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born in 1778, at Naples; and James, born in they were elected to the royal Prussian 1792, at Paris. The fifth brother, Nathan, privy council of commerce. In Austria, born in 1777, resided in London, and died they received, in 1815, the privilege of being at Frankfort in 1837. The house was thus hereditary landholders; and in 1822, were ubiquitous. It was spread like a network ennobled in the same country with the title over the nations; and it is no wonder that, of baron. The brother established in London with all other things considered, its opera- was appointed imperial consul, and aftertions upon the money market should at wards consul-general; and in the same year length have been felt tremblingly by every (1822), the same honor was conferred upon cabinet in Europe. Its wealth in the mean- the brother resident in Paris. The latter, time enabled it to enjoy those advantages of the Baron James, has the reputation of beseparation without the difficulties of dis- ing the most able financier in France; and tance. Couriers travelled, and still travel, it is mainly through his assistance and infrom brother to brother at the highest speed fluence with the other capitalists that railof the time; and these private envoys of com- ways are now intersecting the length and merce very frequently outstripped, and still breadth of the land.

outstrip,the public expresses of government. Nathan, the brother who resided in EngWe have no means of giving anything land, left four sons, three of whom rank like the statistics of this remarkable busi- among the most distinguished aristocracy of ness; but it is stated in the 'Conversations the British capital; the fourth, Nathan, Lexicon,' that in the space of twelve years residing in Paris. The eldest, Lionel de from 1813-the period, we may remark, Rothschild, is privileged, as a British subwhen war had ruined all Europe, and when ject, to bear the title of an Austrian baron; governments were only able to keep them- his brothers being barons only by courtesy. selves afloat by flinging the financial burden The second has been recently created a upon posterity-between eleven and twelve baronet of England, as Sir Anthony de hundred millions of florins (£110,000,000 Rothschild; and the third, Baron Meyer, to £120,000,000) were raised for the sove- is now high sheriff of Buckinghamshire. reigns of Europe through the agency of this Baron Lionel de Rothschild was invited by house, partly as loans, and partly as subsi- the Reform Association to stand as a candies. Of these, 500,000,000 florins were didate with Lord John Russell for the refor England; 120,000,000 for Austria; presentation of London in the present parlia100,000,000 for Prussia; 200,000,000 for ment, and was returned third on the list. France; 120,000,000 for Naples; 60,- It will have been observed that a consul000,000 for Russia; 10,000,000 for tation was held by the chancellor of the some of the German courts; and 30,000,- Exchequer with this hereditary financier, 000 for Brazil. And this, it is added, before ministers ventured upon their late is exclusive "of those sums for the al- celebrated letter, authorizing the Bank of lied courts of several hundred mil- England to extend its issues. lions each, which were paid as an indemnity The traveller who from curiosity visits for the war to the French, and likewise of this street-a true specimen of the times the manifold preceding operations executed when the Jews of Frankfort, subjected to by the house as commissioners for different the most intolerable vexations; were regovernments, the total amount of which far stricted to this infected quarter-will be exceeded the foregoing." This, however, induced to stop before the neat and simple may already be considered an antiquated house, and perhaps ask, "Who is that authority; for, in reality, the vast business venerable old lady seated in a large armof the firm can hardly be said to have com- chair behind the little shining squares of menced till after the dozen years referred the window on the first storey?" This is to had expired. Since the year 1826, the the reply every citizen of Frankfort will House of Rothschild has been the general make: In that house dwelt an Israelite government bankers of Europe; and if it merchant, named Meyer Anselm Rothwere possible to compare the two circles of schild. He there acquired a good name, a transactions, the former would seem to great fortune, and a numerous offspring; dwindle into insignificance. and when he died, the widow declared she

In 1815, the brothers were appointed would never quit, except for the tomb, the councillors of finance to the then Elector unpretending dwelling which had served as of Hesse; and in 1826, by the present Elec- a cradle to that name, that fortune, and tor, privy councillors of finance. In 1818, those children."

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My love is not a beauty

To other eyes than mine;
Her curls are not the fairest,
Her eyes are not divine;
Nor yet like rosebuds parted,
Her lips of love may be;
But though she's not a beauty,
She's dear as one to me.
Her neck is far from swan-like,
Her bosom unlike snow;
Nor walks she like a deity

This breathing world below;
Yet there's a light of happiness
Within, which all may see;
And though she's not a beauty,
She's dear as one to me.

