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mission to promote and take charge of a water congress and exhibition, and making an appropriation therefor.

Date of introduction April 7; referred to Committee on Finance; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 862; printed No. 971, entitled: An act to amend the judiciary law, in relation to the enforcement of attorney's liens in certain cases.

Date of introduction April 7; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 863; printed No. 972, entitled: An act to amend the judiciary law, in relation to the collection and publication of civil judicial statistics.

Date of introduction April 7; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 864; printed No. 973, entitled: An act to amend chapter five hundred and eighty of the laws of nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An act in relation to the municipal court of the city of New York, its officers and marshals," in relation to jurisdiction, practice and procedure.

Date of introduction April 7; referred to Committee on Codes; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 875; printed No. 997, entitled: An act to repeal section four of the general city law, relating to the filing of financial reports with the secretary of state by cities of the second and third class.

Date of introduction April 11; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 21; ordered to third reading April 26; Assembly bill, same title, substituted and passed April 27; chapter No.


BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 876; printed No. 1452, entitled: An act to amend the labor law, relating to the department of labor, and creating therein a new bureau.

Date of introduction April 11; referred to Committee on Finance; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole May 5; ordered to third reading May 10; amended May 5; Assembly bill, same title, substituted and passed May 12; chapter No. 514.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 952; printed No. 1128, entitled: An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to the control of West Ninety-sixth street by the department of parks of the city of New York.

Date of introduction April 18; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 28; ordered to third reading May 5; passed May 9. Assembly record. Received from the Senate May 16; referred to the Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and ordered to third reading May 18; passed May 18. Record after passage. Transmitted to mayor of New York May 19; returned from mayor not accepted by the city; transmitted to Governor.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 978; printed No. 1163, entitled: An act to amend chapter twenty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the elections, constituting chapter seventeen of the consolidated laws,” in relation to adding and erasing names on register.

Date of introduction April 20; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 979; printed No. 1164, entitled: An act to amend chapter twenty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the elections, constituting chapter seventeen of the consolidated laws," in relation to the delivery and filing of papers with the state superintendent of elections.

Date of introduction April 20; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 980; printed No. 1165, entitled: An act consolidating the municipal court of the city of New York and the city court of the city of New York, and providing for the practice and procedure in the consolidated court. Date of introduction April 20; referred to Committee on Codes; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 1000; printed No. 1202, entitled: An act providing for the establishment of state schools for immigrants at places where public works are in course of construction, and making an appropriation therefor.

Date of introduction April 21; referred to Committee on Finance; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 1026; printed No. 1613, entitled: An act to amend chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled "An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York," relating to the selection of grand jurors.

Date of introduction April 25; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole May 18; ordered to third reading May 20; amended May 18; passed May 25. Assembly record. Received from the Senate May 25; referred to the Committee on Rules; reported favorably and ordered to third reading May 27; passed May 27. Record after passage.- Transmitted to mayor of New York May 27; returned from mayor accepted; transmitted to Governor; chapter No. 549.

BROUGHI. Senate bill, introductory No. 1114; printed No. 1641, entitled: An act making the operation of trains at grade on certain of the tracks of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company in the city of New York, borough of Manhat tan, a public nuisance, providing for discontinuing the use by said company of said tracks at grade, and for the regulation and improvement of the railroad, terminals and approaches thereto, and of the motive power to be used thereon, and for such purposes

to authorize the city of New York to grant real property, rights and privileges to said railroad company.

Date of introduction May 5; referred to Committee on Affairs of Cities; amended May 20; recommitted May 20; died in Senate.

BROUGH. Senate bill, introductory No. 1115; printed No. 1444, entitled: An act to amend the stock corporation law, in relation to reports of existence.

Date of introduction May 5; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 3; printed No. 3, entitled: An act to amend chapter one hundred and twentyfive of the laws of nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An act in relation to illuminating gas in the city of New York, and regulating the quality and pressure thereof and the price to consumers other than said city and providing a penalty for violation," in relation to price to be charged in certain wards in the borough of Brooklyn.

Date of introduction January 5; referred to Committe on Miscellaneous Corporations; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 124; printed No. 124, entitled: An act to amend the election law, in relation to the delivery and filing of papers in the city of New York.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 125; printed No. 125, entitled: An act to amend the code of criminal procedure in relation to exceptions to the rulings of the court upon the challenge of a juror.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 126; printed No. 126, entitled: An act to amend the code of civil procedure, in relation to motions for new trials upon the judge's minutes or for judgment notwithstanding the verdict.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 27; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 127; printed No. 1299, entitled: An act to amend the code of civil procedure in relation to compelling the testimony of an adverse party upon the trial.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 15; ordered to third reading April 20; amended April 27; lost May 4; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 128; printed No. 128, entitled: An act to amend the code of criminal procedure, in relation to the trial of defendants jointly indicted.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; died in Senate.

BURLINGAME. Senate bill, introductory No. 129; printed No. 129, entitled: An act to amend the code of civil procedure, in relation to appeals.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 27; died in Senate.


Senate bill, introductory No. 130; printed No. 1342, entitled: An act to amend the code of civil procedure, in relation to the effect of a dismissal of a complaint or counterclaim.

Date of introduction January 25; referred to Committee on Codes; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 15; ordered to third reading April 20; amended April 28; passed May 5. Assembly record. Received from the Senate May 5; referred to the Committee on Codes; returned from Assembly dead.


Senate bill, introductory No. 223; printed No. 225, entitled: Concurrent resolution of the Senate and As

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