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" The most they have anticipated is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which they maintain has the effect to reduce the price by domestic competition below that of the foreign article. Experience, however, our best guide on this, as on other... "
Journal: 1st-13th Congress . Repr. 14th Congress, 1st Session - 50th ... - Страница 14
написао/ла United States. Congress. House - 1832
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Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading ..., Том 9;Том 56

United States. Congress - 1838 - 684 страница
...anticipated is a temporary, and generally incidental protection, which they maintain has theeffect to reduce the price, by domestic competition, below...minds of a large portion of our countrymen a spirit of discontent and jealousy dangerous to the stability of the Union." These are the sentiments of the President...
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Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading Debates and ...

1833 - 670 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our statesmen. The most they have anticipated, is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which...they maintain has the effect to reduce the price, bj domestic competition, below that of the foreign article. Experience, however, our best guide on...
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Message from the President ... to the Two Houses of Congress, at the ...

Andrew Jackson - 1832 - 248 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our stalesmen. The most they have anticipated is a temporary, and, generally, incidental protection,...guide on this as on other subjects, makes it doubtful whelher the advantages of this system are not counterbalanced by many evils, and whether it does not...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Томови 78-79

William Cobbett - 1832 - 844 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our statesmen. The mo«t they have anticipated is » temporary and generally incidental protection, which...Experience, however, our best guide on this, as on other (objects, makes it doubtful whether the adYaotages of this system are not counterbalanced by many evifs,...
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The Congressional Globe

United States. Congress - 1833 - 686 страница
...they have anticipated is a temporary, and generally incidental protection, which they maintain ha! the effect to reduce the price, by domestic competition,...minds of a large portion of our countrymen a spirit of discontent and jealousy dangerous to the stability of the Union." These are the sentiments of the President...
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Annual Register, Том 74

Edmund Burke - 1833 - 942 страница
...temporary and generally incidental protection,whieh they maintain has the effect to reduce the price Ly domestic competition below that of the foreign article....of a large portion of our countrymen, a spirit of discontent and jealousy dangerous to the stability of the union. What, then, shall be done ? Large...
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Register of Debates in Congress

John Hohnes - 1833 - 682 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our states men. The most they have anticipated is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which...our best guide on this as on other subjects, makes i doubtful whether the advantages of this system are no counterbalanced by many evils, and whether...
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Register of Debates in Congress: 22nd Congress, 2nd session, pt. 1. Dec. 3 ...

United States. Congress - 1833 - 684 страница
...they have anticipated is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which they maintaii ha* t£e effect to reduce the price, by domestic competition...our best guide on this as on other subjects, makes i doubtful whether the advantages of this system are no counterbalanced by many evils, and whether...
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American Annual Register, Том 8

Joseph Blunt - 1835 - 800 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our statesmen. The most they have anticipated is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which...minds of a large portion of our countrymen a spirit of discontent and jealousy dangerous to the stability of the Union. What then shall be done ? Large interests...
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William Jackson,1835 - 1835 - 814 страница
...protection, has entered into the minds of but few of our statesmen. The most they have anticipated is a temporary and generally incidental protection, which...minds of a large portion of our countrymen a spirit of discontent and jealousy dangerous to the stability of the Union. What then shall be done ? Large interests...
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