I would not give the kindness,
The grace that dwells in her,
For all that Cupid's blindness
In others might prefer;

I would not change her sweetness.
For pearls of any sea;
For better far than beauty

Is one kind heart to me.


"A secret is a latent thing,

Hid in the wreathes of an ocean-shell; Which neither peasant, seer, nor king, Are able, in their might to tell. A brilliant gem that trembles far Within the caverns of the deep: A radiant, yet mysterious star, And which too few are apt to keep.

A secret is a maiden's vow,

Made when no listening ear is nigh; Bright as a gem on virgin brow;

Pure as the lustre of her eye. A little trembling, fluttering thing, That lies conceal'd in virtue's breast, And often spreads its weary wing, Impatient to be all expressed.

A secret is a modest thing,

Which all apparent show doth shun; Deep in the soul it has its spring,

And dies if known to more than one. A sigh may prove its dwelling near; A look may charm it from the heart; It may illume a falling tear;

But these do not the theme impart."





How glorious is thy calling,
My happy Fatherland,
While all the thrones are falling,
In righteousness to stand!
Amid the earthquake's heaving thus
To rest in pastures green-
Then, God be praised who helpeth us,
And-God preserve the Queen!

How glorious is thy calling!

In sun and moon and stars To see the signs appalling

Of prodigies and wars-
Yet by thy grand example still
From lies the world to wean,
Then God be praised who guards from ill,
And--God preserve the Queen!

Within thy sacred border,
Amid the sounding seas,
Religion, Right, and Order
Securely dwell at ease;
And if we lift this beacon bright
Among the nations seen,

We bless the Lord who loves the right,
And-God preserve the Queen!

Fair pastures and still waters

Are ours withal to bless
The thronging sons and daughters
Of exile and distress;
For who so free as English hearts
Are, shall be, and have been?
Then, God be thanked on our parts,
And-God preserve the Queen !

Though strife, and fear, and madness
Are raging all around,
There still is peace and gladness
On Britain's holy ground.
But not to us the praise-not us-
Our glory is to lean
On him who giveth freely thus,
And-God preserve the Queen?

O, nation greatly favored!
If ever thou would'st bring

A sacrifice well savored

Of praise to God, the King;
Now, now, let all thy children raise,
In faith and love serene,
The loyal, patriot hymn of praise,
Of God preserve the Queen!


Little child!-I once was fondled as tenderly as you! My silken ringlets tended, and mine eyes called lovely blue;

And sweet old songs were chanted at eve beside my bed,

Where angel guardians hovering their blessed influence shed.

I heard the sheep-bell tinkle around the lonely sheiling,

As the solemn shades of night o'er heather hills were stealing:

The music of the waterfall, in drowsy murmurs flowing,

Lulled me in half-waking dreams-bright fantasies bestowing.

My nursing ones to heaven are gone-
"And I am in the world alone."

Fair girl!-I had companions, and playmates kind and good,

And on the mossy knolls we played, where ivied ruins stood;

The mountain ash adorned us oft, with coral berries rare,

While clear rejoicing streams we sought, to make our tiring there;

And on the turret's mouldering edge, as dames of high degree,

We sat enthroned in mimic state of bygone chivalry;

Or at the mystic twilight hour, within those arches gray,

We told each other wild sad tales of times long past away.

My early playmates all are flown-
"And I am in the world alone."

Gentle woman!-I was deemed as beautiful as you; My silken ringlets fondled, and mine eyes called love's own blue;

And then my step was bounding, and my laugh was full of mirth,

Ah! I never thought of Heaven, for my treasure was on earth:

But now my cheek is sunken, and mine eyes lost their light


The sunny hours have faded in a long and rayless night;

Not rayless--no-for angels still their blessed influence shed.

And still the dreams of peace and love revisit oft my bed

Of earthly treasures I have none-
"And I am in the world alone."

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C. A. M. W.



Oh, Planet ever tranquil, ever fair?
Engirded by the star-clouds of my thought,
Still art thou shining in my being's air.

