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authorize the governor to fill vacancies in the offices of the militia, and the appointment of a board of counsellors, were read, and passed to be enacted, and sent up for concurrence.

On motion, the rules of the House were taken up, and being read under each head, were debated, amended, and passed, as they appear on the files of the House.

Mr. Simmons, of Providence, from the committee on the compensation of the members of the General Assembly, reports the following bill, to wit :

Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows,

[blocks in formation]

SECTION 1. The several members of the Senate and House of Representatives shall hereafter receive, as a compensation for their services, the sum of one dollar for each day in which they shall be in actual attendance during any session of the Assembly.

SEC. 2. The several members of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be entitled to receive the sum of ten cents per mile, each way, for their travel, in attending at each session.

The above bill is read, debated, and passed to be enacted, and sent up for concurrence.

Voted, That Messrs. Arnold of Providence county, Arnold of Washington county, Pearce of Newport county, Bosworth of Bristol county, and Newman of Kent county, be a committee to consider to what time it is proper for the Assembly to adjourn.

Adjourned until two o'clock, P. М.

J. S. HARRIS, Clerk.


The House met at two o'clock, P. M. The speaker Upon a call of the roll, a quorum is present. Mr. Gavitt offered the following joint resolution, to wit:

in the chair.

Resolved, by the House of Representatives, (the Senate concurring herein,) That Messrs. Simmons of Providence, and Mowry of Smithfield, be a committee to demand, receive, and transfer the records, books, and papers, appertaining to the office of the secretary of state, and transfer the same from Henry Bowen, late secretary of state, to his successor, William H. Smith.

Voted, and sent up for concurrence.

The committee on the time to which the legislature should adjourn, report by Mr. Arnold, and recommend that the General Assembly hold an adjourned session on the first Monday of July. Report accepted; and it is voted, that when this General Assembly adjourn, (the Senate concurring herein,) it will meet again on the first Monday in July next.

Resolutions drawn and sent up.

Mr. Pearce offered the following resolutions, to wit: Resolved, That the governor be further requested to call on all persons who are, or may become, indebted to the state, to make payment to the duly appointed officers and agents, under the provisions of said constitution; and to make known to all persons that no payment to any other officers or agents than those aforesaid will be considered as a discharge of their obligations.

Resolved, That the governor be requested to call on all persons who are in possession, or have charge of any of the public property, to deliver the possession or charge of said property to the authorities and officers acting under the constitution and laws of the state.

Read and passed, and sent up for concurrence. The act repealing the amendment to the riot act, passed this morning, came down concurred in by the Senate, and approved by the governor.

The act providing for the registration, &c., of voters, came down with an amendment, changing the time, &c., of registry.

Voted to concur with the Senate in the amendment. On motion, it is voted that the two Houses join in committee to proceed upon the election of officers.

Mr. Brown, of Glocester, moved the following bill, to wit:

of thi

Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows:SECTION 1. If any person or persons, or body corporate, from whom any sum or sums of money may become due and payable to the general treasurer of this state, elected under the provisions of the constitution of this state, as adopted by the people thereof, according to the provisions of the act to which this is in addition, or of other acts in addition or amendment to the same, should refuse or neglect to pay said sum or sums of money as by law directed, he or they so refusing and neglecting shall be liable to pay interest for the retainer of such sum or sums of money, at and after the rate of one per cent. of the amount due for each month's neglect and refusal as aforesaid.

SEC. 2. If any person or persons, or body corporate, holding in their possession any other money or property whatsoever belonging to the state, shall refuse to pay over and deliver the same to any officer or agent of the state duly authorized to receive the same, after being duly required hereto, he or they so refusing shall be liable to be sued therefor in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the general treasurer aforesaid; and on rendition of judgment in any such case against the defendant or defendants, the court before whom such judgment may be rendered shall assess damages thereon at double the amount of the money or value of the property found due, with costs.

Read, and passed to be enacted, and sent up for conThe act reviving the charter of the Greene Artillery, came down concurred, and approved by the governor. The act repealing the act establishing volunteer police companies in Providence, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.


The act repealing certain resolutions passed in April last, investing the governor with great power, and appointing his council, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.

The two Houses having joined, on motion, his honor the lieutenant governor was called to preside.

The elections of all civil officers were postponed until the next session of the General Assembly.

Several military officers were appointed, the record of which will appear on the secretary's minutes. The two Houses separated.

The act submitted to enable the governor to appoint and commission officers, and to organize the militia, was taken up, debated, and committed to Mr. Brown of Glocester.

Mr. Brown made report, that the act referred to him, giving the governor certain power in appointing and organizing the militia, is unconstitutional, and asks to be discharged from the further consideration of the


Voted to discharge the committee, and the act is laid on the table.

Mr. Brown offered the following resolution, to wit : Resolved, That the thanks of this House are due to their constituents, civil and military, for the zeal they have displayed, and efficient aid rendered, in assisting this General Assembly in organizing the government under the constitution. Voted unanimously.

Mr. Simmons offered a resolution authorizing the governor to send commissioners to Washington, to make known to the president our position, &c. Voted that the same be laid upon the table.

Mr. Simmons moved the following resolution, viz. : Resolved, by the House of Representatives, (the Senate concurring herein,) That Messrs. Pearce and Chace be a committee to demand, receive, and transfer all the moneys, bonds, securities, records, books, and papers, and every other article appertaining to the office of the general treasurer of this state, from Stephen Cahoone, late treasurer, to Joseph Joslin, his successor. Voted, and sent up for concurrence.

Mr. Wales moved the following act, to wit:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. The charter of the United Independent Company of Volunteers, of the city of Providence, is so amended as that said company is authorized to receive and enrol additional members to the number of two hundred, exclusive of commissioned officers.

Voted to be enacted, and sent to the Senate for con


Voted that the House take a recess for one hour, it being now 5 o'clock, P. M.

At 6 o'clock, P. M., the House reassembled.

The speaker and a quorum present.

The act authorizing the volunteer company to increase the number of their men, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.

The resolutions transferring the effects of the offices of the late secretary of state and general treasurer, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.

The act to collect the revenue, and secure the payment to, and the possession of the state's property, and the consequences and liability in paying and delivering the same to officers under the constitution, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.

The act relating to the pay and travel of the members of the General Assembly, came down concurred, and approved by the governor.

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