ing, &c. be found adviseable for gentlemen of ful for the purposes of tillage, graz landed property, to take the management of all fences into their own hands, as is the cafe with fome whom I know, by which pofterity may have an abundance of timber for the navy, and other purposes, and may, looking forward but few years, receive more than an ample recompense for all their expence and trouble. Sitton Coldfield and Sutton Park, with the commons adjoining thereto, at Hill, Ath-Furlong, New Shilton, Berwood, &c. are about 10,000 acres, the greater part of which is hungry fand and gravel, chiefly covered with ling; but the vicinity of Ruthal lime-works, and the town of Birmingham, are circumstances greatly in favour of the cukivation of these vast wastes, which might (I have no doubt) be done with great advantage to the public and the land owners. Coleshill and Bickenhill heaths, about 1000 acres, now under improvement, are still of an inferior quality; yet fome parts of them will foon become useful land. Balfalheath, and other waftes nearly adjoining, in the parishes of Berkswell, Barston, Knowle, at Wroxall, Shrewley, Hazely, Lapworth, Packwood, Badefley, &c. are about 5000 acres. These commons, and those in other parts of the county, have a large proportion of land, which, under proper cultivation, would become very use Having here spoken of waste lands, it may be proper to mention tythes in kind, as a great, and in some cafes, an infurmountable obtruction to their effectual improvement. It is but juf tice to the clergy, in this county, to say, that on the whole, they are more reasonable in their demands for tythes in kind, than the lay impropriators; and, where lands have been regularly and well cultivated for a great length of time, there is no great hardthip in the occupier paying them, as, in that care, it is chiefly a tax on the landowner, originating in custom or title, prior to that by which the estate is held; but where much improvement is wanted, and especially in the cultivation of all fens, bogs, and other barren unproductive waste lands, the matter is widely different; for, in such cales, almost the whole value of the land depends on personal labour, skill, industry, and the advance and risk of private property: therefore, fomething seems necessary to be done to remove fo great a bar to the improve ment of fuch unproductive lard. Whether corn rents, proportioned to the value of the land, could be adopted, or any other equitable means could be devised for that purpose, the wisdom of parliament, under the suggestions of the board, is best able to determine." On the ADVANTAGES of being in a HURRY. To the Editor of the Universal Magazine. Sir, A MONG the many fubjects which are gravely or humourously handied by your correspondents, I do not recollect that the advantages of being in a continual burry and bustle have been touched upon, although one cannot have frequent opportunities of observing the manners of mankind, without being ftruck with the fingular pro pensity there is in some to be in haste, whatever they are doing, and to include all the merit of their actions in one quality only, that of precipitation. This may at first sight appear to be very opposite to the natural inclination of men, which is to a state of ease and indolence, or, as a friend of mine calls it, the pleasure of fitting still, yet it will be found peculiar to so great a number to move with rapidity, that we may fafely fet it down among the prominent features of human character in focial life. And fome merit may be allowed to it, on the score of the appearance of the thing which bodily exertion, for it cannot have pleases the lover of hurry, and he gains from those who judge on'y from appearances (a great proportion of mankind) that reputation which the other has to feek at the hands of the knowing few. In country villages, we fee display ed in a very striking light, what an eminent author cals the dignity of hurry.' No fooner does a post-chaife pass the turnpike at the entrance, than been easy to break through natural indolence, and form those exertions into a habit, which must have been originally very difficult, and are to many very irkfome, and, indeed, impossible to be continued. It may likewife be thought that the swift-of-foot are entitled to merit upon another account, as following the best medical prescription for the prefervation of health, I mean exercise, without fome portion the postillion, knowing the taste of his of which the body cannot be long passengers, drives furiously along the kept in a healthy state. Persons who street, frightens lame women and chiluse frequent and regular exercise, and dren who are but learning to walk, who never allow the blood to flagnate, and disturbs the occupations of the are observed generally to enjoy long life and health. door of the chaise, to escort the paffongers into the Blue Lion,' or the Bear, places not very dignified in name, but not improper to conclude this pageantry. country folks, who muft ftretch out their necks to fee who is coming. But, fir, I hope I shall not be thought This, with the rattling of the wheels, uncharitable, if, while I give to ne- the smack of the whip, and the barkceffary exercise all the praise that is ing of dogs, you will agree constitutes due, I attribute the hurry and buftle, no small degree of confequence, which which are peculiarly the subject of this is at length finally wound up by the letter, to a very different cause, landlord and