Altho' clear'st stranger's eyes behold thee not,
Thou cam'st, a light upon my night of mind;
Showing me lovely things unseen till then,
And have Life's common spell to all-unbind

And move enfranchised from the chains of men. Wild lightning-lights and beams of earthly fire Too oft have flamed between my dreams and thee But still-recurring hopes to thee aspire;

And in all tranquil hours thou gladden'st me With rays of solace, and a soul-seen light;

Without which sun and day are cloud and night.



And hast thou found my soul again,
Though many a shadowy year bath past
Across its chequered path since when
I heard thy low notes last?

They come with the old pleasant sound, Long silent, but remembered soonWith all the fresh green memories wound About my childhood's tune!

I left thee far among the flowers

My hand shall seek as wealth no moreThe lost light of those morning hours" No sunrise can restore.

And life hath many an early cloud

That darkens as it nears the noonBut all their broken rainbows crowd Back with my childhood's tune!

Thou hast the whisper of young leaves That told my heart of spring begun, The bird's song by our hamlet eaves Poured to the setting sun

And voices heard, how long ago,

By winter's hearth or autumn's moon !They have grown old and altered nowAll but my childhood's tune!

At our last meeting, Time had much
To teach, and I to learn; for then
Mine was a trusting wisdom-such
As will not come again.

I had not seen life's harvest fade
Before me in the days of June;
But thou-how hath the spring-time stayed
With thee, my childhood's tune!

I had not learned that love, which seemed
So priceless, might be poor and cold;
Nor found whom once I angels deemed
Of coarse and common mould.

I knew not that the world's hard gold
Could far outweigh the heart's best boon;
And yet thou speakest as of old-
My childhood's pleasant tune!

I greet thee as the dove that crossed
My path among Time's breaking waves,
With olive leaves of memory lost,

Or shed, perchance, on graves.

The tree hath grown up wild and rank,
With blighted boughs that time may prune-
But blessed were the dews it drank
From thee-my childhood's tune!

Where rose the stranger city's hum, By many a princely mart and dome, Thou comest-even as voices come To hearts that have no home.

A simple strain to other ears,

And lost amid the tumult soon; But dreams of love, and truth, and tears, Came with my childhood's tune!


TEACHING HISTORY.-"While in the country," was mistaken, and that his admiration of the so says Jean-Jacques Rousseau, " on a visit for some highly-lauded courage of Alexander was genuine, days at the house of a lady who devoted herself to and far exceeded that of any one else. But in what the education of her children, I happened one morn- do you think he conceived the courage to consist? ing to be present when the tutor was giving a lesson Simply in the fact of his having swallowed a nausein history to her eldest son. My attention was par- ous draught at one gulp, without the slightest hesiticularly attracted at the moment that he was relat- tation, or a single wry face! The poor boy, who, ing to him the anecdote of Alexander of Macedon to his infinite pain and grief, had been made to take and his physician Philip. He told of Alexander be- medicine about a fortnight before, had the taste of it ing sick, and receiving a letter warning him that it still in his mouth, and the only poison of which he was the intention of Philip to administer poison in had any idea was a dose of senna. However, it the guise of medicine. The really honest, faithful must be owned that the firmness of the hero had physician approaches the monarch's couch with the made a great impression upon his young mind, and healing draught. Alexander puts the warning into he had inwardly resolved that the next time he had his hands, and even while Philip reads, the king to take medicine, he, too, would be an Alexander. drains the cup. When the tutor had ended his re- Without entering into any explanation, which might cital, he launched forth into warm eulogiums of the have served ather to darken than enlighten his courage and intrepidity of Alexander. Though not mind, I confirmed him in his laudable resolutions; at all pleased with his remarks, while sharing his and I returned to the house, laughing internally at enthusiasm, on different grounds, I yet avoided mak- the wisdom of parents and tutors, who flatter theming any objection likely to depreciate him in the esti- selves that they have been teaching children history. mation of his pupil. At dinner, the boy did not fail It may be that some of my readers, not satisfied with to chatter away, his parents, as is usual with parents the 'Save your breath, Jean-Jacques,' are now askin France, allowing him to engross nearly the whole ing what it is, then, that I find to admire so much in conversation. With the liveliness natural to his this action of Alexander? Unhappy dolts! if you age, and encouraged by the certainty that he was giving his auditors pleasure, he uttered a thousand absurdities, not unmixed, however, with some happy traits of artlessness and good sense. At length he came upon the story of Philip, and told it admirably. The usual tribute of applause required by the mother's vanity having been paid, some discussion arose upon what had just been narrated. The majority blamed the rash imprudence of Alexander, while ART-UNION OF LONDON.-The usual annual meetsome, like the tutor, were loud in their praises of his ing of this institution was held yesterday in Drury. firmness and courage; but amid the different opi-Lane Theatre, and the proceedings were conducted nions, I soon perceived that not one single person in the most satisfactory manner. present had apprehended in what consisted the real Mr. Godwin read the report, which stated that the nobleness of the action. For my part,' said I, 'it total sum subscribed during the year was 12,8572., seems to me that if there be the least courage in the being nearly 6,000l. less than the amount last year. action, it ought to be regarded as a mere piece of This great diminution is attributed partly to the madness.' Every one exclaimed at this; and I was about to answer rather warmly, when a lady seated beside me, who had hitherto been silent, bent towards me and whispered,' Save your breath, Jean-Jacques; they would not understand you.' I looked at her for 278 works of Art were selected by the prizeholders a moment, then convinced she was right, I remained of last year and were exhibited in the Suffolk-street silent. After dinner, suspecting, from several slight Gallery by the kind permission of the Society of indications, that my young professor had not taken British Artists. The collection was open for a in a single idea from the anecdote he had told so month-a part of the time during the eveningwell, I invited him to accompany me in a walk in and was visited by an immense number of persons. the park; and there, availing myself of the opportu- The engraving for the current year, "The priso nity to question him at my ease, I discovered that I ner of Gisors," by Mr. F. Bacon, after Wehnert, is

