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its present ability a system of interior canals serviceable as feeder routes to the full development of the national trade route thus described, and

11. Since it is the opinion of the leading transportational experts of the nation that with the cessation of railroad building under the present policy of the nation.

12. There will occur within fifty years at the present populative increase of the nation a critical shortage in transportation unless the waterways of the nation are developed within the decade to assume a fair portion of the bulk tonnage of national commerce, and

13. Since under the authority of the Congress of the United States the Hudson river, comprising one-third of the national trade route thus described, is being developed to a depth of twentyseven feet to the Port of Albany in accordance with the recommendations of the United States army engineers; now, therefore, be it

Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the people of the State of New York in Senate and Assembly assembled, do hereby in joint resolution urge upon the President and Congress of the United States, the immediate availability of this trade route lying wholly within and under the control of the United States; and be it further

Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York urge action by this session of the Congress for the authorization of the development of the aforesaid route, in accord with the all-American ship canal plan.

Ordered, That said resolution be referred to the committee on finance.

The Senate bill (No. 91, Int. No. 92) entitled "An act to amend chapter four hundred and forty of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four, entitled 'An act authorizing the Fifth New York Volunteer Veterans' Association Duryea Zouaves to dedicate to the State of New York certain lands in the State of Virginia and to distribute funds among surviving members or other persons entitled thereto,' in relation to providing for the maintenance of lands dedicated pursuant thereto," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and threefifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Senate bill (No. 227, Int. No. 224) entitled An act to incorporate The Guardian Life Welfare Trust for the administration of trust funds for fostering the welfare of men and women in the employ of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. at the company's home office in the city of New York, State of New York, and elsewhere, was read the third time.

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The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Senate bill (No. 293, Int. No. 288) entitled "An act to revive and extend the corporate existence of the Greenport Wharf Company of Greenport, incorporated, and to legalize the acts of the directors, as trustees, was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Senate bill (No. 383, Int. No. 377) entitled "An act to incorporate the Knights of Columbus Hospital Association of the State of New York," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree

to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and proceeded to the consideration of general orders, being the bills entitled as follows:

(1) Senate (No. 60, Int. No. 61), entitled "An act to validate and authorize the issuance of bonds of sewer district of school number twenty-two of the town of Colonie, county of Albany, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and to legalize all acts and proceedings in relation thereto."

(2) Senate (No. 320, Int. No. 315), entitled "An act to amend chapter one hundred and thirty-six of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled 'An act to incorporate the American Jersey Cattle Club for improving the breeding of Jersey cattle in the United States,' in relation to the amount of real and personal estate which such corporation is authorized to hold, mortgage, transfer and convey.

(3) Senate (No. 445, Int. No. 30), entitled "An act to amend chapter four hundred and ninety-nine of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-five, entitled 'An act to amend the County Law, in relation to the number and compensation of county judges, and in relation to the compensation of the surrogate, in Monroe county,' in relation to the application of the increases of salary provided by such act.'

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(4) Senate (No. 27, Int. No. 27), entitled "An act to amend the Domestic Relations Law, in relation to the domicile of a married woman.

(5) Senate (No. 160, Int. No. 160), entitled "An act to amend the State Boards and Commissions Law, in relation to the time of holding the State Fair."

(6) Senate (No. 168, Int. No. 168), entitled "An act to amend the Domestic Relations Law, in relation to guardianship and parental rights."

(7) Assembly (No. 507, Rec. No. 12), entitled "An act to amend chapter two hundred and forty-six of the Laws of nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled 'An act to enable the towns in the

county of Suffolk to provide for the extermination of mosquitoes and establishment of districts therefor,' in relation to the amount of annual appropriations for such purpose.

(8) Senate (No. 196, Int. No. 196), entitled "An act to amend the County Law, in relation to the appointment of deputy county clerks for certain counties.'

(9) Senate (No. 292, Int. No. 287), entitled "An act to amend the Personal Property Law, in relation to correcting an error of reference in the section providing for refiling contracts of conditional sale."

(10) Senate (No. 298, Int. No. 293), entitled "An act to amend the Surrogate's Court Act, in relation to the appointment of a deputy clerk in Wayne county."

(11) Senate (No. 336, Int. No. 330), entitled "An act authorizing and directing the supervisors of the town of Hempstead, Nassau county, to pay to the village of Valley Stream, Nassau county, certain moneys collected in said village on account of the highway taxes of said town and authorizing the borrowing of money and the levy of taxes for the payment of the same."

(12) Senate (No. 371, Int. No. 365), entitled "An act to amend chapter two hundred and five of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-five, entitled 'An act making appropriations for the Commissioner of Farms and Markets for the payment of claims. arising from the destruction of diseased animals, pursuant to the Farms and Markets Law,' in relation to appropriations for the payment of claims arising from the destruction of tuberculous animals."

(13) Senate (No. 379, Int. No. 373), entitled "An act to amend the Public Lands Law, in relation to grants of land under water." (14) Senate (No. 412, Int. No. 405), entitled "An act making appropriations for the maintenance and repair of improved State and county highways, including necessary bridge construction and repair, roads and bridges on Indian reservations, and other special construction and repair work as enumerated herein."

(15) Senate (No. 413, Int. No. 406), entitled "An act making an appropriation for the State's share of construction or reconstruction of rural post roads within the State, pursuant to certain acts in Congress which provide that the United States shall aid in the construction of rural post roads and for other purposes; State and county highways, and the construction, re-construction, alteration or repair of highway bridges."

(16) Senate (No. 414, Int. No. 407), entitled "An act making an appropriation for the payment by the State in the first instance of the Federal government's share of the cost of construction and improvement of rural post roads within the State, pursuant to an act of Congress, entitled 'An act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes.

(17) Senate (No. 505, Int. No. 400), entitled "An act to amend the State Finance Law, in relation to the issuance of bonds, creat

ing State debts authorized by law for acquisition of real property and construction, pursuant to section fifteen of article seven of the Constitution.

(18) Assembly (No. 214, Rec. No. 5), entitled "An act to amend chapter two hundred and sixty-three of the Laws of nineteen hundred and five, entitled 'An act authorizing the town board of the town of Cortlandt to appropriate certain moneys to the Helping Hand Hospital Association of Peekskill, New York,' in relation. to authority and power to raise by taxation moneys to be paid to the Peekskill Hospital for the care and maintenance of indigent patients of the town of Cortlandt.

After some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Fearon, from said committee, reported in favor of the passage of the above named bills, the second and thirteenth with amendments, which report was agreed to, and said bills ordered to a third reading.

The President presented the report of the Port of New York Authority, which was laid upon the table and ordered printed. (See Document.)

Mr. Knight moved that the Senate do now adjourn.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Donald Boyce.

The journal of February 8th was read and approved.

Mr. Downing introduced a bill (Int. No. 531) entitled "An act to amend the City Home Rule Law, in relation to powers of cities to regulate salaries of officials of counties wholly within such cities," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Mr. Karle (by request) introduced a bill (Int. No. 532) entitled "An act to amend chapter ninety-four of the revised Laws of eighteen hundred and thirteen, entitled 'An act to incorporate medical societies for the purpose of regulating the practice of physic and surgery in this State,' generally," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. McGarry introduced a bill (Int. No. 533) entitled "An act to amend chapter five hundred and six of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen, entitled 'An act to authorize the Commis

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