INDEX. Absence, leave of, granted to- Mr. Hogan Mr. Appleton returns to his seat Adjourned, daily hour to which the House shall stand, 12 o'clock Page. 222 284 396 7 172, 214, 240 276 445 7 22 48, 133 Adjournment of the session, motion to close it on Saturday night Clement C. Clay, Samuel W. Mardis establish pension agency in (See bills H. R. No. 658.) proposition to establish an additional pension agency in proposition to grant land to, for internal improvement Aliens, embrace in one act all provisions relating to naturaliza- Alleghany river, improve from Pittsburgh to Olean Appalachicola river and harbor, report on improvement of 181, 184, 212 441 Appeals from Speaker's decisions Appropriations for payment of pensions - (See bills H. R. No. 642.) for Engineer Department, proceedings respecting for Engineer and Ordnance Departments (See bills H. R. No. 224.) for the naval service in 1833 (See bills H. R. No. 657.) for the military service in 1833 Page. 106 120 133 180 (See bills H. R. No. 686.) for public buildings and public grounds in the city of Washington (See bills H. R. No. 721.) Arkansas Territory, A. H. Sevier, Delegate from, appears charges preferred against Judge Johnson, of Armories, expenditures and work in 1832, at the national Army Register for 1833, furnished members of the House proposition to confer rank on officers of the pay depart- ment (See bills H. R. No. 645.) rangers disbanded, and regiment of dragoons authorized (See bills H. R. No. 646.) further regulation as to fatigue duty (See bills H. R. No. 672.) 7 179 443 381, 383 256 25 70, 110 111 152 statement of the expenditure of the appropriations in 1832, improve condition of non-commissioned officers and pri- prohibition against whipping repealed as to deserters (See bills H. R. No. 126.) Arnold, Elias, and R. Payne, relief granted to (See bills S. No. 93.) Ashtabula creek, Ohio, remove obstructions at mouth (See bills H. R. No. 714.) Assay offices in gold region, proceedings respecting Assay of foreign coins at the Mint, report of 159 467 452 Asylums, incorporate Free School and Orphan Asylum in Page. 277 Alabama, inhabitants Madison county, post Legislature of, favor half breed Indians inhabitants of, Indian depredations, 1812, 13, 14, Legislature, Cherokee boundary sell public lands to States, reduce price public lands, &c. 38 69 75 75 75 314 citizens of, University lands- 219, 278 inhabitants of Benton, post (See bill No. 293) Armstrong, Thos. and Eliz'h Arts, American Academy of Fine. (See J. Herring.) officers Hancock barracks Armory, Harpers Ferry, workmen at the Arkansas, inhabitants of, settlers improvements Philips county, post Crawford county, post Conway county, post 69 86 132, 180 397 165 246 398 398 398 Arey, Crosby (See bill No. 251.) Atherton, Caleb 82, 127, 315 Audubon, John S. 44 Austell, Jeremiah 75, 163 Babbitt, Fitz Henry, relief granted to mother of (See bills S. No. 50.) 211 Babbitt, Edward B., relief granted to on the books of the Register on the books of the Fourth Auditor on the books of Receivers of Land Offices Baltimore, proceedings respecting claims on account of vessels sunk for the defence of - (See resolutions H. R.) proposition to erect public ware-house in (See bills H. R. No. 687.) aid granted in preservation of harbor of Page. 49 50 50, 443 467 61, 71, 434 90, 184 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, contract for carrying mail on bill for sale of United States' stock in the, rejected inquiry as to safety of public deposites in, recommended subjects touched upon by President, referred to com- call for the report of the person appointed to examine the 186 15 325 15 16 50 - 26, 38, 61 proceedings relative to printing the report of the agent 38, 43 34, 42, 49, 61, 106 report Committee Ways and Means, respecting conduct and report of minority of committee on same subject resolution declaratory of safety of public deposites in the Banks in the different States, statements of the affairs of from Barney's Chart of Exchange, proposition to purchase Bastrop's claim to land, provision for ascertaining title to Beacons and buoys. (See Light-houses) Beale, Robert, relief granted his representatives Bill for improvement of harbors and rivers, returned by the President with objections Bills rejected on first reading - 24, 25 63 A bill to explain an act entitled "An 84 A bill to establish assay offices of the 102 A bill to establish a land office in the Territory of Michigan 114 A bill to revive and amend an act en- titled "An act to incorporate a 185 A bill for the relief of Joel Wright 66 66 66 66 188 A bill granting pensions to Daniel Fel- 189 A bill granting pensions to Leonard 190 A bill granting pensions to John Vin- 192 A bill for the relief of John Fogg Lambert, Abraham Hitchcock, El- 196 A bill for the relief of Joseph du |