THE FUNERAL OF THE MASS: Or, the MASS Dead and Buried, Without hope of RESURRECTION. Written originally in French by Monfieur de Rhoden, EDITION S. The Fifth Edition. DUBLIN: Printed by and for A. RHAMES, oppofite the 130.9.54 111 To the right Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord High Chancellour, OF ENGLAND, &c. MY LORD, Could not without In justice, have Dedicated this Book to any but your Lord fhip, because, as there is no Perfon to whom I am fo much obliged, fo there is no Member of either Houfe of PARLIAMENT that hath fo freely and generously owned the PROTESTANT INTEREST. As for my Obligations to your Lordfhip, because they are too great to be exprefs'd, it is my Duty to take all Occafions of expreffing my Thankfulness for Them, and therefore I take this Occafion to proclaim my Thankfulness to the World. As for your Lordship's late owning the PROTESTANT INTEREST in the House of PEERS, it was fo eminent, and accompanied with such Zeal and Courage, that (next under GOD and the KING) your your Lordship may deservedly be ftiled the chief Afferter and Promoter of it, and confequently the Afferter and Promoter of the INTEREST of England. For the INTEREST of the PROTESTANT RELIGION, and the INTEREST of this Kingdom, are fo interwoven, that the Welfare or Ruin of Either, is the Welfare or Ruin of Both. Now being obliged by your Lordship, both as an English PROTESTANT, and alfo more particularly in my private Capacity, I befeech GOD to grant that your Life may be long and profperous, t your Memory, and Pofterity 7 honourable, as long as the Sun A 3 and |