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Mr. Knox to Mr. Northcott July 3

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Same subject. Refers to the minister's telegram of
June 3 and incloses a memorandum from the
French Embassy dated Mar. 6, 1912, suggesting a
memorandum from the Department to the Secre-
tary of State relating to the probability of a re-
quest to him, during his visit at Caracas, from the
Venezuelan Government regarding the resump-
tion of its relations with France.

Mr. Northcott to Mr. Knox. Aug. 5 Same subject. Refers to Department's No. 14 and re

Mr. Wilson to Mr. North- Aug. 31

Mr. Wilson to Count de Pe- Sept. 3
retti de la Rocca.

Mr. Adce to Mr. Jusserand.. Oct. 30


Mr. Caffery to Mr. Knox........... Nov. 25


Mr. Knox to Mr. Caffery.... Dec. 11

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Knox. Dec. 24

ports an interview on the subject with the minister
for foreign affairs.

Same subject. Refers to the minister's No. 60 and
incloses a letter from the French Embassy dated
Aug. 29, requesting that the Department trans-
mit the French Government's views in regard to

Same subject. Acknowledges his Aug. 29, which has
been copied to Mr. Northcott for submission to
President Gómez.

Same subject. Refers to Count de Peretti de la
Rocca's Aug. 29 and the Department's Sept. 3.
Mr. Northcott has come to Washington bearing
the reply of the Venezuelan Government to the
note in which Mr. Northcott communicated the
substance of Count de Peretti de la Rocca's Aug.
29; this reply is inclosed.

Same subject. Refers to Department's No. 24 and
incloses copy of a note and projected protocol (not
printed) received from the Venezuelan foreign
minister on Nov. 19.

Same subject. Incloses copy of a note and projected
protocol (not printed) received from the French

Same subject. The French Government has desig-
nated a plenipotentiary charged with the duty of
signing the contemplated protocol at Caracas; he
will arrive there Jan. 20. Requests that this in-
formation be conveyed to the Venezuelan Gov-
ernment and expresses the thanks of his Govern-
ment for the good offices of the Department.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Caffery ...do.... Same subject. Instruction to inform the Venezuelan

Government that the French plenipotentiary
will arrive at Caracas Jan. 20.










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Same subject. Incloses a note from Baron d'Avril,
the French Plenipotentiary, expressing his Gov-
ernment's thanks for the Department's good offices.
Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 142 and in-
structs him to make a suitable reply.
Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 139.
Arbitration agreement between the United States
and France extending the duration of the conven-
tion of February 10, 1908. Proclamation and text.
Reestablishment of relatons between France and
Venezuela: good offices of the United States. In-
cioses copy of the protocol as signed.
Same subject. Transmits the thanks of the French
Government for the further good offices of the
United States in regard to ratification of the proto-
Same subject. The protocol was ratified by the
Venezuelan Congress on May 13. The minister for
foreign affairs requests the further friendly offices
of the United States with the French Government
in securing settlements out of court for French

Same subject. Now that France has a Legation at
Caracas, the good offices of the United States can
scarcely continue beyond the point already






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1833 Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin.. Jan. 17

Panama Canal tolls: exemption of vessels in the coastwise trade of the United States from payment of tolls. Incloses copy of an instruction from Sir Edward Grey to the British Ambassador dated Nov. 14, 1912, and a note from the British Chargé d'Affaires to the Department, dated July 8, 1912; also a copy of the President's proclamation fixing canal tolls, dated Nov. 13, 1912. Argument against the British assertion that the Panama Canal Act of Aug. 24, 1912, is inconsistent with the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty; discussion of the consent of the British Government to arbitration of the question; explanation of this Government's views upon the various problems presented. Instruction to read the Department's statement to Sir Edward Grey.

Same subject. Reply to the foregoing.
Extradition arrangement. Requests


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that this


Government enter into an arrangement for extraditing fugitive offenders from the Philippine Islands or Guam to the State of North Borneo, or vice versa.

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Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin Jan. 7


Same to same..


Notifies him of an instruction to be sent him, pend-
ing which he is instructed immediately to ex-
press to the British Government the deep interest
of the United States in the rehabilitation of Guate-
malan finances, and the belief that that Govern-
ment will reexamine the matter more amicably
when the facts are better understood, and the
hope that it will confer with the Council of For-
eign Bondholders.

Instruction, referred to in preceding telegram, to
urge upon the British Government to abstain from
pressing Guatemala for restitution of the coffee
revenues or insisting on arbitration, until a rea-
sonable time has been given for concluding the
loan agreement; and to express this Govern-
ment's surprise at the general attitude of the
British Government, in view of the special rela-
tions of this Government to Latin-American

Mr. Hitt to Mr. Knox (tele- Jan. 12 Reports that the British Government refuses to

Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin Jan. 13

Mr. Knox to Mr. Hitt (tele- Jan. 14

Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox....do....

