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[Inclosure Translation.]

After usual compliments:

The Diplomatic Body has been informed with great Interest of the contents of your letter of the 10th Moharrem 1331 (December 20, 1912) in which your excellency requested us to warn our subjects that certain parts of the Shereefian territory, specified in the above-mentioned letter, are disturbed.

Although the treaties grant to foreigners the right to travel everywhere in Morocco and although the Diplomatic Body reserves to itself the right to consider, in each particular case, up to what point the responsibility of the Maghzen should be deemed to be exonerated, it recognises the difficulties which the Shereefian Government may experience in answering for the security of foreigners who should venture into certain districts.

Appreciating the anxiety shown by the Maghzen to watch over the security of foreigners in certain regions named, the representatives of the Powers have drawn the attention of their nationals to the parts of the Empire which they will do better to avoid for the moment.

Referring to the passage of the letter of your excellency in which it is de clared that the list drawn up by the Maghzen may be modified in proportion to the progress of pacification, the Diplomatic Corps observes that this list is conceived in very vague terms and draws the attention of your excellency to the advantage there would be to define, if it were possible, in a more precise manner the regions where the insecurity is real, notably as far as concerns the communications between the large towns.

File No. 881.111.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d'Affaires.

No. 113.]

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, March 24, 1913.

SIR: The Department has received your despatch No. 363, of February 18, 1913, in which you state [etc.]

In reply you are informed that the attitude of this Government is to be one of firm insistence that American lives and property must be protected in conformity with treaty rights. The establishment of the French Protectorate would seem to imply that the responsibility for the protection of foreigners rests with France.

I am [etc.]


File No. 881.111/1

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d'Affaires.


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, March 26, 1913.

Your 370, March 4. Clause referred to would seem sufficient if changed to read as follows: "the Diplomatic Body reserves to its respective Governments". Always bearing in mind the insistence of this Government that its treaty rights shall continue to be recognized, you will so far as possible act in accord with your colleagues.


File No. 881.111/2

The American Chargé d'Affaires to the Secretary of State.

No. 401.]

AMERICAN LEGATION, Tangier, June 30, 1913, SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that according to its cabled instructions dated March 26, 1913, after personally assuring myself that the same would be acceptable to the majority of my colleagues, I officially communicated to the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps the modification suggested therein by the Department to the text of the letter which it was proposed to address to the Sultan's representative at Tangier, Sid Mohamed Ben Mohamed El Guebbass, in answer to his letter concerning the insecurity of foreigners traveling in certain parts of Morocco. The draft of this proposed reply was transmitted to the Department in my No. 370 of March 4, 1913.

The modification proposed by the Department was adopted by the representatives of the following Powers: Holland, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal and Germany; and the amended passage in the second paragraph of the letter now reads:

the Diplomatic Body reserves to its respective Governments, etc.

instead of:

* the Diplomatic Body reserves to itself, etc.

The letter thus amended was transmitted to the Sultan's representative here by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps under date of April 30th last.

In view of the ambiguous nature of the annotation of the Representatives of France and Spain, the Powers principally interested, on the question of the amendment, their observations on the Décanat circular submitting my proposed modification being limited to a simple" Vu" (Seen), the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps invited the various Legations to send their respective interpreters to collaborate in the translation into Arabic of the amended answer to the Sultan's representative; and the compliance on the part of the French and Spanish Legations with this request together with the fact of the actual collaboration of their interpreters cannot but be construed as an acceptance on their part of the terms of the reply as it was amended in accordance with the proposal of the Department.

In view of the possible importance of this question, I have deemed it advisable to place these facts before the Department in order that they may become a matter of record.

I have [etc.]




File No. 500.A 1 B/64.

No. 166.]

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

AMERICAN LEGATION, The Hague, September 3, 1913. SIR: I have the honor to inform the Department that on the 28th ultimo the Palace of Peace at The Hague was dedicated. His Excellency Jhr. A. P. C. van Karnebeek, President of the Carnegie Foundation, in an appropriate address tendered the palace to the Administrative Council of the Court of Arbitration, which was formally accepted for the Nations in an address by His Excellency Jhr. R. de Marees van Swinderen, Minister for Foreign Affairs, ex officio President of the Administrative Council.

