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shall be utterly void and of no effect, any provision in these articles for the amendment of the same to the contrary notwithstanding.

ARTICLE VIII. Officers, How Elected. The first board of officers may be elected on the day of organizing the Society without formality. All subsequent elections shall be held in accordance with the By-Laws of the Society. Officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors are severally elected and enter upon the duties of their offices.

ARTICLE IX. Vacancies, How Filled. Any vacancy which may happen by death, resignation, or otherwise, of any officer, may be filled in such a manner as the By-Laws may provide.

ARTICLE X. Powers of the Society. The powers of the Society are unlimited, except by the provisions of these articles of association, the By-Laws of the Society, and the laws of the land.


SECTION 1. Meetings. This Society shall meet regularly on- -at- -at- -o'clock.

SECTION 2. Election by Ballot. The officers shall be elected by ballot, and the one receiving the highest number of ballots for any office shall be declared elected.

SECTION 3. Term of Office. Officers shall hold their offices one year, and until their successors are duly elected and enter upon the duties of their respective offices.

SECTION 4. Vacancies, How Filled. In case a vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, or in any other manner, of any officer of this Society, it may be filled pro tem. by appointment of the President.

SECTION 5. Duties of Officers. The duties of the officers shall be similar to the usual duties of the officers of other societies.

SECTION 6. In general terms the President shall be the presiding officer, and in his absence the Vice President shall perform his duties, and in the absence of both President and Vice-President, a President pro tem. may be elected to discharge the duties of President for the occasion.

SECTION 7. The Secretary shall keep a regular record book, in which he shall enter the proceedings of all meetings of the Society.

SECTION 8. The Treasurer shall keep a regular account book, wherein he shall make specific entries of all money received and disbursed by order of the Society, and make a full report of his doings at each regular meeting, and at such other times as required by resolution of the Society.

SECTION 9. The Trustees shall see to the incorporation of the Society in due and legal form, under the statute laws of the State of, thereby securing the necessary franchises for the holding of estate, real, personal, and mixed; and shall discharge all other duties devolving upon similar officers in other societies, and in accordance with the laws of the State.

SECTION 10. All other officers and agents that may at any time be appointed or elected, shall perform their duties in accordance with the directions or resolutions of this Society.

SECTION 12. Special meetings may be called by posting a notice in some conspicuous place on the building where the Society usually meets, or by a verbal or written notice to a majority of the members.

SECTION 13. Members may be admitted into this Society at such times and on such terms as shall at the time be deemed expedient, provided the candidate for membership shall receive a majority vote of the members present. But a membership fee of $ -shall be required to be first paid, unless specially remitted by a majority ballot vote of the Society.

SECTION 14. This Society may, on application of any member, grant a Letter of Fellowship to him or her, certifying that such applicant is a member of this Society, in regular standing, of good moral character, and worthy of fellowship in any other similar Society.

SECTION 15. Form of Certificate.-To whom it may concern: -Society of- hereby certifies that is a member of this Society in good and regular standing, of

good moral character, and worthy of fellowship in any other similar Society.


In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names, at- -County of- -and State of- -thisday of




The following Articles of Agreement and By-Laws were adopted by The Free Congregational Society of Florence, Mass., which has been in successful operation over fifteen years.


We, the undersigned, inhabitants of Florence and its vicinity in the town of Northampton, wishing to avail ourselves of the advantages of associate effort for our advancement in truth and goodness, and for the promotion of general intelligence, good morals and liberal religious sentiments, do hereby agree to form ourselves into a body corporate under the name of the FREE CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY OF FLORENCE.

Respecting in each other and in all, the right of intellect and conscience to be free, and holding it to be the duty of every one to keep his mind and heart, at all times open to receive the truth and follow its guidance, we set up no theological condition of membership and neither demand nor expect uniformity of doctrinal belief; asking only unity of purpose to seek and accept the right and true, and an honest aim and effort to make these the rule of life. And recognizing the brotherhood of the human race and the equality of human rights, we make no distinction as to the conditions and rights of membership in this Society, on account of sex, or color or nationality.

The officers of this Society shall be a Moderator, Clerk, and Treasurer, who shall be first chosen at the first business meeting of the Society, and afterwards at each annual meeting thereof, and shall perform the customary duties of their respective offices.

The Society shall hold its annual meeting on the first Monday in April, at such hour and place as the Moderator of the preceding year shall appoint.


1st. All subscribers to the articles of association shall be considered members of the Society wherever they reside, so long as they manifest by their lives, an honest purpose to promote its objects.

2d. The officers of the Society shall be chosen by ballot, unless at the meeting at which they are to be chosen some other method shall be proposed through the presiding officer and shall be adopted by unanimous vote or by silent assent of all the members present.

3d. A majority of all the votes given shall be necessary to the choice of any officer, unless three attempts to obtain such majority shall have failed; in which case, at the fourth trial, the person having a larger number of votes than any other person shall be considered chosen, though that number should not be a majority of the whole number given. 4th. Standing Committees shall be annually chosen, which shall be:

First. An Executive Committee of three members, to make arrangements for carrying into effect the votes and resolutions of the Society.

Second. A Library Committee of three members, to take measures for establishing a Library and Reading Room, to select books and periodicals for the same and have the charge of them when established.

Third. A Committee of five members on Music, to provide for singing in our public meetings, and promote as far as may be, improvement therein.

Fourth. A School Committee of three or more members, to take measures for opening and keeping up Sunday Schools under the auspices of the Society.

5th. In case of the Moderator's absence from any meeting of the Society, the meeting shall be called to order by the Clerk and a Moderator pro tem. shall be chosen by nomination and show of hands. Should the Moderator and

Clerk be both absent, both offices shall be filled pro tem. in like manner, on call of the Treasurer, or, in his absence, of any other member.

6th. The Moderator may call a special meeting of the Society whenever he thinks it desirable; and it shall be his duty to call one, whenever five members shall request him in writing to do so.

7th. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to give public information of the hour and place of each annual meeting, and the day, hour and place of each special meeting, by posting written notices of the same in two or more conspicuous places, at least seven days before the meeting notified is to be held.


The following basis of organization was adopted by "The Society of Ethical Culture" of this city-to which Prof. Felix Adler is lecturer-on Feb. 15th, 1877-both sexes voting.

Whereas, The need of a more permanent and effective organization to support the cause of enlightenment has become apparent: and

Whereas, We whose names are hereunto subscribed do now propose to consolidate such an organization for the purpose aforesaid, therefore be it

Resolved, To enunciate the following as the sentiment by which we are guided in the formation of such union:

That the integrity and consistency of life in all its parts is the noblest good and its achievement the supreme duty of human existence.

That insincerity, while it is justly condemned in every circumstance, deserves the severest reprobation when permitted to enter the fundamental questions that give direction to the character and determine the moral welfare of


That the forms of dogmatic belief, as currently taught, have ceased to satisfy our highest needs; that they obstruct the free development of mind and heart, and that to emancipate ourselves from so grievous a thralldom is at once a stern obligation and a privilege.

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