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301 Economy in Fuel.-Memoirs of Leonardo Aretino.

Primrose, Primula vulgaris; Oxlip, P. elatior; Peigle, P. veris; Sowbread, Cyclamen europæeum; Hairy Violet, Viola hirta; Marsh Violet, V. palustris; Dog's Violet, V. canina; Tasteless Mountain Currants, Ribes alpinum; Gooseberry, R. grossularia; Common Elm, Ulmus campestris & montana; Spring Gentian, Gentiana verna; Wild Chervil, Charophyllum sylvestre; Pale Narcissus, N. biflorus; Snake's Head, Fritillaria meleagris; Wild Tulip, Tulipa sylvestris; Yellow Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum luteum; Common Star of Bethlehem, O. umbellatum; Vernal Squill, Scilla verna; Hairy Field Rush, Juncus campestris; Great Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum; Knotgrass, Polygonum aviculare; Moschatell, Adoxa moschatellina; Purple Saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia; Common Woodsorrel, Oxalis acetosella; Broad-leaved Mouse Ear, Cerastium vulgatum; Plum, Prunus domestica, & insititia; Pear, Pyrus communis; Wild Service, P. torminalis; Spring Cinquefoil, Potentilla verna; Pasque Flower, Anemone pulsatilla; Wood Anemone, A. nemorosa; Yellow Wood Anemone, A, ranunculoides; Blue Mountain Anemone, A. apennina; Three species of Ranunculus; Green Hellebore, H. viridis; Ground Pine, Ajugo chama pitys; Ground Ivy, Glechoma hederacea; Toothwort, Lathræa squamaria; Yellow Figwort, Scrophularia vernalis; Speedwell Cress, Draba muralis; Bastard Cress, Thlaspi perfoliatum; Coralwort, Dentaria bulbifera; Cuckoo Flower, Cardamine pratensis; Bitter Cress, C. amara; Winter Cress, Erysimum præcox; Thale Cress, Arabis thaliana; Turnep, Brassica rapa; Dove's Foot Geranium, G. molle; Bulbous Fumitory, Fumaria solida; Spring Vetch,


appear unworthy of much attention; but in places where it is both scarce and dear, every economical recommendation must be deemed of importance. In several parts of Wales, the inhabitants have long been in the habit of using what they call Fire-balls, instead of simple coals. These Fireballs are made by mixing together small coals, clay, and water, until the compound is brought to a certain consistence, when it is divided into balls, and reserved for use. Somewhat analogous to the preceding, is the following species of fuel, which we apprehend has been found to surpass the expectation of all who have tried it. We cannot vouch for its real excellencies from actual observation; but the compound being simple, and the articles within the reach of every one, and easily to be obtained, an experiment may be made without much ingenuity, trouble, or expense.

Take one bushel, either of small coal or sawdust, or both mixed together, to which add two bushels of sand, and one bushel and a half of clay. Let these be all mixed well together with common water, until the mass appears in consistence like common mortar. When well mixed, take small quantities, and roll them into balls, or cast them into small moulds like bricks, then pile them in a convenient place, and when dry, they will be fit for use. A fire cannot be lighted with this compound, but when lighted, if these are placed behind, with a coal or two in front, they will be found to keep up a stronger heat than any fuel of the common kind.-Cottager's Monthly Visitor, No. I.

Vicia lathyroides; Dandelion, Leon- MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF

todon taraxicum; Tall Butterbur, Tussilago hybrida; Common Butterbur, T. petasites; Purple and Spider Orchis, D. mascula & ophrys aranifera; Five species of Carex; Common Birch, Betula alba; Box, Buxus sempervirens; Oak, Quercus robur & Q. sessiliflora; Beech, Fagus sylvatica; Dog's Mercury, Mercurialis perennis; Walnut, Juglans regia; Horse Chesnut, Æsculus hippocastanum.


In districts where fuel is both plentiful and cheap, the following article may


(Continued from col. 279.)

