be converted into Chrift's Body, which is already? That Chrift's Body fhould be in a Point, and in 100,000 Places at once? What Neceffity is there that it fhould be eaten by wicked Men, by Beafts, and by Devils incarnate? What Neceffity is there that it fhould be carried away by the Devil? That it fhould be ftolen, burnt, &c. Can it be faid that it is for the Salvation of the Soul of him that eats it? But Reprobates (as our Adverfaries confefs) eat it too: And the Faithful under the Old Testament did not eat it, nor do E little Children of Believers under the News and yet they are faved for all that. Can it be faid with Bellarmine and Perron, that the Hoft, being eaten, ferves as an incorruptible Seed for a glorious Refurrection? But the Faithful under the Old Teftament, E and the little Children of Believers under the - New, will rife again gloriously, though they never participated of the Eucharift. And St. Paul tells us, Rom. viii. That this Seed of the Refurrection of our Bodies, is not Chrift's Flefh, but his Spirit, In these Words: If the Spirit of him that raised up Jefus from the dead, dwell in you; he shall also - quicken your mortal Bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. = 21. LASTLY, The Holy Scripture is clear in this Matter: For JESUS CHRIST is afcended into Heaven, Acts i. And the Heavens must contain him till the Reftitution of all Things, Acts iii. And he himself faith, I leave the World, and go to the Father, St. F Joh. Joh. xvi. The poor ye have always with you; but me ye have not always, St Matt. xxvi. To which may be added what JESUS CHRIST faith, St.Matt. xxiv. 23, 26. In the laftDays falfe Prophets will come that will fay, Chrift is here or there; and that he is in the fecret Chambers or Cabinets: Which cannot be but by the Doctrine of the Romish Church, which puts Chrift's Body into divers Places, and Thuts it up in feveral Cabinets on their Altars. And it is very remarkable that in the Greek it is, iv rauñors, that is, in the Cupboards; rauor being properly a Cupboard to keep Meat in. CHAP. V. Against Adoring or Worshipping of the Hoft. 1.GAINST the Adoration of A the Hoft, I form three Propofitions. The firft is this: We are not obliged to worship GOD every-where, or in all Places where he is; (at leaft not with external Adóration :) But we are only obliged to worship him in all Places where he appears in his glorious Majefty. The firft Part of this Propofition (viz. That we are not obliged to worship GOD in all Places where he is,) appears by the Practice of all Chriftians, For ex For GOD being ever-where; and confequently in Stones, Trees, Beafts, Devils, and all other Creatures: There is no Man fo travagant, as to fall on his Knees before a Tree, an Afs, or a Devil, that he may wor fhip GOD in them, who is as really prefent in them, as in Heaven. and not 2. THE fecond Part of this Propofition, (viz,that we are only obliged to worship GOD both with internal and external Adoration, in all Places where he appears in his glorious Majefty, is proved, First, by the Command which JESUS CHRIST gave his Apoftles, when they asked him how they fhould pray. For he aufwers them thus When ye pray, Say, Our Father which art in Heaven, St. Mat. vi. St. Luke xi. Why doth he fay, Which art in Heaven, --~ Which art in Earth, or in the Sea, or in the Air; fince GOD is equally in all these Places? But only becaufe GOD appears in Heaven, in his glorious Majefty; and there Crowns all the bleffed Spirits with his Glory? Secondly, When GOD appeared to Mofes in the burning Bufh, which was not confumed; he faid to him: Take thy Shoes from off thy Feet ; for the Place where thou Standeft is holy Ground, Exod. iii. Why is this Ground called Holy, and Mofes commanded to approach it with Reverence, Submiffion, and Adoration; fince any other Ground is equally GOD's Creature, and that he is equally prefent every where? But only Because GOD did manifeft fomewhat of his F 2 Power Power and Glory in that Place, by causing the Bush to burn, without being confumed. Thirdly, Joshua and the Ifraelites did proftrate themselves before the Ark of the Covenant, Fof. vii. because GOD appeared there in a peculiar and glorious Manner. For, from the Mercy-Seat which covered it, he gave his Oracles, and made known his Will. Exod. xxv. Numb. vii. Fourthly, When the Priest celebrates Mafs a little before the Confecration, he recommends the furfum corda ; that is, the lifting up of their Hearts. Why the lifting them up; fince GOD is equally above and below? But only because GOD appears in Heaven, in his glorious Majefty; and confequently it is thither that we must direct our Vows, our Prayers, and our Worship. 3. THE fecond Propofition is this: We are not obliged to adore JESUS CHRIST in the Water of Baptifm, though he be really there, in regard to all that is adorable in him. The first Part of this Propofition, (viz. That we are not obliged to worship JESUS CHRIST in the Water of Baptifm ;) is chiefly proved by the Practice of all Chriftians. For no Man ever fell on his Knees before the Water of Baptifm, and adored JESUS CHRIST in it; or at leaft, not with external Worship, which is only here intended. And doubtless the Reafon is, becaufe JESUS CHRIST difcovers no Beam of his Glory there; nor doth he appear in the Water of Baptifm, any more than in other Waters. So that as we are not obliged to worship GOD, fave only where he he appears in his glorious Majefty; as hath been proved: So neither are we obliged to worship JESUS CHRIST, but only where he difcovers fome Beam of his Glory; which he doth not in Baptifm. 4. THE fecond Part of this Propofition, (viz. That JESUS CHRIST is really prefent in the Water of Baptifm, in respect of all that is to be adored in him ;) is proved thus: All that is of itself adorable in JESUS CHRIST, is either his Godhead, or his divine Perfon, or his divine Attributes. As for his Godhead; fince it is really every-where, it cannot be denied but that it is alfo in the -Water of Baptifm. As for his Perfon; fince it is Divine, and Eternal, and Infinite, it is really every-where, and confequently in the Water of Baptifm. And as for his divine Attributes; fince they are not really different from the Godhead, or the Perfon of JESÚS CHRIST: It neceffarily follows, that fince the Godhead and Perfon of JESUS CHRIST are really in the Water of Baptifm; his divine Attributes muft really be there likewife. 5. THE third Propofition is this: We are not obliged to adore JESUS CHRIST in the Hoft, though he be really there in refpect of all that is to be adored in him; viz. his Godhead, his divine Perfon, and his divine Attributes: Yea, though he were there invifibly, in refpect of his Manhood too. The principal Reafon of this hath been touched upon already; viz. That as we are -not obliged to worship in all Places where |