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Capital and capitalism, 151-155;
effects of, 168-179; attitude to-
ward labor, 385-387.
Cattell, J. McK., 424.
Children, in industry, 171-173; in
city, 305, 322.
Chivalry, 72 f.
Cicero, 418 f.

City, growth of, 299; nature of,
300; housing in, 301 ff.; classes
in, 302 f.; recreation in, 307;
health in, 308 f.; crime in, 309;
services and agencies of, 311 ff.;
expenditures of, 323 f.; influ-
ence on country, 325.

Clan, 16-20; its customs, 20-26;
values, 28-30, 32 f.; defects,
27 f., 30-31, 33, 34.
Classes, not in earliest society,
29; in early England, 39 ff.; in
Domesday Book, 42; how formed,
42 ff.; ideals of, 65 ff.; source of
standards, 76, 80; middle class,
81, 93-95, 149; as aid to liberty,
123; in New World, 149, 289 f.;
as due to Industrial Revolution,
177-180, 438; Hamilton on, 368;
wage-earning, 177-180, 383; ar-
guments for inequality in,
414 ff.; affected by city, 302 f.;
by the frontier, 342 f., 434-436;
present problems of, 438-441.
See Democracy.

Class legislation, 114, 429.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act, 284
Combination, 258 f., 266, 273 f.
Common fields, 37.
Competition, decreased by trusts,
166 f.; protected by law, 196-
198; vs. monopoly, 232 f.; as
method of fair price, 257 f.; of
fair wage, 265; arguments for
and against, 273-281; unfair, 282-
296; when inefficient, 294-296.
Conspiracy, 289.

Constitution, purpose of, 365-371;
as adjustment of conflicting in-
terests, 369; slavery in, 370; as
fundamental law, 410; amend-
ment of, see Amendments.
Contracts, 189; conditions of
valid, 190; improper, 195 f.; jest
or fraud in, 198.
Coöperation, in the clan, 16-20, 29;
limits, 27, 33; in the state, 37,
42; in exchange of goods, 81 ff.;
in towns, 94; in industry and

business, 156; compared with
competition, 277, 294-296; in
the union of American states,
364 ff.; in nation, 442; in in-
ternational relations, 443, 458;
necessary to protect liberty and
democracy, 459 f.; larger idea
than peace, 459. See Combina-
tion, Union.

Corporation, 156; strength of, 156-
159; dangers of, 161 ff.; growth
of, 159, 162-167.
Country, compared with city,
325 f.; assets of, 328-330; needs
of, 330-333.
Courage, in clan life, 33; in so-
ciety of warriors, 67 f.
Courts, manor, 40, 45, 59; the

king's, 47, 50, 59-62, 126; of
chancery or equity, 130; munici-
pal, 318-321; judges of consti-
tutionality, 410 f. See Law, Su-
preme Court.

Crafts, 19, 81, 85 f., 88, 89, 90, 93,

Credit, 153 f.

Customs, of the clan, 20-26, 30,
31, 34; contrasted with law, 59-
61; of merchants, 99-100.

Declaration of Independence, 133,

352 f., 389, 391, 418-420.
Declaration of Rights, Virginia,

Democracy, favored by town life,

88; growth in early state, 111-
115; limits of, 116; law as aid
to, 127 f.; promoted by religious
teachers, 129 f., by philosophers,
130; based on freedom and re-
sponsibility, 141-143; in New
World settlers, 338-343; influ-
ence of frontier on, 342, 436;
two meanings of, 389; four rea-
sons for self-government, 390-
397; obstacles to, 398-412; as
equality, 413-428; progress and
present tasks of, 429-441; op-
posed by militarism, 47, 49, 460.
See Autocracy, Equality, Liber-
ty, Militarism, Self-government.

Domain, eminent, 246 f.
Domesday Book, 42, 53.

Education, aided by industrial
revolution, 170; necessary for
freedom, 102, 115, 119, 120,
358 f.; aid to equality, 265 f.; in
cities, 322 f.; in country, 332;
makes for international har-
mony, 458, 466. See Invention,

Egypt, slavery in, 44; justice in,

Emerson, R. W., 465.