waiters running to the namely, to that vanity which prompts us to appear in a light of vast confequence to byestanders. A man who walks along the street in a flow and measured pace, and gives way to every obstruction he meets, is far less likely to attract notice, than him who pushes on, as if on a business of infinite importance, and is the terror of barrowwomen and blind-beggars. The former may walk from Hydepark corner to Mile-end, unheeded, and without caufing a fingle remark, while the latter, before he has flown through a ftreet, has drawn upon him a hundred eyes, and curiosity is agape to know who he is, and what he is going about. Yet it may happen that both parties are going upon precisely the fame errand, or, more probably, that he who walks deliberately is employ. ed upon some interesting concern, vellers to have any conception of. while the other endeavours to make They raise a vaft idea of the perfonup in bustle what he really wants in ages who have arrived, and a crowd business. Were two such men to cal- assembles to witness their descent from culate their winnings at the end of the the carriage, which is, that all may day in point of time, the difference be in unifon, performed with a leap, probably would not be great, but it is and thereby a glance only is allowed Need I tell you, that in the travelling of persons of high rank, expedi tion conftitutes the great diftinction between them and the vulgar! The rapid approach of the couriers, perhaps only five minutes before the principals, to announce that they are coming, the hurry and confufion this occafions in an inn, either full of guests, or perhaps not very large, the impetuous whirl of the coach-whcels of the great man, and their rumbling under the lofty gateway-These are grand things; these, sir, are village fublimities, which it hath not entered into the head of patient, jog trot tra to the gaping spectator, which feeds his imagination probably better than a full view. Those whose good fortune it is to attend at courts and levées, know well the importance of burry in entering and departing. Though their business be merely to compliment their fovereign by a bow and a few words of congratulation, they fly along the paffage and up the grand staircase, with a dignified velocity that can arise from nothing but the eagerness of their loya ty, and their defire to be thought of fome consequence by not letting his majesty wait. The crowd below measure their opinions accordingly. Many a gouty lord have I seen hobble along the portico, unobserved, and almost unseen, while a more youthful sprig of quality, by his jaunty step and quick movements has been taken for a statefman, going to kiss hands upon promotion. These, fir, may appear trifles, but these little things are great to little man.' Nay, I confess that on sundry occafions I have not disdained to profit by the artifice myself. Observing that persons who went flowly and loungingly into our courts of justice, as if, which was really the cafe, they had no business, were refused admittance by the door-keepers, within the bar, I tried whether the appearance of-business might not fupply the place of it, and entering quickly, marched with an air of consequence through the crowd, which gave way on each fide, and I obtained immediate admittance. In fuch cafes, there may not be much to blame. It may perhaps be alleged in oppofition to my stating that hurry is a species of vanity, that it is not so much so as the grave and folemn pace of a proceffion; but this, which I allow, is only saying that there are more ways than one of gaining the fame point, and it must be remembered that a proceffion is a mode of acquiring consequence, which it is notin every person's power to command. But all Why is it that so many young tradefmen break their limbs, and fometimes their necks, in galloping to town about ten o'clock in the forenoon, but that they want to inspire the inhabitants of the environs with an immenfe idea of their importance. If their hurry arose from their anxiety to get to their counting houses early, they might have attained that object in a much safer and surer way, by quitting the pillow an hour or two fooner. Much, indeed, of the expedition we observe in men of business, it is to be feared, may be traced to the 'loss of the morning hours, but they are miftaken if they think that they can berecovered by the 'whip and spur. I have known many men acquire vaft fortunes by successful speculations, by wonderful strokes of business, and by actions which entitled them to the praise of great ingenuity and acuteness, but I never knew the cleverest among them who could find that in the afternoon, which he had loft in the morning. It is difficult to make one part of the day execute the functions of another, as difficult, I do humbly think, as to make the foot act as a subftitute for the hand, or to affift the eye with the elbows. But this is partly a digreffion. Having thus offered fome remarks on the advantages which are expected from hurry and bustle, which I have refolved into a principle of vanity, and a defire to act under falfe appearances, it follows naturally that. I should ftate the disadvantages, if any, which attend the practice of dignified velocity. On this subject, however, as I have probably trespassed already on your limits, I shall confine myself to one remark, viz. that the frequency of appearances destroys their effect, and to one anecdote, which is this. As I was walking the streets of |