"I HAVE already informed you," says he in a second letter to his patron," of the contention in which I found myself unexpectedly and unwillingly involved on my arrival in this place. I now write to acquaint you with the sequel of the affair.-The Pontiff being, for the reasons which I formerly mentioned, doubtful what line of conduct he ought to pursue, deferred coming to any resolution, and neither rejected nor granted my suit. His uncertainty was daily increased by the artifices of my


Memoirs of Leonardo Aretino.

adversaries' partisans, who were continually whispering something to my disadvantage, and drawing odious comparisons between me and Angelo. Such was my situation for nearly the space of a month. At last, however, the opposition and vain boastings of my adversaries, and this most irksome competition, have come to an issue, which not only dissipates the uneasiness which I felt on this account, but causes this occurrence to be a subject of the most heartfelt satisfaction to me. For when our contest and the hopes of my opponents were at their height, there arrived a letter addressed to the Pontiff by the duke of Berri. The subject was of the utmost importance, and the letter itself was long and elaborate. The Pontiff, wishing to answer it with more than common accuracy, at the suggestion of the cardinals, assigned the task of drawing up his reply to me and my competitor; thus making this business the test of our respective abilities. Glad of this opportunity of trying my strength with my rival, I drew up an answer according to the instructions which I had received: and after an interval of two days, my letter and Angelo's were read to the Pontiff and the sacred college. What difference was observed between our performances, on their recital, I know not; but this I know, that Angelo's abettors, who had so arrogantly extolled him above me, now freely acknowledge their error. The Pontiff instantly congratulated me on my success, and instituted me to the office in question. I hasten to give you this intelligence, in order that by making you acquainted with the termination of this affair, I may dissipate any uneasiness which might possibly have been excited in your mind by my last letter."*

Thus was Leonardo, after an arduous and disagreeable contest, enrolled in the number of the papal secretaries about the beginning of May 1405. No sooner was Colucio Salutati apprised of his success, than he addressed to Innocent a letter, in which he célebrated the virtues of his young friend in the highest terms of praise, "congratulating the Pontiff on the acquisition of a servant strong in constitution, of a graceful aspect, distinguished by his knowledge, of singular eloquence,

* Leonardi Aretini Epist. 1. 1. ep. 2. + Lini Colucii Salutati Epist. ep. xxx.


skilled in Latin literature, and well acquainted with the Greek authors,— but, above all, endued with strict integrity, and uncommon kindness of heart." Colucio's letter was read to the Pontiff, in the presence of some of the cardinals, and of several other persons of distinction, both laymen and ecclesiastics, who listened to it with respectful silence, and who, on its recital, were not more impressed with respect for the youthful secretary whom it was intended to recommend, than with admiration of the talents and benevolence of its author. It should seem that Colucio also transmitted to Leonardo a letter of reproof which he had addressed to Jacobo d'Angelo. This letter, however, Leonardo thoughtit expedient to suppress. "I do not think," said he, with laudable delicacy, in his reply to Colucio,-"I do not think that it will at all become me to renew the remembrance of a contention which is now terminated, and consigned to oblivion. For if my adversary bears any ill-will against me, he is sufficiently punished by being every day the unwil ling auditor of my own praises."§

Leonardo had not been long employed in the business of his new office, before he found himself exposed to the perils, which, in times of civil tumult, await the confidential servants of the great. Immediately upon the accession of Innocent VII. to the pontifical throne, which event took place on the 17th of October 1404, the Roman people, who had submitted with indignant reluctance to the rigorous sway of Boniface IX. took up arms in assertion of their liberties. The new Pontiff was obliged to bend before the rising tempest, and on the 27th day of October he signed a Concordat, the general tenor of which was very favourable to the insurgents. This act of concession had not the effect which the Pontiff expected, upon the minds of the malcontents, who were stimulated to a renewel of their outrages against the public tranquillity by the powerful family of Colonna. They encouraged to resist the papal authority by Ladislaus king of Naples, who, under pretence of curbing the insolence of the populace, had thrown a garrison into the castle of St. Angelo. The following description which Leonardo

were also

Leonardi Aretini Epist. lib. i. ep. 3.
Ibid. Muratori Annali, tom. ix. p. 18, 19.


