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JUNE 7 TO JUNE 10, 1892.

THE tenth Republican National Convention assembled at Minneapolis on June 7th, 1892, and with great enthusiasm was called to order by Chairman Clarkson of the National Committee at 12.35 P. M. Prayer was offered by Rev. William Brush, Chancellor of the University of Dakota. The official call of the Convention was then read, and Hon. J. Sloat Fassett of New York was placed in nomination for temporary chairman. The election of Mr. Fassett was unanimous. The presiding officer pro tem. upon installation made an able speech, in which the history of the Party was briefly reviewed. On mentioning the name of ex-speaker Thomas B. Reed, in connection with that gentleman's work in the Fifty-first Congress, a great demonstration was made. On response to many calls from the delegates and visitors, Mr. Reed made a short but stirring speech on the policy of the party.

Temporary officers were then appointed, after which a roll-call of the States was made. When this task had been completed, and the various committees requested to assemble in the several committee rooms immediately after the proper business of the meeting was concluded, the Convention adjourned until 11 o'clock A. M. on the 8th inst.

The second day's session of the Convention opened at 11.47 A. M., on June 8th. Prayer was offered by Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota. Mr. Walker, a delegate from Nebraska, presented the Chairman with a gavel, which was accepted by Mr. Fassett amid much applause. Following this pleasing incident came a request from the presiding officer for the report of the Committee on Credentials. General Cogswell, in behalf of that committee, announced that the report was not quite ready, but might reasonably be expected on the day following.

Next in order came the report of the Committee on Permanent Organization. This was presented by Mr. B. C. Lockwood of Idaho, and recommended the election of Hon. William McKinley of Ohio as permanent chairman of the Convention, with Charles W. Johnson of Minnesota as permanent secretary. The report was unanimously adopted. Mr. Fassett then appointed Hon. Samuel Fessenden, Senator Spooner, and General Mahone as a committee to escort the permanent chairman to his post. Governor McKinley received a great ovation, and on assuming his duties made a vigorous and well-received speech, dealing principally with the issues of protection and reciprocity. At the conclusion of his address, the Venerable Fred. Douglass was called for, and warmly applauded.

The report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business was asked for and presented. General Bingham of Pennsylvania, on handing in this report, announced that the rules had been framed in keeping with the rules of the Fifty-first Congress. Then came a request for the report on the Committee of Resolutions. Chairman Foraker of Ohio, who met with an enthusiastic reception, announced that the report was not yet ready. An extension of time was granted to the committee.

The roll of States was called for the names of the new National Commit teemen. Thirty-six States and Territories responded.

Chairman McKinley, when the roll had been called, stated, under a misapprehension, that next in order came the nomination of candidates for the

Presidency. It was explained by Senator Cullom that nominations could not be made until the reports of the Committees on Credentials and Resolutions had been presented and adopted. The Convention then adjourned until 11 A.M. on the following day.

The third day's session of the National Convention began at 11.27 A. M., June 9th, 1892. Prayer was offered by Rev. William Brush, Chancellor of the University of South Dakota. The report of the Committee on Credentials was then called for, and announcement was made that the committee was still in session, but hoped to report fully at 8 o'clock P. M. A Resolution, introduced by Senator Cullom, recommending a Congressional appropriation in aid of the World's Fair, and a resolution introduced by Mr. Roberts of Illinois, providing for admission of all members of the Grand Army to the Convention Hall, and these resolutions having been referred to the proper committee, the Convention took a recess, by vote of 407 against 250, until 8 P. M.

The proceedings at the evening session began at 8.52 P. M. On the motion of Mr. Chauncey M. Depew of New York, congratulations were offered to Col. "Dick" Thompson of Indiana, on having attained his eightythird birthday. Mr. Depew stated that Col. Thompson had voted for every president during the past sixty years, had been a delegate at every National Convention of the Republican Party since its organization, and had served with distinction in Congress, and in the Federal Cabinet. A resolution was then read from the Mayors of Titusville and Oil City, Pennsylvania, addressed to the Pennsylvania delegation, asking that the country be informed through the Convention, of the suffering and need for relief in Titusville and Oil City.

A call was then made for the report of the Committee on Credentials. Two reports were presented, one from the majority and from the minority of the committee. After an animated discussion, a vote was taken, with the result that the majority report was adopted by 476 to 365, a vote being previously taken as to a demand of the New York and Pennsylvania delegations, a dispute concerning Alabama, when the vote stood 4631⁄41⁄2 for the majority report, as against 42311⁄2 for the minority. The convention then adjourned until 11 A. M., on Friday, the 10th inst.

