$1, 88, and 85 Centre Street, N. Y
ALFORD'S Greek Testament, 50; boldness in recon- struction of the text, 52.
Alma, position of the armies at the battle of the, 288; description of the battle, 290; losses of the Allies, 297.
Alpaca, its introduction into New South Wales, 10; importation of its wool, ib.; cross with the llama, 11; its habits, ib.
American war, 166; classification of errors in the English view of American affairs, 167; resources of the South as to clothing, food, and arms, 168, 169; original great want of arms, 169; peculiar strength and weakness of the South, 170; its general rush to arms, ib.; composition of the Northern armies, ib; contrasted with Southern troops, 170, 171; want of organisation among the Federalists, 171; Southern military schools, 172; seizure of the Southern forts, ib. ; Northern design of sacrificing its garrison in Fort Sumter to excite enthusiasm, 173; the 'Anaconda' scheme a fatal blunder, 173, 174; its first deve- lopment in the invasion of Virginia, 174; supe- riority of Southern tactics, 175; fatal defect in the constitution of the Northern forces, ib.; bat- tle of Bull Run described, 175, 176; wise orga- nisation of the Southern army, 176; enthusiasm of the South, 176, 177; depredations of the Nashville' and 'Sumter' on Northern com- merce, 177; barbarous attempt to destroy the port of Charleston, ib.; seizure of the Southern Commissioners on board the 'Trent,' ib.; singu lar circumstances of the surrender of Fort Don- nelson, 178; its disastrous consequences to the South, 174; fall of New Orleans, ib.; the 'Mer- rimae' and Monitor,' 179, 180; tide of Federal successes turned, 180; defeats of M'Clellan and Pope, 180, 181; Harper's Ferry seized by the South, 181; battle of Antietam Creek, ib.; de fest of General Burnside, 182; the Federalists submerge vast regions by cutting the banks of the Mississippi, 183; probable results of the war, ib.
Andes, table-lands of the, 5; cities on great eleva- tions of, ib.; geological formation, ib.; passes, 6; aborigines, 7.
Ashworth's magnificent salmon fisheries, 208. Assam tea plantations, 151.
Aurora Floyd' reviewed, 257.
Cinchona, or quinine, discovery of, 6; diminution of mortality effected by, ib.
Coca, the solace of the Peruvian Indian, 16. Codrington (General) at the battle of the Alma,
(Sir G.), 287; Mr. Kinglake's attack on,
Colenso and Davidson on the Old Testament, 220; Bishop Colenso should have waited to determine his promised substitute for the religion of the Bible, 221; confuses two classes of evidence, 222; Elohistic and Jehovistic theory, 223; illo- gical statement in answer to Dr. McCaul, ib.; insufficient induction of the Partitionists, 224; the unity of Daniel acknowledged, notwith- standing the promiscuous use of the two names, 225; Dr. Davidson's absurd examples to prove diversity of authorship in Genesis, ib.; examina- tion of phrases said to be peculiar to each writer, 226; refutation of pretended inconsisten- cies, ib.; assertion that the name Jehovah did not exist till the time of Saul, 228; Colenso's blundering from haste, ib.; insufficient reasons for chronology of the Psalms, 229; discussion of Psalm lxviii., 230; internal unity of the Penta- teuch undisturbed by the partition system, 231; variation of the names Jehovah and Elohim ac- counted for, 231, 232; the Elohistic theory a speculative dream, 232; reflections on Bishop Colenso's position in the Church, 233. Coleridge's poetry, Jeffrey's opinion of, 115. Convict management in Ireland, 84; four princi- ples of the system, 84, 85; test of self-control, 86; voluntary emigration encouraged, ib.; esta- blishment at Lusk, ib.; approach to freedom by exertion and good behaviour, 87; the mark sys- tem, 88; supervision of discharged convicts, ib.; only 7 per cent. of tickets of leave recalled, 89; English and Irish systems contrasted, 90. See Ticket of Leave'
Burke's (Edmund) Memorandum on his public ser- vices, 125, 126.
Cambridge (Duke of) at the battle of the Alma, 295. Campbell (Sir Colin) at the battle of the Alma, 296. Chalmers's, the earliest biographical dictionary, 192. Charles Edward (Prince), poetical remains of, 124. Chatham (Lord) enigma by, 130.
Chincha Islands, guano of, 10. Chirimoya, an exquisite Peruvian fruit, 8. Chunchos of Peru, the, 7; never eat their female prisoners, ib.
Church, the constant victim of Liberal Ministers, 134; anti-Church pledges readily taken by can- didates, 135.
education, Mr. Lowe's attacks on, 137. and State, their union bound up with the
Corneille's Dictionary,' singular circumstances originating, 185.
Coronelli's 'Biblioteca Universale,' 191; author of 111 printed volumes in various languages, ib. Cotton-plant, great value of the Peruvian, 11, 12. question, the, 154, 155. Radicals, 133.
Coup d'état of 2nd December, 272, 273. Crimea, invasion of the, 268; Russian breach of international law, 272; account of the origin of the war, 276; Vienna Note, 278; injurious de- lay in landing the British troops, 285. See Kinglake.'
Cuzco, the ancient capital of Peru, 5. Cyclopædias, history of, 183; Chambers's Cyclo-
pædia,' the origin of the Encyclopédie,' 184; Harris's 'Lexicon Technicum,' ib.; Corneille's and Furetière's rival dictionaries, 185, 186; Gold- smith's project of a cyclopædia, 187; the Encyclo- pædia Britannica,' 187, 188; Historical dictionary of Moréri, 188; Bayle's Critical Dictionary,' 189; supposed encyclopædia by Acquaviva, ib.; Alsted's Encyclopædia' the first work of mag- nitude bearing the name, 190; the title origi- nated by Acquaviva, or by Ringelburgius, ib.; Hofman's Lexicon Universale,' 191; Coronelli's Biblioteca Universale,' ib.; Zedler's Universal Lexicon, in 64 folio volumes, ib.; Chalmers's the earliest biographical dictionary, 192; the great work of Ersch and Grüber still advancing, 192, 193; 'Krünitz's Encyclopädie,' in 242 vo- lumes, 193; Conversations Lexicon,' ib.; Ge- lehrten-Lexicon, or Biographical Dictionary of Authors,' ib.; Brockhaus's Lexicon,' ib.; other foreign encyclopædias, 193, 194; translations of the Conversations-Lexikon,' 194, 195; Robert Chambers's Cyclopædia,' 195; suggestion for a European cyclopædia, ib; recent English ency- clopædias, ib.; divisional cyclopædius, 195, 196;
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