The ceremony, which was of a formal, dignified, impressive character, was attended by the Queen, the Queen Mother, the Prince of the Netherlands, with their full suites, the Diplomatic Corps, Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie, the Carnegie Foundation Committee, about 40 members of the Court of Arbitration, the Secretary General of the Court of Arbitration with all the other functionaries, the Cabinet Ministers, members of the States General and other high dignitaries, all with their ladies. In all there were about 400 persons assembled in the large hall of the Palace of Peace, when the Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, at 3.30 p. m., delivered his address, setting forth the history of the peace movement and the constitution of the Carnegie Foundation for the purpose of erecting the Palace of Peace at The Hague.

These official proceedings lasted fully an hour, after which the Queen, escorted by Messrs. van Karnebeek and van Swinderen, and followed by the entire audience, made a general inspection of the building and the beautifully laid out gardens surrounding the palace.

Both on his approach and his return to the Legation, where he was a guest during his entire stay in The Hague, Mr. Carnegie was the recipient of a great popular demonstration.

I have [etc.]



File No. 811.015256.


The American Consul at Amsterdam to the Secretary of State.

No. 103.]

AMERICAN CONSULATE, Amsterdam, July 10, 1913. SIR: I have the honor to report that the American flag is constantly to be seen floating above the entrance of a so-called "Ameri


can bar on the Rokin and of a so-called "American lunch room" on the Kalverstraat, two of the most important thoroughfares in Amsterdam. Neither place is distinctively American, nor unlike other places of the same kind in Amsterdam which do not have the word "American" on their signs. The "American bar" admits upon inquiry that none of its proprietors or attendants are Americans, but the "American lunch room" evades answering a similar inquiry. The latter has a menu in English, but also in Dutch, French. and German. Evidently the Stars and Stripes are displayed at these two places for the purpose of alluring Americans, of whom some 50,000 visit Amsterdam yearly and whose custom is particularly desired by traders of all kinds.

I respectfully submit this matter to the Department of State, for instructions, being unaware of any law or treaty through which this misuse of the American flag can be stopped. However, on page 135, Volume II, of Moore's International Law Digest, a case is cited which seems pertinent, wherein the United States Minister to Brazil, in 1864, after laying the matter before the Brazilian Government and receiving its sanction and approval, issued a circular to the United States consuls in that country prohibiting the flying of the United States flag without his permission, unless by persons in an official capacity. This action, the Digest adds, was approved by the Department of State.

I have [etc.]


File No. 811.015256.

No. 62.]

The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, August 9, 1913. SIR: I transmit herewith a copy of a despatch, No. 103 of July 10, 1913, from the Consul at Amsterdam, reporting in regard to the use of the American flag in that city for advertising purposes.

You will please bring this matter to the attention of the Foreign Office with the request that the Netherlands authorities take such steps as may be possible to prohibit the use of the American flag for advertising purposes in this manner.

I have [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:


File No. 811.015256/2.

No. 6.]

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

AMERICAN LEGATION, The Hague, November 1, 1913. SIR: Referring to the Department's instruction of August 9 last, No. 62, in regard to the use of the American flag in the city of Amsterdam, I have the honor to report that on receipt thereof the matter was brought to the attention of the Foreign Office and that I am

this day in receipt of a note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, stating that there are no penal provisions in the Netherlands permitting of the prosecution in a court of justice of persons using the flag of a foreign nation for advertising purposes. Jhr. Loudon adds that nevertheless the Minister of Justice has brought the matter to the notice of the Municipality of Amsterdam and suggested that the authorization to fly a flag on the house front should be withdrawn, and that the proprietor of the "American Bar," at the advice of the police, has voluntarily stated that he will remove the flag and no longer use it.

I have [etc.]


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