INDEX TO SENATE DOCUMENTS, 1910. Allds, Senator, investigation, report of special committee appointed to proceedings of the Senate.. Doc. No. 7 22 25 28 Appropriations for 1909 and 1910, comparative statement. report relative to milk investigation Banks, Superintendent of, annual report.. Barge Canal Terminal Commission, preliminary report. Bedford, New York Reformatory for Women, annual report. 51 Boards, commissions and departments, see specific names of. Champlain, Ter-Centenary Commission, report.. Charity Organization Society. Buffalo, financial statement. Commissions and departments, see specific names of. Committees, standing, list.. amended edition Consolidated Laws, final report of Board of Statutory Consolidation. Crown Point, message of Governor relative to proposed gift of land at.. 36 ཨྰཿལ ྡ ུ 10 53 10 50 6 24 5 50 40 Departments, see specific names of. Direct nominations, see documents... 26, 44, 49 Elections, memorial relative to direct primary legislation. 44 49 report of joint committee appointed to investigate primary and Employers' Liability Commission, report Erie, Lake, Perry's Victory Centennial, concurrent resolution of Senate Extraordinary session, message from the Governor. 54 Financial administration of State institutions, report of joint com- Income tax amendment, concurrent resolution of Senate and Assembly ii INDEX TO SENATE DOCUMENTS. Jamestown, report of commissioners of New York, at... Doc. Lunacy, State Commission in, annual report... Lake Champlain Ter-Centenary Commission, report.. Legislative practices and procedure, Governor's message recommending Letchworth Village Commission, annual report Members of the Senate, list.. Milk investigation, report of Attorney-General relative to. New York Reformatory for Women, Bedford, annual report.. New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, annual report. 34 New York State Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children, annual New York State Hospital for Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Ray- Northern Dispensary, city of New York, annual report. 16 26, 37, 46 53 Perry's Victory Centennial, concurrent resolution of Senate and As- Primary elections, memorial relative to. message of Governor report of joint committee appointed to investigate primary and Public Service Commission for the First District, annual report.. Public Service Commission for the Second District, recommendations of Raybrook, New York State Hospital for Incipient Pulmonary Tubercu- Root, Senator, letter on income tax amendment Rules of Senate Saratoga Springs, State Reservation at, preliminary report of com- 37 14 29 21 13 Senate bills, supplemental index to.. Special Investigations, reports of Officers, Commissions and Committees, 51 2, 26, 37, 38, 45, 46 Speculation in securities, report of committee on. 2 State boards, commissions and departments, see specific names of. 46 Statutory Consolidation, Board of, final report.. 5 Stock speculation, report of committee on..... 2 23 44 49 42 43 19 Telegraph and telphone companies, report of committee to investigate.. 37 Treasurer, State, annual report...... U. S. constitutional amendment, see documents. U. S. Volunteer Life Saving Corps, annual report.. Wall street, report of committee on speculation.. 11 4 3, 9, 29 31 2 8 Workmen's compensation, report of Employers' Liability Commission.. 38 |