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No. 1539. An act amending section 5 of act No. 74, establishing a depart-
ment of public instruction, as amended, by authorizing the
director of education, with the approval of the secretary of
public instruction, to change, increase, or decrease the exist-
ing school divisions of the Philippine Islands_
No. 1540. An act authorizing the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company to
bring suit against the government of the Philippine Islands
in the court of first instance of the city of Manila to deter-
mine the liability of the respective parties for damages
caused to the Luneta extension by the typhoon of May 18
and 19, 1906
No. 1541. An act transferring the division of ethnology from the bureau
of education to the bureau of science and repealing para-
graph (b) of section 23 of the reorganization act----
No. 1542. An act authorizing the municipal council of the municipality of
Iba, province of Zambales, to vacate that portion of Calle
*Bugallon lying between Calles Rizal and Padre Burgos, and
to cede the same to the province of Zambales as a site for a
provincial high school___
No. 1543. An act changing the name of the municipality of Namacpacan,
in the province of La Union, to that of Luna..
No. 1544. An act exempting from internal-revenue taxes all timber and
other forest products for use in the actual construction and
equipment of certain railway lines in the Philippine Islands.
No. 1545. An act to amend the provincial government act No. 83, by re-
organizing the provincial boards, and by abolishing the posi-
tion of provincial secretary, and for other purposes.___.
No. 1546. An act making appropriations for sundry expenses of the
municipal government of the city of Manila for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1907----
No. 1547. An act appropriating the sum of P1,834,000 from the funds real-
ized from the sale of bonds authorized by act No. 1323, for
the purpose of constructing sewers in the city of Manila and
to furnish it with an adequate sewer and drainage system
and supply of water__
No. 1548. An act to amend the provincial government act, by increasing
the power of provinces in the matter of appropriation of
provincial funds
No. 1549. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of Batangas from 16 to 17, by separating from Taal the
former municipality of Lemery, reconstituting the latter as
a municipality, and giving the same the territory which it
comprised prior to the passage of act No. 708.
No. 1550. An act consolidating the present municipality of Casiguran with
the municipality of Baler, both in the province of Tayabas,
and annexing the barrios of Cabulihan, San Roque, and Ca-
lantas with the sitios of Anos and Tubas, of the munici-
pality of Gumaca, to the municipality of Pitogo, in the same
No. 1551. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of Cavite from 11 to 12, by separating from Imus the former
municipality of Bacoor and giving the latter the territory
which it comprised prior to the passage of act No. 947------
No. 1552. An act requiring justices of the peace and judges of courts of
first instance, of the court of land registration, and of
municipal courts to certify on their applications for leave
and upon salary vouchers and pay rolls that all special
proceedings, applications, petitions, demurrers, motions, and
all civil and criminal cases under submission for decision or
determination for a period of ninety days or more have been
determined and decided on or before the date of making such
certificate, and providing that no leave shall be granted or
salary paid until such certificate shall have been made---
No. 1553. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of La Laguna from 20 to 21, by separating from Biñan the
former municipality of San Pedro Tunasan, reconstituting
the latter as a municipality, and giving to each the territory
which it comprised prior to the passage of act No. 939---
No. 1554. An act providing for a loan of 20,000 to the province of Sor-
sogon for the completion of the provincial high school
building of said province___
No. 1555. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of Tarlac from 9, as established by act No. 930, to 10, by
making the former municipality of La Paz and the barrio of
Lauangcupang, now a part of the municipality of Tarlac,
and the barrio of Bantug, in the present municipality of
Concepcion, a new municipality___
No. 1556. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of Pangasinan from 32 to 41, by reconstituting certain
municipalities in said province, and giving to each the terri-
tory which it comprised prior to the passage of act No. 931-
No. 1557. An act reducing the number of municipalities in the province
of Albay from 27 to 23, by consolidating certain munici-
palities of the said province located in the subprovince
of Catanduanes__
No. 1558. An act to increase the number of municipalities in the province
of Samar from 25, as established by act No. 960, to 32______
No. 1559. An act amending act No. 1533, entitled "An act providing for
the diminution of sentences imposed upon prisoners con-
victed of any offense and sentenced for a definite term of
more than thirty days and less than life in consideration of
good conduct and diligence," by prescribing that the applica-
tions of diminution of sentences allowed thereunder shall be
made on the basis of legal months of thirty days__
No. 1560. An act canceling one-half the amounts loaned to the province
of Cebu by acts Nos. 1343 and 1380-
No. 1561. An act authorizing the governor-general to parole prisoners
and providing for the enforcement of the conditions of
such paroles___
No. 1562. An act to prevent the failure of military justice, to authorize
the swearing of witnesses before a military investigation,
and to punish perjuries therein committed_
No. 1563. An act to amend act No. 1454, entitled "An act creating the
entry port of Sitanki, amending act No. 1416, and for other
purposes," by increasing the compensation of the deputy
collector of customs and authorizing the employment of two
boatmen at Sitanki
No. 1564. An act refixing the weight and fineness of the silver coins of the
Philippine Islands for the purpose of preventing the melting
and exportation thereof as a result of an appreciation in the
price of silver, providing for the recoinage of existing silver
coins of the Philippine Islands at the refixed weight and
fineness, to have the same value in gold as those of the corre-
sponding denominations authorized by the act of Congress
approved March 2, 1903, and prescribing a method for
expediting the ready circulation of the new coins---------
No. 1565. An act amending section 70 of act No. 1459, "The corporation law," as amended by act No. 1506, by extending the time
within which foreign corporations shall comply with the
provisions of said act
No. 1566. An act regulating the free entry of certain railroad material
imported into the Philippine Islands.