Mr. Knox to Mr. Laughlin...do....

Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Knox

consider a just arrangement for converting the
external debt of Guatemala and consequent finan-
cial reorganization of the national finances and
currency. If the Department thinks it advisable,
Guatemala will send a special financial and diplo
matic agent to London.

The Council of Foreign Bondholders can not con-
sider any proposal unless approved by the British
Foreign Office, which should promptly approve the
agreement sent with the Department's instruc-
tion of Jan. 7.

Refers to Mr. Hitt's Jan. 12. The refusal of the
British Government is regarded as tentative, and
a favorable reply is hoped for. It is not necessary
for Guatemala to send a special agent to London.
Reports compliance with the Department's instruc-

tion o. Jan. 13.

Asks to be informed how the Foreign Office received

Mr. Laughlin's representations. The Department
hopes the British Governanent will not insist on

Jan. 15 Reply to Department's Jan. 14. His representations
were amiably received but he does not hope for the
consent of the British Government, which fears
such a step would be to abandon a secure for a
very insecure position.

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Refers to department's 1828 and reports compliance
therewith. Sir Edward Grey promises an early




Informs him of the attitude of the British Govern-
ment. The Department would deplore the send-
ing of a Guatemalan agent to London,
night still further delay the settlement.
Directs his attention to the instructions of Dec. 6,
1912, and Jan. 7, 1913. This Government is not
asking the British Government to abandon its
position except in case the loan agreement is con-
cluded, which hinges on the attitude of the Council
of Foreign Bondholders; if they agree and the agree-
ment then fail, this Government will be ready to
support the British, as stated in the memorandum
of Dec. 3, 1912. Meantime the Department is most
anxious for the agreement to go into effect.
The British Government replies that it does not see
its way clear to make the recommendation to the
bondholders desired by the United States; it
believes President Estrada untrustworthy and the
loan agreement impossible of success. Incloses
memorandum from the British Government.
Incloses memorandum from the British Foreign
Office stating that while regretting that the United
States Government feels unable to join in request-
ing the Guatemalan Government to refer the mat-
ter to arbitration, the British Government has no
option but to adopt such measures as may be best
calculated to obtain satisfaction.




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Mr. Moore to Mr. Hitt Apr. 28 (telegram).

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan Apr. 29 (telegram).


Same to same (telegram)... May
Same to same (telegram).. May 6
Same to same (telegram)... May 12


Financial affairs. Informs him that unless the 568
coffee revenues are restored before Apr. 30, a Brit-
ish warship will be sent to compel their collec
tion. Instructs him to investigate and report.
Confirms the statement in Department's Apr. 28,
and adds that diplomatic relations will be broken
off if the matter is not arranged by Apr. 30.
The British Government flatly refuses Guatemala's
request for more time.

A British cruiser has arrived at Belize...
The threatened note was presented May 10, and an
agreement was signed the same night accepting the
British terms. Gives terms of agreement.

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Laughlin...do.... The Guatemalan Government having requested this

Mr. Laughlin to Mr. Bryan May 13 (telegram).

Department's friendly mediation for the extension
of time on the debt, it was taken up with the Brit-
ish Ambassador, who suggests presentation of the
matter by our Embassy to the British Foreign
Office. Instruction to say that the Department
feels sure that Guatemala is trying to make ar-
rangements for payment of the demand, and it is
hoped that a delay until June 1 will enable Guate-
mala to meet the demand.

Upon presenting the subject of the instruction of
May 12, he was informed that Guatemala had
yielded and the question was settled.

438 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan......do.... Reports the events from May 7 to May 13, ending
in the yielding of Guatamala to the British de-







441 Same to same.

May 15

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Same to same (telegram)... May 3 Mr. Moore to Mr. Furniss...do.... (telegram).

President Oreste to Presi- May 5 dent Wilson (telegram).

Mr. Furniss to Mr. Bryan...do....

Same to same (telegram)......do....
Aide mémoire to Haitien ...do....

Abrogation of the right of Syrians to trade in Haiti;
rights of American citizens of Syrian birth. Re-
quests that the Department ascertain whether
Syrians expelled from Haiti, and now in Jamaica,
are contributing toward a projected Haitian revo-
lution, on the promise that if the revolution suc-
ceeds they will be allowed to return.
Same subject. Incloses the foregoing and instructs
the American Vice Consulat Jamaica to investigate.
Same subject. Refers to Mr. Furniss's No. 1188 and
incloses letter from Mr. McManus of Swift & Co.,
regarding attitude of Haitian Government toward
Syrians; instructs to report.
Same subject. The minister reports continuance of
his difficulties in protecting American citizens of
Syrian origin and his action in a number of cases.
Suggests vigorous representations to the Haitian

Same subject. Replies to Department's No. 373 of
Mar. 17; reports an interview with President
Auguste whose attitude is unsatisfactory.
Death of President Auguste. Announces the Presi-
dent's death.