Memoirs of Leonardo Aretino.


gave of the circumstances of these civil | long and fruitless conference with his commotions, in his correspondence Holiness, these envoys were returning with Colucio Salutati, possesses all home, when they were suddenly attackthat interest which is usually found in ed at a little distance from the castle the narratives of those who relate of St. Angelo. The majority made striking occurrences of which they have their escape; but eleven of them were themselves been eye-witnesses. taken prisoners, and conducted to Lo"The perpetual hostilities, in which dovico,† the nephew of the Pope, in we are engaged in this city, prevent consequence of whose orders they had me from applying my mind to literary | been arrested. In his presence they pursuits: for so great is the incon- were severely reproached for their perstancy and perverseness of the Roman fidy to the Pontiff, their recent attempt people, that there is no prospect of a upon the Ponte Molle, and their treasonrestoration of the public tranquillity. able correspondence with the king of Yesterday morning, before daybreak, Naples. When, in reply to these rethe citizens sallied out of the town, proaches, they avowed and defended supported by some of the king's aux- their conduct, young Lodovico was so iliary troops, and made an attempt to extremely exasperated, that he began Occupy the Ponte Molle. On this to strike them on the face with his bridge there is a tower, where we have sword. The issue of the affair was, established a guard, for the purpose of that all the eleven were put to death, preventing any one from passing with- and their bodies were thrown through out the permission of the Pontiff. Here the windows of the palace. Two of the contest was for some time main- them were of the number of the seven tained with great fury. Our troops magistrates created by the Pontiff for being at length hard pressed, a body the government of the Roman repubof horse was sent to their aid, who lic; the rest were of the first families of routed the Romans, of whom a few the city, and, what is a subject of painwere slain, and more wounded. The ful reflection, some of them were dedefeated insurgents having fled into cidedly adverse to that seditious conthe city, with their accustomed rash- duct on the part of the citizens, which ness, made a stand at the Capitol, to has been productive of so much uneawhich place they summoned a general siness. The news of this event being assembly of the multitude. As it was immediately spread through the city, a holiday, the lower orders of the peo- the populace instantly flew to arms, ple, who were heated with wine, had and, with tumultuous shouts, blocked fully leisure to obey the summons. The up all the avenues. A little time leaccordingly flew to arms, and marched fore this event took place, relying on to besiege the pontifical palace. Our the pacific assurances of the citizens adherents, on the other hand, having who had waited on the Pontiff, I had made the requisite preparations for crossed the river, and gone into the defence, awaited the attack of the city; but when I heard the tumult, I populace with steadiness; and threw immediately hastened back to our quarup works before the castle of St. An- ters. Directing my course through the gelo, the garrison of which is by no streets, I came to Hadrian's bridge, means well affected to our cause. The where I found a large body of troops, intervention of night, however, sus-who blocked up the passage: pended the contest."*

This affair took place on the fourth of August.

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On the sixth of the same month," (says Leonardo in a second epistle on the subject of this insurrection,)" some of the citizens waited on the Pontiff, for the purpose, as they alleged, of proposing a plan for the accommodation of the present differences. After a

Leonardi Aretini Epist. Lib. i. ep. 4. +Lodovico de Migliorati, whom Muratori, in his account of this transaction, justly, but coarsely, styles, "homo bestiale." See Muratori Annali, tom, ix. p. 26,

"There I beheld the sword with glittering point "Drawn, and prepar'd for death

"I was no sooner aware of my danger, than I wheeled round, and at the next entry I hastily alighted from my horse. Here I contrived to change my dress, and, mixing with the crowd, I passed on foot, without being discovered by the posts of the enemy. I had scarcely left my servant, when he was assaulted by a body of armed insurgents, who killed him, and carried off his clothes, and my horses which I had committed to his care. When I had rejoined our


