Massachusetts, for the erection of a light-house, presented December 28, 1831, to the Committee on Commerce.

The petition of inhabitants of Gloucester, in the State of Massachusetts, for the erection of a light-house on Straitmouth island, presented December 28, 1831, to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Isaac C. Bates presented a petition of Robert Williams and Thomas Blake, of the State of Massachusetts, praying compensation for extra services rendered by them as officers in the pay and clothier's departments of the revolutionary ariny.

Mr. John Blair presented a petition of the heirs of Doctor Samuel Kennedy, praying for a grant of the bounty in land to which the said Samuel Kennedy was entitled as a surgeon in the army of the revolution.

Mr. Jenifer presented a petition of the heirs of Thomas Blackwell, late of Kentucky, formerly of Virginia, praying to be paid the interest on the commutation of half pay for life to which the said Blackwell was entitled as a captain in the army of the revolution, and which commutation has been reeently paid them under a special act of Congress.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

The undermentioned petitions, heretofore presented, were again presented, and referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, viz.

By Mr. Wilkin: the petition of the heirs of William Jackson, presented December 16, 1825.

By Mr. John S. Barbour: the petition of James Withers, presented December 14, 1831.

By Mr. Young: the petition of Sarah Gray, presented January 5, 1829. Mr. Pitcher presented a petition of Mary Rhodes and Lucy Forbes, of the State of New York, widows of revolutionary soldiers, praying for pensions. Mr. Lewis Condict presented a petition of Caleb Tuttle, Robert Young, and Thomas Lamson, of the State of New Jersey, praying for pensions.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions

On motion of Mr. Wardwell,

Ordered, That the petitions of inhabitants of various counties in the western part of the State of New York, for an appropriation to improve the harbor at the mouth of Big Sandy creek on Lake Ontario, presented at the last session of Congress, be referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. On motion of Mr. Lewis Condict,

Ordered, That the petition of Jonah Garrison, presented December 24, 1829, be referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.

On motion of Mr. Lewis Condict,

Ordered, That the petition of Mary Hunter, Susanna Armstrong, Susan Dayton, and Sarah Cumming, widows of revolutionary officers, presented February 16, 1829, be referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims. Mr. Maxwell presented a petition of inhabitants of the counties of Nicholas and Kenhawa, in the State of Virginia, praying for the establishment of a post route.

Mr. Hall, of North Carolina, presented a petition of inhabitants of the State of North Carolina, praying for the establishment of a mail route. Ordered, That the sail petitions be referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads

On motion of Mr. Speight,

Ordered, That the petition of Thomas Jerkins and Alonzo T. Jerkins, presented April 2, 1832, be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Crane presented a petition of the heirs and representatives of George Moffett, deceased, late of the State of Ohio, praying that their claim to a section of land in the Wapaghkonetta tract, may be confirmed; which petition was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Asher Morgan, on behalf of himself and the minor heirs of Philip Fitzgerald, deceased, late of the State of Louisi


Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Francis Robieu, of the State of Louisi


Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jean Baptiste Brevelle, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Marie Francoise Himel, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Antoine Barthelemy Rachal, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Julian Rachal, of the State of Louisiana; Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Pierre S. Compere, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jean Baptiste Louis Metoyer, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Theodore Deterville, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jean Francois Hertzog, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jacques Toulon, alias James Grappe, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Etienne Lacasse, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Joseph Derbanne, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Francois Metoyer, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jean Baptiste Julian Rachal, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Barthelemy Rachal, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Aaron Lilly and others, heirs and representatives of James James, deceased, late of the State of Louisiana; Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Jean Arnaud Agness, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Rose Hughes, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Joseph Pierre Pitre, of the State of Louisiana;

Mr. Bullard presented a petition of Baptiste Jeansonne, of the State of Louisiana;

severally praying for the confirmation of their respective titles to land in the State of Louisiana.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

On motion of Mr. Evans, of Maine,

Ordered, That the petition of Joseph Emery, presented January 9, 1822, be referred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Jenifer presented a petition of Henry Sewall and Robert Sewall, of the State of Maryland, praying to be paid for property destroyed by the British forces during the late war, in consequence of said property being in the military occupancy of the United States.

Mr. Howard presented a petition of John S. Stiles, of the city of Baltimore, stating that he has been unable to obtain the relief contemplated by Congress, by the passage of the act of 1830 for the relief of sundry merchants and owners of vessels of Baltimore, and praying to revise the said act, and afford him such relief in the premises as may seem meet.

Mr. Howard presented a petition of Richard Frisby, of the city of Baltimore, praying to be paid for property destroyed by the British forces in the late war, in consequence of said property being in the military occupancy of the United States.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee of Claims. On motion of Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts,

Ordered, That the memorial of the prudential committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, for indemnity for the loss of their property occasioned by the removal of the Choctaw Indians, presented April 2d, 1832, be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Wing,

Ordered, That the petition of Henry Chipman and William Woodbridge, presented March 19, 1832, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The resolution submitted by Mr. Cambreleng, yesterday, and laid on the table, was read and considered: when

A motion was made by Mr. Wickliffe to amend the said resolution, by adding thereto the following, viz,

"Also, copies of all such letters and correspondence between the Secretary of the Treasury and the President of the bank, or its officers, as relate to the redemption of the three per cent. stock."

Mr. Cambreleng accepted the said amendment as a modification of his resolution, and modified the said resolution accordingly.

And, on the question to agree to the said resolution, as modified,
It passed in the affirmative.

As modified and agreed to, the resolution is as follows:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to communicate to this House the correspondence with the President of the Bank of the United States, and the documents furnished by the latter relative to the arrangement made in Europe on the part of the bank for the postponement of the payment of the three per cent. stock of the United States. Also, copies of all such letters and correspondeace between the Secretary of the Treasury and the President of the bank, or its officers, as relate to the redemption of the three per cent. stock.

The House proceeded to the consideration of the motion made by Mr. Wickliffe yesterday, that 10,000 additional copies be printed of the report of the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to affairs of the Bank of the United States: when

A motion was made by Mr. Polk, that the further consideration of the said motion be postponed until to-morrow.

And the question being put,

It was decided in the negative, Yeas,




The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

Mr. John Adair

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Ulysses F. Doubleday
Joseph Draper
John M. Felder
William Fitzgerald
James Ford
Thomas F. Foster
Nathan Gaither
William F. Gordon
Thomas H Hall
William Hall
Joseph M. Harper
Albert G. Hawes
Micajah T. Hawkins
Michael Hoffman
William Hogan
Cornelius Holland
Henry Horn

Benjamin C Howard
Leonard Jarvis
Freeborn G. Jewett
Richard M. Johnson
Cave Johnson
Edward Kavanagh
Adam King

John King
Henry G. Lamar
Garret Y. Lansing
Humphrey H. Leavitt

Those who voted in the negative, are,

Mr. John Q. Adams

Chilton Allan

Mr. Heman Allen

Robert Allison

Mr. Joseph Lecompte

James Lent
Dixon H. Lewis
Joel K. Mann
Samuel W. Mardis
John Y. Mason
Jonathan McCarty,
William McCoy
Rufus McIntire
James McKay
Daniel Newnan
Job Pierson
James K. Polk
Edward C. Reed
Abraham Rencher
Jesse Speight
James Standefer
Francis Thomas
Wiley Thompson
John Thomson
Gulian C. Verplanck
Aaron Ward
Daniel Wardwell
James M. Wayne
John W. Weeks
Campbell P. White
Richard H. Wilde
John T. H. Worthington.

Mr. William Armstrong
Thomas D. Arnold

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