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State of New-York,






The Second day of January, 1827.











L 5961

JUN 7' 1932



State of New-York.


CHAP. 1.

AN ACT to provide for the appointment of Superintendents of the County Poor House of the County of Saratoga.

Passed January 12, 1827.

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, repre- petting of Special sented in Senate and Assembly, That the clerk of the board of su- supervisers. pervisors of the county of Saratoga be, and he is hereby authorised and required to call a special meeting of the board of supervisors of the said county, and that it shall and may be lawful for the said board when so convened, or a majority of them, to appoint superintendents of the poor house of the said county, and transact any other business relative to the said poor house, in the same manner as they are authorised to do at their annual meeting under the act entitled 66 an act to provide for the establishment of county poor houses," passed November 27th, 1824.

CHAP. 2.

AN ACT prescribing certain duties in relation to the Comptroller, and for other purposes.

Passed January 19, 1827.

arranged in

1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, rep- Comptrol resented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall be the duty of the ler's office comptroller of this state, to make such division of the business and departments. duties of his office as he shall think necessary and proper, and place at the head of the several departments a clerk to perform the duties appertaining thereto: and that he report to the next legislature the result of such regulation, and his opinion upon the propriety of having one or more separate subordinate officers, and what particular duties should be assigned to such new officer or officers, if created.

hire allowed.

2. And be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding two thou $2000 addisand dollars, in addition to the sum of four thousand dollars already ronal clerk appropriated for clerk hire, shall be appropriated for that purpose annually, commencing on the first day of April last, to be drawn

Canal fund to be charged with clerk


Person re

Jands to pay

for by the comptroller in case he finds it necessary, and that he report to the legislature each year the names of the clerks employed by him, and the amount paid to each.

3. And be it further enacted, That the comptrolier shall charge to the canal fund, so much for clerk hire as in his opinion shall be just and proper, for the services of the clerks in his office, devoted to the accounts and revenues of the canals.

4. And be it further enacted, That in every case where lands deeming sold for taxes shall be redeemed after they have been conveyed by for comptrol the comptroller, the person redeeming the same shall pay into the treasury for the benefit of the purchasers, to be refunded to him in addition to the sum now required by law, the amount that shall have been paid by the purchaser for the comptroller's deed.

ler's deed.

Fees for comptroller's deeds.

5. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the fees now exacted by law for any deed or conveyance of land sold, or hereafter to be sold, by the comptroller of this state for taxes, there shall hereafter be paid by the purchaser or purchasers of such lands, for every deed or conveyance containing only one lot, or piece or parcel of land, the sum of fifty cents; and for every additional lot, piece or parcel of land, contained and described in such deed or conveyance, the sum of ten cents.

Bounty to be paid on Wolves.

CHAP. 3.

AN ACT authorising the Town of Dresden to raise a tax for the payment of a bounty on the destruction of Wolves.

Passed January 19, 1827.

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Dresden, in the county of Washington, to raise, at their annual town meeting, a bounty by tax, on all the taxable inhabitants of said town, for the destruction of wolves: Provided, That not less than five nor more than fifteen dollars be paid for each wolf destroyed.

CHAP. 4.

AN ACT authorising the Supervisors of the County of Oneida
to raise additional sums of money in the Town of Rome, in said
County, for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in said Town.
Passed January 19, 1827.

$750 may be BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, repre-
raised annu- sented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall and may be lawful for
the supervisors of the county of Oneida, at their annual meetings,
to raise by tax, to be levied on the inhabitants of the town of Rome,
in said county, in the same manner as other town charges are raised
and levied, a sum or sums of money not exceeding in any one year
the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid to the commis-
sioners of highways of said town, for the improvement of the roads and

bridges in said town: Provided, That such sum or sums of money Provise. to be raised in any one year, shall have been previously fixed upon and determined by a vote of the freeholders and inhabitants of said town, in a legal town meeting.

CHAP. 5.

AN ACT for the sale of the Cemetery in the Village of West


Passed January 19, 1827.

WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature that the Preamble. ground set apart for a cemetery in the village of West Oswego, is unsuitable for that purpose: Therefore,

in five com

1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- Title vested presented in Senate and Assembly, That the title to all that parcel missioners. of land designated on the map of the village of West Oswego as a cemetery for said village, be and the same is hereby vested in five commissioners hereinafter named, for the use and purposes hereinafter mentioned.


2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Duty of comsaid commissioners to sell the land hereby vested in them at public missioners to auction, giving six weeks public notice of the time, terms, and place of sale, in all the newspapers of the county of Oswego, and to give to the purchaser or purchasers thereof a good and sufficient title thereto: Provided however, That the commissioners shall dispose of the said cemetery so as not to interfere with the course of any of the streets already laid out in said village.


ers to pur

3. And be it further enacted, That as soon as conveniently may Commissionbe, and within two years from the passing of this act, it shall be the chase land duty of the said commissioners, with the proceeds of such sale or sales, for burial ground. to purchase in or near said village, a suitable spot, containing not less than three, nor more than six acres of land, and to prepare the same for a burial ground for said village, and as soon as the same shall have been so prepared, the said commissioners shall give public notice of the same for six weeks, in all the newspapers printed in said village, and if there should be no newspaper printed Notice how in the said village, then by affixing a written notice of the same, given. for the space of six weeks aforesaid, in three of the most conspicuous places in said village; and after the expiration of the said term of six weeks, it shall be the duty of the commissioners aforesaid to disinter and remove all the dead bodies which may not have Dead bodies been previously disintered and removed by the friends of the de- to be re. ceased, and again suitably inter them in the ground so to be purchased and prepared by them, and it shall not thereafter be lawful Interments for any person or persons, to inter any dead body, in or upon any prohibited, part of the cemetery herein directed to be sold, under the penalty Penalty. of twenty-five dollars, for each and every offence.



4. And be it further enacted, That at any sale of the said ceme- Terms of tery to be made by virtue of this act, the said commissioners shall require one fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the time of the sale, and the residue within four years thereafter, and they shall take

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