A.~N ACT to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Oswego," in relation to salaries of clerk, police officers, policemen and janitors. Documents of the Senate of the State of New York - Страница 78написао/ла New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1910Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | Wisconsin - 1863 - 212 страница
...follows: SECTION 1. Chapter two hundred and thirteen the private and local laws of 1859, entitled " an act to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of 1851, entitled ' an act to incorporate the Madison mutual insurance company,'" is hereby amended, so... | |
 | New York (State) - 1866 - 1328 страница
...five cents per folio for recording said papers and no other fee for tiling the same. Chap. 117. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled, " An act declaring the easterly branch of the St. Regis river a public highway," passed... | |
 | New York (State) - 1868 - 912 страница
...State of Netv York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: g 1. The first section of chapter three hundred and ninetyfour of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled "An act declaring the easterly branch of the St. Kegis river a public highway," is... | |
 | New York (State) - 1870 - 860 страница
...several towns and cities of this State. Passed February 3, 1868; three-fifths being present CHAP. 7. An Act to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled " An act to amend the poor laws of the county of Herkimer. Passed February 3,... | |
 | Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877 - 204 страница
...act to amend chapter two hundred and thirteen of the private and local laws of 1859, entitled ' An act to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of 1851, entitled 'An act to incorporate the Madison Mutual Insurance Company,'" is hereby amended as... | |
 | New York (State) Forest Commission - 1894 - 478 страница
...the opposite party of the time and place of making such application. CHAPTER 117, LAWS OF 1866. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled, "An act declaring the easterly branch of the St. Regis river a public highway," passed... | |
 | New York (State). Forest Commission - 1894 - 480 страница
...the opposite party of the time and place of making such application. CHAPTEB 117, LAWS OF 1866. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled, "An act declaring the easterly branch of the St Regis river a public highway," passed... | |
 | New York (State) Forest Commission - 1894 - 480 страница
...the opposite party of the time and place of making such application. CHAPTER 117, LAWS OP 1866. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled, "An act declaring the easterly branch of the St. Regis river a public highway," passed... | |
 | New York (State). Office of Factory Inspectors - 1897 - 1294 страница
...possess all the powers and be subject to all the duties conferred or imposed on the mining inspector by chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 670.— LAWS OF 1895. AN ACT providing... | |
 | New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1897 - 1312 страница
...»hree-fifths being present. Section 1. The term of office of the mining inspector appointed pursuant to chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, shall terminate on the twentieth day after this act takes effect, and thereafter the office... | |
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