Equality and inequality, as the-
ories of society, 413 ff.; argu-
ments for each, 414-428; five
kinds of, 429 ff.; before the law,
429 f.; in voting, 430-434; 80-
cial, 434-436; among workmen,
438; in business, 439.
Equity, 130.
Exploitation, 215 f.

224 ff.,

Fair and unfair, 186,
253 ff., 263 ff., 273 ff.
Federal Trade Commission Act,
273, 283 f.

Franklin, Benjamin, 351, 367.
Freedom, in savage life, 31; in
early England, 41 f., 93; devel-
opment of, 101 ff.; meanings of,
101 ff.; and responsibility, 141-
143. See Liberty.
Freeman's oath, 431.

Free men, in Domesday, 42; in
Magna Carta, 106,
121; in
American colonies, 431. See

Frontier, influence of, 342 f., 436.

[blocks in formation]

state, 46 ff., 55 ff., 112; by law,
59, 127 f.; enlarged to include
Parliament, 112-114; based on
consent of governed, 133, 352 f.;
policy of, in relation to business,
222-235; and property, 240-252;
oppression by, feared, 355; not
now chief danger, 360-362; or-
ganization of national, in United
States, 365 ff.; checks and bal-
ances in, 369 ff.; democratic,
389-397; by special interests,
400-406; progress toward democ-
racy, 408 ff. See Constitution,
Courts, Democracy, King, Law,
Party, President, Self-govern-
ment, Suffrage.

Grant, U. S., 451, 453.
Groups, clan as early, 16; state,
46; warrior, 36 ff., 66; gentry,
74 f.; morals of, 76. See Labor
Union, State, Town, Union.

Hale, E. E., 338.

Hamilton, Alexander, 367, 368,

Health, of cities, 308, 321 f.
Hobbes, 419.

Holden vs. Hardy, 250

Honesty, among traders, 98 f.; re-
quired by gilds, 99, 100; in mod-
ern business, 182-184.

Honor, 67; as ideal of warrior
class, 67-76; in business, 183 f.,
200; other ideals, 97 f., 307. See

Housing, 301, 303-307.

Ideals, of warrior class, Ch. VII;
of knight, 72; of gentleman, 73-
79; of middle class, 96-100; of
America, 338 ff.
Imperialism, 347 f.
Income Tax, 411.

Indian, American, mode of life, 9,
11, 37, 417; relations with
United States, 450-452.

Initiation, 22.

Initiative, 409.

Insurance, and government, 403 f.

Interests, adjustment of, in Con-
stitution, 366-371; of capital
and labor, 382 ff.; special, 400-
International relations, 443 ff.; re-
cent change in policy of United
States, 457 f.; peace and coöp-
eration, 468-469.
Inventions, 6-8, 148 f.,
210 f.,

280 f., 371 f., 421, 458 f.
Invisible government, 400.
"Invisible hand," 231.

James, William, 426.
Jarrett, Devereux, 435.

Jefferson, Thomas, 134, 356, 373,
408, 419, 436 f.
Jury, 62, 109-111, 354.

Justice, in business, 186; media-
val theory, 223-226. See Fair
and unfair, Law.

King, head of warriors, 36; in-
creasing powers of, 49-54; as
keeper of order, 57 f.; promoter
of trade, 51; and jury, 109; in
relation to law, 126-128; tend-
ency to wars of aggression, 396.
See Democracy, Militarism.
Kipling, Rudyard, 422.
Knight, 72.

Knowledge, of early man, 6-8, 33;
necessary for progress, 34; fa-
vored by towns, 91-93; neces-
sary for liberty, 115 f., 119,
358 f.; tends toward interna-
tional harmony, 458.

Labor, despised by gentry, 43, 66,
78, 80, 93; performed by monks,
96; made honorable, 97; af-
fected by Industrial Revolution,
148-151, 171-180; division of,
10-12, 43, 150, 173. See Classes,
Labor Unions, Wages, Wage-

Laborers, Statute of, 226.

Labor Unions, 88, 151, 179, 266 f.,
290-294, 383-388, 438 f.
Lady, 75 f.

Laissez faire, 228-231.

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