members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows: Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the same, as amended. A message from the Assembly was received and read, in the words following: To the Legislature: The undersigned, appointed by the Senate and Assembly as a committee of conference relative to the matters of difference arising between the two Houses upon the Senate bill No. 1483, reprint of Assembly bill No. 1745, entitled "An act making appropriations for certain expenses of government and supplying deficiencies in former appropriations" (Rec. No. 470), report that they have duly conferred upon said matters, and agreed to recommend as follows: The committee recommends that the Assembly concur in the following Senate amendments: Page 3, after line 2, insert the following: "The sum of two thousand one hundred seventy-nine dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the confidential examinations and investigations by the direction of the governor, the same to be paid by the comptroller to the governor upon his order." "For materials, labor, furnishings and repairs in the executive chamber, two thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid by the comptroller upon the audit and approval of the governor." 1 Same page, line 5, strike out the word "eight" and insert the word "nine." Same page, line 8, after the word "dollars" inserts the words or so much thereof as may be necessary." Same page, line 10, strike out the word "ninety-eight” and insert the word "ninety-nine." Same page, after line 13, insert the words "or so much thereof as may be necessary." Page 5, after line 23, insert the following: "For the deficiency in appropriation for the attendant of the court of appeals having charge and supervision of the attorneys' and cloak rooms, the sum of five hundred sixty-two dollars and fifty cents or so much thereof as may be necessary." Page 4, after line 16, insert the words "or so much thereof as may be necessary." Same page, line 18, insert the words " or so much thereof as may be necessary." Page 6, after line 10, insert the following: "for the expenses of the judges of the court of appeals from January first to September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, pursuant to chapter six hundred and six of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary." Same page, line 20, strike out the words " and to each county clerk." Page 7, line 12, strike out the words "in full of all" and insert the word "for." 66 Same page, line 25, strike out the word "twenty" and insert the word "forty" and after the word "dollars" insert the words or so much thereof as may be necessary." Also "For the comptroller for continuing the work of examination, arrangement, compilation and binding of the records of the Revolutionary war in the comptroller's office, two thousand five hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. "For the care, maintenance, repairs and improvements of the Saratoga monument and the grounds connected therewith, to bê expended under the supervision of the comptroller pursuant to the provisions of chapter five hundred and fifty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the sum of six hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. "For the comptroller for payment of the claim of the Brooklyn Fire Brick Company for taxes erroneously paid to the state of New York under the corporation tax law, nine hundred dollars. "For the comptroller for the expenses of the assembly cities committee investigating the affairs of the city of New York, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. "For the comptroller for the payment of the claim of the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company for taxes erroneously paid, one thousand one hundred twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents. "For the comptroller for the payment of the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company for taxes erroneously paid, seven hundred forty-three dollars and seventy-five cents. "For the comptroller for the payment of the claim of Duparquet, Huot and Moneuse Company for taxes erroneously paid to the state of New York under the corporations tax law, the sum of one hundred fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents. "For the comptroller five hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the salaries and necessary traveling expenses and other expenses of experts to be appointed by him to ascertain the amount of taxes payable by the Trotting Race Associations of the state, and to secure the filing by said associations of a proper bond with the comptroller; the amount herein appropriated to be paid from the funds collected from such associations.” Page 9, strike out lines 1 and 2. Page 10, after line 2, insert the following: "For the comptroller for the repayment of moneys uncollected which were assessed on certain railroad corporations pursuant to chapter three hundred fifty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and eightytwo, and section one hundred and seventy, chapter five hundred and sixty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety and the several acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, the sum of two hundred and six dollars and twenty-six cents to be refunded to the treasury by the several corporations owning or operating railroads in this state in such manner as is prescribed by law." Page 10, strike out lines 8 to 17 inclusive. Page 11, after line 11, insert the words "or so much thereof as may be necessary." Page 13, after line 2 insert the following: “STATE COMMISSION IN LUNACY. "For the state commission in lunacy for the deportation of alien and non-resident lunatics to other countries and states and for the transfer of patients from one hospital to another to relieve overcrowding, eight thousand dollars." Same page, strike out lines 8 to 25 inclusive, and insert the following: "CAPITOL COMMISSIONER. "For the capital commissioner for clerical force to October first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, fifteen thousand one hundred sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents." "For transportation and other expenses of supervision, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.” "For necessary office expenses, three thousand five hundred dollars." "For expert assistants in clerical work, steam heating, power and sanitary work, two thousand nine hundred sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents or so much thereof as may be necessary." 66 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. "For the commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics, five hundred dollars for the expense of compiling and publishing quarterly bulletins to October first, eighteen hundred and ninetynine, or so much thereof as may be necessary." "STATE FACTORY INSPECTOR. "For the state factory inspector for salaries of additional inspectors to October first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, seven thousand dollars." "For the necessary traveling expenses of the same, three thou-sand five hundred dollars." "For addditional clerical force, six hundred dollars.” "For additional printing, postage and supplies, nine hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary." "EXCISE DEPARTMENT. "For the deficiency in appropriation for payment of rebates on cancelled liquor tax certificates for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, seventyfive thousand dollars." Page 14, line 8, after the word "dollars" insert the words " or so much thereof as may be necessary." Also insert here lines 13, 14 and 15 of the same page. Same page, line 12, insert the words "or so much thereof as may be necessary. Also "For the trustees of public buildings for repairs and maintenance of the senate house property at Kingston, two hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary." "For the superintendent of public buildings for re-arranging the lighting of the senate chamber, five thousand dollars or so 1 much thereof as may be necessary to be expended under the direction of the capital commissioner and with the approval of the finance committee of the senate.” "For the superintendent of public buildings for rebuilding a portion of the capitol boiler house and necessary improvements and alterations of same in accordance with plans and specifications made and submitted by the capitol commissioner, seven. thousand dollars. “For building an iron and glass passageway through the courtyard of the capitol on the street line of Hawk street, together with heating and lighting fixtures and four collapsible metal gates, the sum of six thousand four hundred dollars." Same page, line 20, change the word "ten " to "twenty." Same page, after line 25, insert the words " or so much thereof as may be necessary." Also "For the state engineer and surveyor for salaries and traveling expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties, of one chief bridge designer and inspector and two assistants, and the necessary draftsmen, etc., the sum of eight thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. "For the state engineer and surveyor for completing new blue line maps of the Erie, Oswego and Champlain canals, the sum of three thousand dollars, which shall be payable from the canal fund and be immediately available. "For copying and preserving old maps, survey notes and miscellaneous references of his office, relating to lands and land patents, colonial and early state times, the sum of two thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. "For repairing and renovating his offices, the sum of six hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary." Page 15, after line 5, insert the words " or so much thereof as may be necessary.". After the word "dollars" in lines 8, 15 and 20 respectively, insert the words or so much thereof as may be necessary." "For the attorney-general for the payment to Russell and Percy for their services and the services of Russell, Post and Percy and William A. Post from eighteen hundred and ninety to eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and their disbursements as counsel to the attorney-general in the matter of the claims of the commissioner of emigration against the United States, on the retainer of the attorney-general, on the twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety, the sum of three thousand forty-seven dollars and eighty-nine cents or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid upon the certificate of the attorneygeneral." |