Josiah Norman, of New-street, Dockhead, Southwark, Peter Purvis, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper. John Mapplebeck, of Carey-street, stable-keeper. Thomas Hathaway, of Cheltenham, in Gloucestershire, linen-draper. Thomas Wilcock Haighton, of Piccadilly, linen-draper. Jonathan Buttall, of Greek-street, Soho, ironmonger. James Hawkins, of Carey-ftreet, St. Clement Danes, carpenter. Mary Smith, of Crifpin-street, Spitalfields, carpenter John Seddon, of Manchester, cottonmanufacturer. William Wharry, of Nottingham, broker. Matthew Worthington, of Norwich, lir.en-draper. John Long, of Luton, in Bedfordshire, woolcomber. Joshua Smith, and Adam Unsworth, of Manchester, cotton-manufacturers. Thomas Middleton, of Liverpool, cotton-manufacturer. Join Shepherd the elder, and John Shepherd the younger, of End Moore, in Westmorland, carriers. Richard Staveley, of Fenchurch-ftreet, druggift. Owen Gill, of St. James'-ftreet, Westminfter, victualler. John Martin, of Panton-fquare, Weftminfter, taylor. : John Dutton, of the Strand, fhoemaker. William Gibbs, of Stowerton, Warwickshire, woolftapler. James Dinwiddie, of Pendlebury, William Dinwiddie, of Collyhurst, in Lancathire, Lawrence Dinwiddie, of Manchefter, and Henry Bewicke, of Lawrencelane, merchants. James Rudge Lamb, of Gloucester, mealman. Henry Smith, of Penzance, Cornwall, merchant. George Henderson, of Newcastle-uponTyne, flour-merchant. James Pomfret, of Blackburn, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturer. James Reilly, of Stafford-street, St. George, Hanover-square, taylor. Henry Lawson, of Edward-ftreet, Soho, musical-instrument-maker. NOVEMBER 19. Anthony Harvey, of St. Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire, innkeeper. John Milner, Milne bone, haberdasher. of Mortimer-ftreet, Mary Richard Ginger, of Queenhithe, fal Andrew Annison, of Stockport, in Cheshire, cotton-manufacturer. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Thomas Underhill, of the Minories, By the Winchester Quarter of 8 Bushels. linen-draper. Inland Counties. Wheat. Rye. Barley. Oats. IOS. 61. 6s. Derby 63 4 Wansey's Excursion to the United Stafford States, in 1794, 8vo. 78. Salop Mauning's Introduction to Arithmetic Hereford and Algebra, 8vo. 7s. Worcester Memoirs of the Ancient House of Cla rendon, 3 vol. ros. 6d. Waddington's Remarks on Burke's Oxford Two Letters, 2s. 60 4 36 5 19 9 Bucks 56 5 33 4196 Manfredi Baron St. Osmund, 2 vol. Brecon 62 544 838 1020 11 68 1044 1038 519 4 Radnor -- 69 38 822 2 Playfair's Elements of Geometry and Andrews' Hiftory of Great Britain, being a Continuation of Dr. Henry's, 4to. Il. IS. and 2 vol. 8vo. 12s. boards. Brewer's Affiftant, for calculating the value, &c. of different Articles, large 4to. 1 5s. boards. Mitchell's Principles of Legislation, 8vo. 8s. 6d. Walker's Treatise on Nervous Diseases, 800. 55. Historical Effay on the Ambition and Conquests of France, 8vo. 7s. Skene's Donald Bane, a Poem, 2s. 6d, Works of A. R. Mengs, First Painter to Charles III of Spain, 2 vol. 8vo. 14s. Gibbes' Obfervations on the Component Parts of Animal Matter, Is. 6d. Difappointed Heir, a Novel, 3s. 6d. Proceedings of the Governor and Afsembly of Jamaica in regard to the Maroons, 8vo. 6s. Castle of Inchvally, 3 vol. 12mo. 125. len, 4to. 7s. 6d. boards. Coxe's Letter on the Secret Tribuuals of Westphalia, 1s. Goudemetz's Epochs of the French Revolution, 8vo. 5s. Hubert de Seorać, a Romance, 3 vol. 12mo. 155. Kent Suffex Cambridge Lincoln Durham 6 34 11 16 3 50 1128 333 2 Northumberland 46 028 428 819 10 Westmorland Lancaster Chefter Flint Merioneth 5 Carmarthen Glamorgan Gloucester 68 PRICES of STOCKS, from OCTOBER 29, to NOVEMBER 26, 1796, both inclufive. ليه By ANTHONY CLARKE, Stock-Broker, No. 13, Sweeting's-Alley, Cornhill. Days Bank 3 per C. 3 per C, 4 per C. 5 per C. Long Short India South Sea Old New Navy Stock. reduced. confols. confols. confols. Ans. Ans. Stock. Stock. Ann. Ann. Bills. 29 144 55 5656 shut. 84 31 146 56 2 5756 73 85 I 144 552 57456 84 2 55 56/256 73 84 3 144 55 56a56 72 84 783-85-83414 4 144 55 564455 72 174 11 17 6 10 6 8 6 10 G 5 5655 7 144 55 56a55 72 84 15 8 144 55 5556 71 83 15 In the 3 per Cent. consols. the highest and lowest Price of each Day is given; in every other Article the highest Price only, the Long and Short Annuities excapted, which are given within a fixteenth of the highest Price. In the different Funds that are shut, the Prices are given with the Dividend till the Days of Opening. |