At 11.30 A. M., on June 10th, the fourth day's proceedings were opened, Rev. Dr. Wayland Hoyt of Indiana offering prayer. Chairman McKinley then announced that the regular order was the consideration of the report of the Committee on Credentials in regard to the Ninth District of Alabama, and the motion to substitute the minority for the majority report. This motion was defeated by a viva voce vote, the majority report as a whole being adopted. The next transaction was the reading of a communication from the Woman's Republican Association, followed by a speech from Mrs. J. Ellen Foster concerning the work of the Association and the general work of the party.

At last the point was reached for presentation of candidates for President and Vice-President. The roll of States was called. Senator Wolcott, answering for Colorado, placed the name of James G. Blaine before the convention. When the name of Indiana was reached, Col. Dick Thompson placed in nomination Benjamin Harrison. At the mention of the names of Blaine and Harrison by those who placed them in nomination, and again by those who seconded the nominations, there was a tremendous outburst of cheering and applause. Mr. W. H. Eustis of Minnesota seconded the nomination of James G. Blaine. At the end of Mr. Eustis's speech a tumultuous outburst of applause occurred, lasting without intermission for twenty-four minutes. Mr. Chauncey M. Depew seconded the renomination of Gen. Harrison, and made the great speech of the convention. The cheering at the con

clusion of Mr. Depew's eloquent appeal lasted twenty minutes. Mr. Warner Miller of New York also seconded the nomination of James G. Blaine. Mr.

H. B. Cheatam of North Carolina, a colored delegate, also seconded the nomination of Gen. Harrison. Mr. G. B. Boyd of Tennessee spoke briefly in behalf of Blaine, and Senator Spooner of Wisconsin addressed the Convention at length in advocacy of Gen. Harrison's renomination. Mr. Stephen W. Downey of Wyoming advocated the nomination of Blaine, but owing to the growing impatience of the audience Mr. Downey had much difficulty in securing attention.

The balloting then commenced, with the following result.

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When it became apparent to the chairman that General Harrison had received a majority of all the votes cast, he called upon the delegates to declare

if the nomination be made unanimous. The response was a general "aye," and the nomination was therefore declared unanimous. A resolution was offered by Ex-Senator Ingalls of Kansas to print a full report of the National Conventions of 1856, 1860, 1864 and 1892, to be sold at the cost of printing, after which the Convention adjourned until 8 P. M.

The Convention was again called to order at 8.53 P. M., and the announcement was made from the chair that the next order of business was the presentation of names for nomination to the Vice-Presidency. The roll of States was called, and when New York was reached, State Senator O'Connor nominated Hon. Whitelaw Reid. This nomination was seconded by Gen. Horace Porter, and also by Governor Bulkeley. Mr. J. C. Settle of Tennessee placed in nomination Hon. Thomas B. Reed of Maine. This was seconded by Mr. Loutham of Virginia. Mr. Reed's name was subsequently withdrawn on the announcement of a delegate from Maine that he was certain Mr. Reed would decline the honor. Hon. Whitelaw Reid was then nominated by acclamation.

This practically ended the business of the Convention. Governor McKinley was made chairman of a committee to notify the candidates. A resolution of thanks to the chairman for the manner in which he had conducted the proceedings, and one of thanks to the citizens of Minneapolis and Minnesota having been placed before the meeting and unanimously adopted, the convention adjourned sine die at 9.57 P. M., June 10, 1892.



THE representatives of the Republicans of the United States, assembled in general convention on the shores of the Mississippi river, the everlasting bond of an indestructible republic, whose most glorious chapter of history is the record of the Republican party, congratulate their countrymen on the majestic march of the nation under the banners inscribed with the principles of our platform of 1888, vindicated by victory at the polls and prosperity in our fields, workshops and mines, and make the following declaration of principles


We reaffirm the American doctrine of protection. We call attention to its growth abroad. We maintain that the prosperous condition of our country is largely due to the wise revenue legislation of the Republican Congress. We believe that all articles which cannot be produced in the United States, except luxuries, should be admitted free of duty, and that on all imports coming into competition with the products of American labor there should be duties levied equal to the difference between wages abroad and at home. We assert that the prices of manufactured articles of general consumption have been reduced under the operations of the Tariff act of 1890. We denounce the efforts of the Democratic majority of the House to destroy our tariff laws by piecemeal, as manifested by their attacks on wool, lead and lead ore, and we ask the people for their judgment thereon.

We point to the success of the Republican policy of reciprocity, under which export trade has vastly increased, and new and enlarged markets have been opened for the products of our farms and workshops. We remind the people of the bitter opposition of the Democratic party to this practical business measure, and claim that, executed by a Republican administration, our present laws will eventually give us control of the trade of the world.


The American people, from tradition and interest, favor bimetallism, and the Republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legislation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals, so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times equal.

The interests of the producers of the country-its farmers and its workingmen-demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government shall be as good as any other dollar. We commend the wise and patriotic steps already taken by our government to secure such an international conference to adopt such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money throughout the world.

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