must needs be told, how can you understand when told? I admire Alexander's faith in the existence of human virtue, a faith upon which he staked his very life. Was there ever a more noble profession of this faith-a more sublime instance of generous, implicit trust in another, than this potion drained at one draught.

commercial distress and the exciting events of the period, but principally to the interferenee of the Board of Trade, under a clause of the Royal Charter, by which they were incorporated in 1846.

exploded like Rupert's drops, by a blow upon their tails; but at the same time he has bleached many black looking stories into white ones, and turned some tremendous bouncers into what the French call accomplished facts. Look at the Megatherium or Mastodon, which a century ago even credulity would have scouted, and now we have Mantell

at press, and will be ready for distribution in the au- | testy enough. Scores of ancient authorities has he tumn. Very considerable progress has been made in the preparation of the illustrated edition of L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, also due to the subscribers of this year, which promises to be a very satisfactory production. Sabrini," engraved by Mr. Lightfoot, after Mr. Frost, A. R. A., is nearly completed. It is proposed to appropriate this plate to subscribers for the next year, who will also receive a series of etch-pieces of their bones! The headstrong fiction which ings or wood engravings, not yet decided on. Mr. W. Finden is proceeding with "The Crucifixion," after Hilton.

Mrs. Malaprop treated as a mere allegory_on the banks of the Nile, is now the Iguanodon! To venture a prophecy, there are more of such prodigies to come true. Suppose it a fine morning, Anno Domini 2000; and the royal geologists, with Von Hammer at their head-pioneers, excavators, bor

For some ensuing year the council have commissioned the execution of several plates on steel, as an experiment to test the advantage or otherwise of such a course, instead of electrotyping one cop-ers, trappists, grey-wackers, carbonari, field-sparper-plate-the particular print to which each subscriber will be entitled to be decided by lot. The following pictures are already in hand

"The burial of Harold," by Mr. F. R. Pickersgill, A. R. A.; "Richard Coeur de Lion pardoning the archer," &c., by Mr. John Cross; and "The Irish Piper," by Mr. F. Goodall.

After detailing the steps adopted by the council for the encouragement of lithography and mezzotint engraving, and staring that the statuettes, casts, and bronzes allotted last year are being nearly all distributed, the report proceeds to state that

"For the current year it is proposed to produce in bronze a bust of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, in commemoration of the grant of the charter. The opinion of his Royal Highness, Prince Albert, being taken, the bust by Chantrey, deposited in Windsor Castle, was adopted as the best, and a cast having been obtained for the society, with her Majesty's gracious permission, it was reduced, and will be executed in bronze forthwith."

