Sir, believe me, upon my relation for what I tell you, the world shall not reprove. I have been in the Indies, where this herb grows, where neither myself, nor a dozen gentlemen more of my knowledge, have received the taste of any other nutriment in the... The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review - Страница 118аутор(и): - 1862Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
 | Ben Jonson - 1756 - 526 страница
...mafter Stephen ? Step. No truly, fir; but I'll learn to take it now, .ff:iice you commend it fo. Bob. Sir, believe me (upon my relation) for what I tell you, the world fhall not reprove. I have been in the Indies (where this herb grows) where neither myfelf; nor a dozen... | |
 | John Bell - 1776 - 492 страница
...matter Stephen ? i. Step. No, truly, Sir ! but I'll learn to take it now, fince you commend it fo. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation, for what I tell you the world mall not reprove. 1 have, been in the Indies, where this herb grows, where neither myfelf, nor a dozen... | |
 | 1787 - 534 страница
...any, Mafter Stephen. Step. No truly, fir; but I'll learn to take it now, fmce you commend it fo. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation, for what •I tell you, the world fhall not reprove. I have been in the Indies where this herb grows where neijher rcyfelf nor a dozen... | |
 | David Garrick - 1798 - 318 страница
...Stephen ? Step. No,, truly, Sir; but I'll learn to take it now, since you commend it so, Bob. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation, for what I tell' the Indies where this herb grows, where neither mirseif, nor a dozen gentlemen more, of my knowledge, have received the taste of any other nutriment... | |
 | David Garrick - 1798 - 316 страница
...master Stephen ? Step. No, truly. Sir; but I'll leaTi to take it now, since you commend it so. Bob. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation, for what I tell you the world shall not reprove. 1 have been in ths fn'dies wh'ere this herb grows, where neither myself, nor a dozen gentlemen more,... | |
 | British drama - 1804 - 1082 страница
...Master Stephen ? Step. No, truly, sir ! bat I'll learn to take it now, since you commend it so. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation ; for what I tell...any other nutriment in the world, for the space of one and twenty weeks, but the fume of this simple only. Therefore, it cannot be, but 'tis most divine,... | |
 | 1804 - 542 страница
...Master Stephen ? Step. No, truly, sir ! but Til learn to take it now, -MI1 . . you commend it so. hob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation; for what I tell...any other nutriment in the world, for the space of one and twenty weeks, but the fume of this simple only. Therefore, it cannot be, but 'tis most divine,... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 440 страница
...Master Stephen ? Step. No, truly, sir, but I'll learn to take it now, since you commend it so. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation, for what I tell...any other nutriment in the world, for the space of one and twenty weeks, but the fume of this simple only : therefore it cannot be but 'tis most divine,... | |
 | 1811 - 690 страница
...Master Stephen ? Step. No, truly, sir ! but I'll learn to take it now, since you commend it so. Bob. Sir, believe me, upon my relation; for what I tell...taste of any other nutriment in the world, for the spec of one and twenty weeks, but the fiime of this simple only. Therefore it cannot be, but 'tis most... | |
 | British drama - 1811 - 696 страница
...Master Stephen ? "Step. No, truly, sir! but I'll learn to take it now, since you commend it so. Bob. 2 @y2 A{2|2 D C grown, where neither myself, nor a dozen gentlemen more, of my knowledge, have received the taste of... | |
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