CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FORTY-SEVENTH VOLUME OF THE MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. J. W. SCOTT, of Toledo, Ohio. J. A. WHEELOCK, of Minnesota. JOHN SAVAGE, of New York. Hon. A. B. JOHNSON, of Utica, New York. Hon. S. B. RUGGLES, Of New York. THOMAS P. KETTELL, of New York. "O. A. W," of New York. C. F. WREAKS, Secretary Neptune Marine Insurance Co., N. Y. L. DE WITT BLOODGOOD, of New York. Prof. A. WINCHELL, of Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM B. DANA, of New York. in Central Africa.. 363 G. Copper in the Portage Lake district. 558 Government securities, taxation, legal 452 its resources, its future, &c.... 128 decision........ 476 postage stamped envel- ops.... 579 456 ... 497, 512 522 " Cloth made of Indian corn husks.... 458 Gold mines of Nova Scotia.... Commercial regulations. 68, 341,478, 566 advanced value of, explained, intercourse-internal & 574 Great Britain, shipping interest of... 467 coastwise.... .... debt of... 489 General averages consolidation...... 305 American, in Canada 551 H. 430 Hawaiian Islands, rice growing in... 437 Chicago and Toledo in 1862 & 1962. 401 31, 150, 299, 333, 419, 537 436 490 53 27 Hunger a stimulant to activity...... 396 Hop trade... Canal enlargement impolitic memorial to Presi- Hungarian wines.. 556 Education in England, progress of... 101 Jourdan, Theresa... ............. 489 527 marine losses... ...175, 370 companies' war taxes..... 371 J. her iron-clad navy, &c...102, 459 Lake Superior iron.. French budget for 1863 Finances of Vermont.. .. national debt, &c., investiga- ted... Flower leaves in France..488 Massachusetts bank returns......... 546 66 Liberality in business. 492 472 Lumber trade of Canada....... 58 77 472 Lake Superior copper vs. Cornwall.. 199 M. Michigan salt wells............197, 209 Petroleum, old and new... 17 Minnesota, progress of population in. 138 history of.............. 17 Mercantile law.. ......390, 413 " damages from... 105 Milk, consumption of, &c....... 444 action of Brooklyn Coun- composition of.......... 455 cil, hasty... 105 Mariners, notice to...... action against in England. 127 distillation of...147, 295, 326 panic, common sense in..... 490 its use as a fuel. Monitor, 15-inch gun fired inside tur- ret of.... 562 Philadelphia weekly bank returns Mexico, debt of...... 476 61, 188. 379, 469, 548 board of trade, Europe- Missouri, Exploring the Upper..... 78 Portage Lake district copper....... 558 61, 188, 378, 546, 468 Railroads, tolls on, legal decision.... 441 17 Sicily, trade and commerce of...... 409 Opium, cultivation of, in California... 522 Stamp, must be canceled, by whom. 484 P. Pacific railroad act.... 66 " speech S. D. Blood- on bond and mortgage...... 484 Stamps on checks, &c... 566 Speculation, vicissitudes of...... 488 87 Stevens' battery. 52 Statistics of trade and commerce.... 53 т. fore.. 487 |