No. 1567. An act amending act No. 1496 by extending the time allowed
for the operations of the several boards engaged in the
assessment of land values and also authorizing municipal
boards of assessors to remain in session during the entire
month of December, 1906, and providing for the performance
of additional duties by the supervisor of land assessments,
should the same be required____
No. 1568. An act to amend section 14 of act No. 1407, entitled "The reor-
ganization act," repealing section 16 of said act and merging
the bureau of port works with the bureau of navigation____-
No. 1569. An act amending section 27 of act No. 1461, by providing a per-
manent appropriation for the payment of rewards to per-
sons furnishing original evidence leading to the detection
of violations of the provisions of said act___
No. 1570. An act amending act No. 1189, by relieving the insular treas-
urer of the custody of internal-revenue stamps and cedulas,
and placing the same in the custody of the collector of in-
ternal revenue__.
No. 1571. An act amending sections 74 and 107 of act No. 1189, as
No. 1572. An act providing that one fiscal shall perform the duties of
fiscal for the provinces of Capiz and Romblon, abolishing
the offices of fiscal of Capiz and of Romblon and Palawan as
heretofore authorized by law, fixing the salary of the fiscal
of the two provinces, and making provision for the traveling
expenses of such fiscal__
No. 1573. An act extending from January 1, 1907, to January 1, 1909,
the time within which free patents may be granted to native
settlers upon unreserved and unappropriated agricultural
public lands__
No. 1574. An act continuing in force the existing rate of duty on rice im-
ported into the Philippine Islands__
No. 1575. An act so amending act No. 1148, entitled "The forest act," as
to provide but one scale of taxes on timber for all provinces.
No. 1576. An act to amend act No. 355, entitled "An act to constitute the
customs service of the Philippine Archipelago, and to provide
for the administration thereof," as amended, by providing
a more expeditious method of dealing with small seizures
and by defining the term "officer of the customs".
No. 1577. An act to provide for the execution in Bilibid prison of crimi-
nals sentenced to death___
No. 1578. An act authorizing the refund of moneys received at land-tax
sales and interest thereon upon conveyance of such land to
provincial treasurer as trustee by purchaser, extending the
time for the redemption of realty by the delinquent taxpayer
and the reconveyance to him of such real estate by pur-
chaser, providing for the confiscation of such real estate in
case it is not redeemed, and for other purposes
No. 1579. An act suspending the collection of the land tax for the calendar
year 1907 in all the provinces of the Philippine Islands
organized under the provisions of act No. 83, and in all the
municipalities therein organized under the provisions of act
No. 82, providing for the reimbursement to the provinces and
municipalities of 50 per cent of the sums which they will
lose by reason of the suspension of the land tax, and appro-
priating toward such reimbursement the sum of 666,927.63
from any funds in the insular treasury not otherwise ap-
No. 1580. An act making appropriations for certain public works, perma-
nent improvements, and other purposes of the insular govern-
cial governors and treasurers__
No. 1581. An act to equalize and secure uniformity in salaries of provin-
No. 1582. An act to provide for the holding of elections in the Philippine
Islands, for the organization of the Philippine assembly, and
for other purposes
No. 1583. An act repealing act No. 1321, entitled "An act abolishing the
office of fiscal for the province of Oriental Negros and pro-
viding that the duties of the fiscal for that province shall be
performed by the fiscal of the province of Cebu," and act No.
1359, amendatory thereof, and re-creating the office of fiscal
for the province of Oriental Negros..
