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" That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have personally resided within one of the counties of this State for six months immediately preceding the day of election, shall, at such election, be entitled to vote for representatives of the said county... "
Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York - Страница 6
написао/ла New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1834
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The Constitutions of the United States: According to the Latest Amendments ...

1804 - 372 страница
...ai.d Hepreientatives in Aflembly, by ballot, tha^iaid elections Hull be made i,ivx "x..ce. \ That VII. That every male inhabitant, of full age, who shall...preceding the day of election, shall at such election, be entitletl to vote for Representatives of the said county in Assembly ; if during the time aforesaid,...
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The Works of the Honourable James Wilson, L. L. D.: Late One of the ..., Том 2

James Wilson - 1804 - 514 страница
...capable of being exercised for very extraordinary purposes. The constitution of New York ordains, " that every male inhabitant of full age, who shall...have personally resided within one of the counties of the state, for six months immediately preceding the day of election, shall, at such election, be entitled...
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Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821 Assembled ...

New York (State). Constitutional Convention, Nathaniel Hazeltine Carter, William Leete Stone - 1821 - 722 страница
...and representatives in assembly, by ballot, the said elections shall be made t»-a r»ce. VII. Triāt every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have...personally resided within one of the counties of this stale, for six months immediately preceding the day of election, shall at such election, be entitled...
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Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821 Assembled ...

New York (State). Constitutional Convention, Nathaniel Hazeltine Carter, William Leete Stone - 1821 - 716 страница
...made vira voce. VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have perq.uglificationi sonally resided within one of the counties of this state, for six months immediately preceding the d-ty of election, shall ut such election, be entitled to vote tor representatives of tUe said county...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed During the ..., Том 1

New York (State) - 1829 - 826 страница
...every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have per- Qa»iifio». , . - . . , f. , tiomofelec sonalfy resided within one of the counties of this state, for six months u>«. immediately preceding the day of election, shall at such election, be entitled to vote for representatives...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of New York: As Altered by ..., Том 1

New York (State) - 1859 - 1086 страница
...viva voce. voul'ofeieo- VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have pert»™. sonally resided within one of the counties of this state for...for representatives of the said county in assembly ; I THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 27 if during the time aforesaid he' shall have been a freeholder, possessing...
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Statutes at Large of the State of New York: Comprising the Revised ..., Том 5

New York (State) - 1863 - 1054 страница
...who shall have ft"*1!?/*' personally resided within one of the counties of this state, for eiecton. six months immediately preceding the day of election,...county in assembly ; if during the time aforesaid, lie shall have been a freeholder, possessing a freehold of the value of twenty pounds, within the said...
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The Practice of Justice Our Only Security for the Future: Remarks of Hon ...

William Darrah Kelley - 1865 - 24 страница
...and forty shnlings freehold, or forty pounds personal estate. . The constitution of New York provided that— "Every male inhabitant of full age, who shall...to vote for representatives of the said county in the Assembly, if, during the time aforesaid, he shall have been a freeholder possessing a freehold...
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The Great Question for the People!: Essays on the Elective Franchise; Or ...

John Hancock - 1865 - 52 страница
...of New York, adopted in 1777, the following provision is found in the elective franchise clause: " That every male inhabitant, of full age, who shall have personally resided in one of the counties of this State for six months immediately preceding the day of election, shall,...
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Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United ..., Том 21;Том 88

United States. Supreme Court - 1875 - 732 страница
...shillings freehold or forty pounds personal estate," if so certified by the selectmen; in New York "every male inhabitant of full age who shall have personally resided within one of the counties of the State for six months immediately preceding the dav of election ... if during the time aforesaid...
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