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Banking Law, to amend (Continued):


securities in which investments may be deposited..... 200

332, 408, 835, 1091, 1380, 1413, 1521, 1644

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Banks Brothers, claim of .......242,717, 812, 958, 1070

1249, 1288, 1443, 1678

Barnes, Charles A., claim of............373, 693, 849, 998, 1222
Barrels, size of apple, pear and potato....302, 461, 843, 886, 992

1055, 1198, 1209, 1393

Batavia and Northern Railroad Company........643, 1038, 1092
Bath-on-the-Hudson, charter to amend..241, 538, 651, 700

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Bedford, State Reformatory for Women at ....1670, 1809, 1879
Beer, ale and porter, sale of......



Beer, to prevent use of substitute for hops in.. 238, 363, 406, 448

518, 1283, 1652, 1920

Benevolent, charitable and scientific societies, relative to... 131

Benevolent Orders Law:

Benevolent and Protective order of Elks..1351, 1360, 1402

1725, 1928

election of trustees


..762, 1238

Bernard, E. G. Co., claim of .........802, 1070, 1264, 1512, 1555

Bicycles, transportation of, on steamboats.




Bicycles, tricycles, etc., uniform ordinances relative to..... 1369
1399, 1620, 1832

Bicycles, use of and licensing, sidepath commissioners, ap-

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[merged small][ocr errors]

.42, 122, 229, 262, 307, 325, 755, 769, 952

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money for paving court street, to borrow.. 155, 202, 224, 250

Blind, adult in cities, relative to

.......606, 1248, 1433

Blind, deaf-mutes, etc., registration of...514, 1414, 1596, 1609


Blind school for, at Batavia, appropriation for......1258, 1525


Block, Philip and T. P. Sullivan, to enable to practice law.. 513

1071, 1249, 1402, 1486, 1503

Bradt, Henry, claim of...143, 214, 263, 286, 294, 367
Bridges over waters between cities and villages......125, 607

691, 849, 1001

Bristol, Evergreen, cemetery of, relative to..........1109, 1192

Bronx river sewer, relative to



Brookhaven, justices of peace in........132, 232, 243, 278, 307

414, 580, 1252

Brooklyn Fire Brick Company, claim of..

946 ́

Buffalo, city of:


armory at, for Seventy-fourth Regiment at.....86, 269, 536

649, 847, 1010, 1343, 1413, 1452



armory at, for Sixty-fifth Regiment at
Bailey avenue in, proceedings, relative to, to legalize.. 47
Black Rock Harbor, bridge over...1666, 1809, 1878
Cazenovia creek outlet.
..305, 365, 1250


charter to amend 890, 1226, 1270, 1293, 1558, 1934

.. ......

city cemetery .........268, 452, 631, 688, 705, 715, 746, 1088
city clerk of



......117, 166, 186, 193, 226, 251
Clinton, Dewitt, monument to....
commissioners of police...210, 762, 1343, 1654, 1760
contracts, bonds for performance of....514, 735, 768, 826
1326, 1560

Diehl, Mary, pensioning of 802, 874, 1248, 1431
dividing taxes and assessments in.... 136, 202, 224, 235, 244


electrical commissioners in...


employes who served in Spanish war, payment of.... 1496
engineers stationary, licenses of.. 774, 1225, 1413, 1417, 1676

Erie basin, depth of.......



Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund in.384, 564, 608, 723, 750
gas in, price of, to regulate...239, 1210, 1285, 1331
Jordan, Catherine, pensioning of............370, 564, 599
Jubilee water system, abandonment of.. 142, 215, 263, 286

311, 427, 612

Justices of the peace in..624,734, 807, 827, 1327, 1561
Main and Hamburg Street canal, bonds to abate nuis-

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Buffalo, city of (Continued):


Main street road to Williamsville 1570, 1601, 1756

1663, 1773

Niagara river, power of, to use .....200, 235, 516, 1214, 1354

Niagara street, to legalize proceedings concerning....



165, 173, 181, 252

park approaches, to make East and West Utica streets



1540, 1806

police pension fund.........624, 734, 991, 1148, 1182, 1503
pumping station



Schneggenburgh, Frances, pensioning of......802, 874, 1248


school department, expenses of......1232, 1536, 1598, 1616
Slade, William H., claim of.

street cars in.......



.200, 778, 853, 892, 1096

street surface railroad in...240, 778, 854, 892, 1096
taxes in


........47, 121, 130, 137, 227, 324, 485

Washington Street Baptist Church of......49, 88, 112, 128

129, 265

water rents in.....



Burdick, John W., letters patent, to issue to......175, 452, 471

489, 491, 869


Camillus, town of, canal bridge at.


Canal debt, interest on.
271, 340, 354, 396
improvement contracts, settlement of......1543, 1659, 1751
judgments of court of claims arising from.......1051, 1525.


Law, opening of canals...........643, 690, 1229, 1365, 1732


Canals, general law relating to ....140, 698, 847, 928, 1003, 1178
repairs to mechanical structures....240, 813, 854, 893, 1052

storing grain at ports of Buffalo and New York, to

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.482, 521

Canandaigua, village of, to legalize acts..
Carey, C. Cecilia, relief of......834, 1063, 1263, 1286, 1446, 1783
Carlton, town of, to legalize vote of...........1348, 1578, 1619
Catskill, village of, bonds to issue.....446, 551, 634, 709, 715

Cattaraugus county:

730, 921, 1116, 1202, 1321

dividing into three school commissioner districts...... 384

582, 625, 628, 1090

Cayuga and Seneca canal, general lock for, to build........


Chautauqua assembly, relative to........ 269, 361, 386, 391, 1090
Chittenango Falls Park Association, relative to........449, 463
Churchville, village of, charter to amend..369, 516, 808, 822, 1232
Cigarettes, sale of, to regulate.


Cities of the first class, tuberculosis hospitals....608,726, 882

....76, 125

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uniform charter of..383, 446, 480, 548, 843, 1319, 1506, 1514

1845, 1934

Cities of first and second class, uniform police system for.. 1404
1531, 1538

Cities of the second and third class, annual reports of... 480
1066, 1263, 1288, 1546

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