The cast iron figures of Thalia, and the Wren and Flaxman medals already awarded to prizeholders, have hitherto been delayed in their completion by circumstances over which the council appear to have had no control.

The reserved fund now amounts to 2,8677; 6,0901. have been set apart for the purchase of pictures, busts, and statuettes; and 3,8991. to defray the cost of engravings for the year.

The sum of 5,8351., set apart for the purchase of works of art by the prizeholders themselves, will be thus allotted:

15 works of....£ 10 8 works of.... £60







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rers, and what not, are marching to have a grand field-day in Tilgate Forest. A good cover has been marked out for a find. Well! to work they go; hammer and tongs, mallets and threemen beetles, banging, splitting, digging, shovelling; sighing like paviors, blasting like minors, puffing like a smith's bellows-hot as his forge--dusty as millers-muddy as eels-what with sandstone and grindstone, and pudding-stone, blue clay and brown, marl and bogearth-now a tom-tit-now a marble gooseberrybush-now a hap'orth of Barcelona nuts, geologized into two-pen'orth of marbies-now a couple of Kentish cherries, all stone, turned into Scotch pebbles--and now a fossil red-herring with a hard row of flint. But these are geological bagatelies! We want the organic remains of one of Og's bulls, or Gog's hogs-that is, the Mastodon, or Magog's pet lizard, that's the Iguanodon-or Polyphemus's elephant, that's the M gatherium. So in they go again, with a crash like Thor's Scandinavian hammer, and a touch of the earthquake, and lo! another and greater Bnypart to exhume! Huzza! shouts Fieldsparrer, who will spar with any one and give him a stone. Hold on, cries one-let go, shouts anotherhere he comes, says a third-no, he don't, says a fourth. Where's his head ?--where's his mouth? where's his caudal? What fatiguing work it is only to look at him, he's so prodigious! There, there now, easy does it! Just hoist a bit—a little, a little more. Pray, pray, pray take care of his lumbar processes, they are very friable. 'Never you fear, zur-if he be FRIABLE, I'll eat un.' Bravo! there's his cranium-is that brain, I wonder, or mud !-no, 'tis conglomerate. Now for the cervical vertebræ. Stop-somebody holds his jaw. That's your sort! there's his scapula. Now then, dig boys, dig, dig into his ribs. Work away, lads-you shall have oceans of strong beer, and mountains of bread and We can't be above cheese, when you get him out. a hundred yards from his tail! Huzza! there's his femur! I wish i could shout from here to London. There's his torsus! Work away, my good fellowsnever give up; we shall all go down to posterity. It's the first-the first---the first nobody knows what

200 300 To these are to be added-30 bronzes of "The Queen;" 50 statuettes of "The Dancing Girl;" 30 medals commemorative of Hogarth; and 300 lithographs of St. Cecilia;" making in the whole---that's been discovered in the world. Here, lend 554 works of art."

HOOD ON GEOLOGY.-The following lively scrap is from the pen of the late Thomas Hood, and is published by Dr. Mantell, in his new work on Geology, which he calls by this singular title, The Medals of Creation. It professes to be anticipatory of the hundredth edition of the book; and it speaks well for the Doctor's good humor, that he did not re serve it to figure in that problematic place. It is entitled: "A GEOLOGICAL EXCURSION TO TILGATE FOREST, A. D. 2000 " "Time has been called the test of truth, and some old verities have made him

me a spade, and I'll help. So, I'll tell you what, we're all Columbuses, every man Jack of us! but I can't digit breaks my back. Never mind; there he is---and his tail with a broad arrow at the end! It's a Hylasaurus! but no---that scapula's a wingby St George, it's a flying dragon. Huzza! shouts Boniface, the landlord of the village Inn, that has the St. George and the Dragon as his sign. Huzza! echoes every Knight of he Garter. Huzza! cries each schoolboy who has read the Seven Champions. Huzza! huzza! roars the illustrator of Schiller's Kampf mit dem Drachen. Huzza, huzza, huzza! chorus the descendants of Moor of Moor Hall! The

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