No. 1584. An act amending section 1 of act No. 1555, increasing the num-
ber of municipalities in the province of Tarlac_
No. 1585. An act authorizing the governor-general to appoint a committee
to decide the last protested municipal election held in the
municipality of Malabon, province of Rizal, on September 5,
No. 1586. An act amending section 785 of act No. 190, entitled "An act
providing a code of procedure in civil actions and special
proceedings in the Philippine Islands," so as to permit poor
persons to prosecute or defend any action or special pro-
ceeding in courts of first instance without being required
to prepay fees______
No. 1587. An act amending act No. 413, entitled "An act providing for the
control and management of provincial jails and of the prison-
ers therein," so as to empower provincial boards to cause
prisoners to clean, care for, or repair public buildings and
No. 1588. An act increasing the number of municipalities in the province
of Bulacan from 13 to 14, by separating from Polo the for-
mer municipality of Obando and giving the latter the terri-
tory which it comprised prior to the passage of act No. 932__
No. 1589. An act granting the Manila Suburban Railways Company an
extension of time within which to complete that portion
of its line eastward of Fort William McKinley; granting the
right to build a branch line from any point along its present
line eastward of the barrio of San Pedro Macati, in a
southerly direction to the town of Taguig and to the Laguna
de Bay; and granting the right to transport freight, express
packages, baggage, and the mails over its lines, under reason-
able regulations, and to make reasonable charges for the
No. 1590. An act repealing act No. 1473, entitled "An act providing that
one fiscal shall perform the duties of fiscal for the provinces
of Pampanga and Tarlac, abolishing the offices of fiscal of
the said provinces as heretofore authorized by law, fixing the
salary of the fiscal for the two provinces, and making pro-
vision for traveling expenses for such fiscal," and providing
that one fiscal shall perform the duties of fiscal for the
provinces of Tarlac and Neuva Ecija, abolishing the office of
fiscal of the latter province and that of fiscal for the prov-
inces of Pampanga and Tarlac as heretofore authorized by
law, and re-creating the office of fiscal for the province of
No. 1591. An act to amend acts Nos. 1507 and 1527, by removing the em-
ployees of the office of the supervising railway expert from
the bureau of public works and establishing it as a separate
and independent office, and making additional appropriation
for the office of the supervising railway expert____
No. 1592. An act amending act No. 1258, entitled "An act making addi-
tional provisions to those contained in act No. 190, relating
to the exercise of the right of eminent domain in cases where
the exercise of such power is invoked by a railroad corpora-
tion for the purposes of constructing, extending, or operating
its line".
No. 1593. An act to amend section 2 of act No. 1298, as amended by act
No. 1470, by extending the time for the redemption of real
property heretofore forfeited and deeded to municipalities
for nonpayment of taxes, and providing for the redemption
of real property so forfeited and deeded during the year
No. 1594. An act reserving for the exclusive use of the government the
fishing rights in the waters of the bay along the shore line
of the eastern boundary of the Iwahig penal colony for a
distance seaward of 14 statute miles____
No. 1595. An act amending act No. 1588, entitled "An act increasing the
number of municipalities in the province of Bulacan from 13
to 14, by separating from Polo the former municipality of
Obando and giving the latter the territory which it com-
prised prior to the passage of act No. 932," by providing that
the distribution of funds in the municipal treasury of Polo,
resulting from the separation from Polo of the former
municipality of Obando, shall be made as of the date of the
enactment of said act No. 1588__.
No. 1596. An act amending act No. 190, entitled "An act providing a
code of procedure in civil actions and special proceedings in
the Philippine Islands," by providing that where a motion
for a new trial is made on the ground that the evidence is
insufficient to justify the decision an exception may be taken
to the order of the trial court overruling such motion, and
providing that in the hearing of a bill of exceptions based
thereon the Supreme Court may review the evidence
adduced at the trial and affirm, reverse, or modify by a pre-
ponderance of the evidence the judgment of the court below_
No. 1597. An act repealing act No. 553, and amending paragraph 1 of sec-
tion 13 of act No. 190, so as to authorize certain persons to
practice law in the Philippine Islands without examination__
No. 1598. An act amending certain subsections of section 5 of act No. 136,
as amended by acts Nos. 867 and 1184, by modifying the
provisions relating to the leave of absence of judges, and the
provision relating to the court vacation of the supreme court_
No. 1599. An act to amend act No. 1537 by providing that no races shall
be held on Thursday or Friday of what is commonly called
"Holy week," but that in lieu thereof races may be held on
the two next succeeding days..
No. 1600. An act to amend acts Nos 83 and 1396 by enabling provincial
governments to purchase and convey real estate...
No. 1601. An act for the relief of the province of Bataan by cancelling
under certain conditions, the indebtedness of the province
in the sum of 6,000, and providing for a new loan of 6,000
to said province for general provincial purposes---
No. 1602. An act amending act No. 780, entitled "An act providing for the
examination and licensing of applicants for the positions of
master, mate, patron, and engineer of seagoing vessels in
the Philippine coastwise trade, and prescribing the number
of engineers to be employed by such vessels".
No. 1603. An act transferring, under certain conditions, to the respective
school funds of the provinces of La Union, Neuva Ecija, and
Sorgoson certain amounts due from said provinces to the
insular government__
No. 1604. An act amending act No. 715, entitled "An act reducing the
24 municipalities of the province of Oriental Negros to 14,"
by transferring the seat of the municipal government of the
municipality of Dauin from Zamboanguita to Dauin and
that of the municipality of Tayasan from Tayasan to
No. 1605. An act forbidding, under penalty, bonded officers or bonded
employees, or former bonded officers or bonded employees,
of the insular government, or of any provincial or municipal
government in the Philippine Islands, or the city of Manila,
from leaving or attempting to leave the Philippine Islands
without first securing a certificate from the insular auditor,
and repealing act No. 1161...
No. 1606. An act amending act No. 146, relating to the duties of the pur-
chasing agent, by declaring the manner in which estimates
are to be submitted and purchases made thereunder---