Same subject. Quotes telegram of condolence from
the President to the Secretaries of State in Council

Same subject. Thanks him for his message....


Election of Michel Oreste as President of Haiti. An


Same subject. Asks whether he is to recognize the
new Government.

Abrogation of the right of Syrians to trade in Haiti.
This Government hopes that the Government of
Haiti will take the measures necessary to insure to
the American citizens exempted from the opera-
tion of the exclusion act the protection which this
Government now asks for them.
Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 1199 of Mar.
25, his action is approved. Incloses a copy of the
aide mémoire of May 5 to the Haitian Legation.
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Bryan May 12 Inauguration of President Oreste. Asks whether he
shall attend a Te Deum Mass in honor of Presi-
dent Oreste.

3NU Mr. Bryan to Mr. Furniss.. May 10














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Mr. Bryan to Mr. Furniss
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Bryan..

May 12
May 29




Mr. Ménos to Mr. Bryan... June 3

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Ménos... June 6
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Furniss.. June 18

Same subject. Authorizes him to attend all func-
tions in connection therewith.
Abrogation of the right of Syrians to trade in Haiti.
Refers to his No. 1208 of Apr. 10; reports a con-
versation with President Oreste, whose attitude
is opposed to that of the previous administration
and friendly to the Syrians, but he could not per-
mit the return of those expelled by President
Auguste; reports a conference with the foreign
minister, who asserted that the Syrians would not
be molested.

Election of President Oreste. Incloses autograph
letter to the President from President Oreste an-
nouncing his e'ection.

Same subject. The autograph letter from President
Oreste has been forwarded to the President.
Same subject. Incloses a letter from the President
acknowledging the letter from President Oreste
announcing his election.

Mr. Moore to Mr. Furniss July 23 Abrogation of the right of Syrians to trade in Haiti.

Mr. Furniss to Mr. Bryan July 25

Same to same..

Instructs to ascertain whether persons of Syrian
origin desiring to go to Haiti will be permitted to
enter when not objects of the enforcement of the
law of 1903.

Same subject. Replies to department's July 23,
that under the Act of 1903 no persons of Syrian
origin can come to Haiti and remain permanently,
but may come for a few months on business.
..do.... Same subject. Refers to department's telegram of
July 23 and his own telegram of July 25; reports that
in an interview the President of Jaiti consented to
entry of American citizens of Syrian origin repre-
senting American commercial houses, provided
they remain only a few months and are vouched
for by this Government.

387 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Furniss.. July 31

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Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram of July
25. Instructs him in regard to certification of

Same subject. Acknowledges department's No.
387 of July 31. The President of Haiti is in full
accord therewith.

Same subject. Refers to department's No. 159 in-
closing Mr. Furniss's No. 1263 of July 25. There
is no truth in the report of Syrians in Jamaica
joining in the alleged revolutionary attempt
against the Haitian Government.

Same subject. Incloses correspondence concerning
Daniel John, who has been allowed an additional
month in which to wind up his affairs.
Same subject. Refers to Mr. Furniss's No. 1263 of
July 25 and incloses Mr. Bergholz's Sept. 12.
Same subject. Incloses a letter from Mr. Siegel con-
cerning Daniel John, with instruction to secure
for him additional time if requisite.
Same subject. Incloses a letter from Mr. Siegel in
regard to Daniel John; refers him to department's
general instruction of Jan. 20, 1912, to Mr. Furniss.
Same subject. Refers to Department's No. 5 of
Oct. 25. Reports fully as to Daniel John.
Same subject. Instruction to use his good offices in
behalf of Daniel John, threatened with ruin by
expulsion, in order to secure an extension of time.
Same subject. The claim argument has already
been used: requests further instruction.
Same subject. Instruction to use his best efforts to
secure another extension for John.
Same subject. No further extension will be granted
to John.























Mr. Meyer to Mr. Knox.... Jan. 29

Recovery by Honduras of the National Railroad of
Honduras and the wharf at Puerto Cortés from
the lessee, an American citizen. Transmits copy
of a cablegram from the commander of the Petrel.
Reports probable intention of the Honduran Gov-
ernment to take charge of the railroad now leased
to an American company, and states that the
Petrel has been ordered to remain at Puerto
Cortés at its commander's discretion.


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