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annual report to the Legislature containing among other items, statistics of crime and pauperism in the State. He receives an annual salary of $5,000.

Comptroller. He is the auditor of public accounts, superintends the collection of taxes, manages state moneys, makes loans and issues warrants to the Treasurer for payment of the expenses of the State. He receives an annual salary of $6,000.

Treasurer. He is the custodian of state moneys, which he receives from the Comptroller and pays out on warrants of that officer. The Treasurer may, for cause, be suspended from office by the Governor during a recess of the Legislature, during which time the Governor may appoint a person to discharge the duties of the office. He receives an annual salary of $5,000.

Attorney-General. He is the law officer of the State and the legal adviser of other state officers. He attends each session of the Court of Claims, and sees that the interests of the State are protected. It is his duty to bring a suit to remove public officers who shall violate the provisions of the Constitution relative to passes. But he is not charged, unless directed by the Governor, with the prosecution of persons accused of crimes, that duty being performed by the District Attorneys in the several counties. He receives an annual salary of $5,000.

State Engineer and Surveyor. He must be a practical civil engineer. His principal duties consist in the making of surveys and maps of the public lands and work connected with the construction and repair of canals. He also has charge of the laying out and construction of

highways, of which the State bears a part of the cost. He receives an annual salary of $5,000.

Ex-Officio Positions of Elected Officers.-The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor and other executive officers elected by the people are, by virtue of their offices, members of certain public boards, comraissioners of state funds, and trustees of certain institutions, as shown in the following table:

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1 The Governor is also a trustee of Syracuse University and of the State Soldiers' Home.

2 The State Engineer and Surveyor is also a member of the Board of Quarantine Commissioners.

3 The Superintendent of Public Works is a member of the Canal Board.


Superintendent of Public Instruction, who has a term of three years, and receives an annual salary of $5,00

His powers and duties will be considered later (see page


Nineteen Regents of the University of the State of New York, who are chosen for life and receive no compensation. Their powers and duties will be considered later (see page 111).


Superintendent of Public Works, who holds office until the close of the term of the appointing Governor, and until his successor is appointed. He has control of the construction, repair and navigation of the canals, appoints superintendents, and directs expenditures of money appropriated for improvements authorized by the Legislature. He may, for cause, be suspended or removed from office by the Governor. He receives an annual salary of $6,000.

Superintendent of Insurance, whose term of office is three years, and until his successor is appointed. He grants permission to conduct business to, and has supervision of, life, fire and other insurance companies operating within the State. He must require from companies of other States or countries a deposit for the protection of policy holders within the State. He receives an annual salary of $7,000.

Superintendent of Banking, whose term is three years and until his successor is appointed. He has supervision of all banks organized under the laws of this State; and they must deposit with him funds to guarantee the payment of the bank notes they issue, and make to him

quarterly reports of their transactions. He also supervises trust, loan, and guaranty companies and building and loan associations, from which he receives semi-annual reports. From these reports he is required to make annually a report to the Legislature. He receives an annual salary of $7,000.

Superintendent of Prisons, whose term is five years. He has general supervision of the conduct of state prisons, and appoints agents, wardens, physicians and chaplains. Wardens appoint other prison officers. He is required to make an annual report to the Legislature, and receives an annual salary of $6,000.

Commissioner of Health, whose term is four years. He has charge of the health of the State, and is required to investigate causes of disease, especially of epidemics, and the effects of employment and other conditions upon public health. He may examine into and abate public nuisances, and in the interest of general health investigate and regulate the manufacture and sale of foods, drugs, and liquors. He has general supervision of local boards of health, from which he collects and tabulates statistics relative to births, deaths, marriages and diseases. He receives an annual salary of $3,500.

Commissioner of Agriculture, whose term is three years. He is charged with the execution of the laws relative to agriculture and the manufacture and sale of farm products. For this purpose he may appoint expert butter and cheese makers and other agents to inspect factories, and attend fairs and similar meetings to give instruction. He may investigate contagious diseases among domestic animals, and may condemn and kill infected

cattle, sheep, and bees; and he may also employ the necessary means to stop the spread of such diseases and destroy insects and pests destructive to fruit trees, vines, and plants. To accomplish these duties he and his assistants are entitled to free access to all farms, factories, cars, or other places in which any branch of farming or manufacturing and transportation of dairy and agricultural products is being conducted. He receives an annual salary of $4,000, and expenses not to exceed $500.*

Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner, whose term is four years. Until January 1, 1903, he is assisted by two associate Commissioners, serving without salary. He has charge of the propagation, distribution and protection of food-fish and game, and the enforcement of laws relative to hunting and fishing; and for this purpose he may appoint necessary officers. He is also empowered to acquire forest lands for the State; and he has general charge of the forests of the State, especially in reference to tree-planting and forest fires. After January 1, 1903, the Governor may designate two Commissioners of the Land Office to act with the Commissioner in the conduct of his powers and duties in relation to forests. He receives an annual salary of $5,000 together with necessary


Commissioner of Labor, whose term is four years. He is charged with three duties, viz.:

1. Factory Inspection, in which he is assisted by fifty

*Under his charge are the agricultural stations at Geneva and Cornell University, where scientific investigations are made into the character of soils, fruits, seeds and fertilizers, and experiments are conducted in the practical operations of farming and stock-raising.

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