On the Intellectual Faculty of Brutes.


had only a few days' provisions in our quarters, and news was brought that the army of the king of Naples was marching against us. In consequence of these circumstances, the Pontiff yielded to the persuasion of those who urged the necessity of an immediate departure. Our partisans, therefore, hastened to pack up their baggage. This business being effected as well as the scantiness of the time would permit, we marched in the following order :The vanguard consisted of a troop of horse, which was followed by the baggage and the infantry. Next came the Pontiff and his whole court; and lastly, the march was closed by a body of cavalry, who followed at some distance, in order to repel any attack which might be made upon the rear. It was eight o'clock in the evening when we left the city; and after marching in no small alarm for about twelve miles, we arrived at two o'clock at Cesano. Having 'spent the remainder of the night there, we recommenced our march at daybreak; and about noon we arrived at Sutri, the inhabitants of which town flocked out in multitudes at our approach, and received the Pontiff with every demonstration of joy. Having halted at Sutri the remainder of that day and the ensuing night, on the following morning we proceeded to Viterbo, where I trust that we shall remain for some months."†

friends, the first spectacle which I beheld was a heap of dead, who were lying in the middle of the road, transfixed with large wounds, and weltering in blood. At this sight I stood shivering with horror; for upon a nearer examination I distinguished amongst them some of my acquaintance. On proceeding to the residence of the Pontiff, I found him in an agony of grief at the news of this transaction, which had taken place without his knowledge. Such indeed is his mild and pacific disposition, that nothing is more repugnant to his nature than the effusion of human blood. He was, therefore, overwhelmed with grief, and, deploring his sad fortune, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, as if he was calling God to witness his innocence of any evil design against the Roman people. So much was he overpowered by his feelings, that he could not determine upon any plan of conduct, and the opinions of the by-standers were various. Some advised him to depart immediately, and not to await the hostile attack of the exasperated populace. In support of this counsel, they observed, that the troops of the king of Naples were at no great distance from the city, and that they would undoubtedly take part with the Romans. Others were of opinion, that he should not by any means quit the city; but that he should stand a siege, and send for assistance from such of the neighbouring towns as were well affected to his interest. There were others who thought it advisable for him to defer his departure till the next or the ensuing day, in order that his friends might have time to collect their moveable ON THE INTELLECTUAL FACULTY OF property, and also, that his departure might have the appearance, not of a THAT brute animals possess reflection flight, but of a removal. There were and sentiment, and are susceptible two approaches by which we might be of the kindly as well as the irascible attacked by the insurgents, the one by passions, independently of sexual atthe bridge which is situated under the tachment and natural affection; castle of St. Angelo, the other by the that they have a great share of fidelity, Transtevere and the Janiculum. A of pride, and even a sense of glory; strong detachment of soldiers had been may be demonstrated from the Eleposted in a kind of fortress, to keep in phant, the Horse, and the Dog. check the garrison of the castle of St. Angelo, the commander of which we had reason to suspect of hostile intentions. Opposite to the Janiculum, the city walls, which in some places had fallen to decay by their antiquity, were lined with our soldiers. There is no doubt that we could have resisted the whole force of the insurgents; but we


+ Leonardi Aretini Epist. lib. i. 5. [To be continued.]



Elephants, even in a savage state, are peaceable and gentle creatures, and never use their weapons, but in defence of themselves or companions. When one is tamed, he is the most friendly and obedient of all animals; and seems entirely devoted to the person who feeds and takes care of him. In a short time he understands signs,


On the Intellectual Faculty of Brutes.

and the sound of his master's voice. |
He distinguishes the language of pas-
sion, of command, of satisfaction; and
acts accordingly. He receives his
orders with attention, and executes
them with prudence and alacrity, but
without precipitation. He easily learns
to bow his knees and lower his body,
for the convenience of those who mount
him. He caresses his friends, and lifts
burdens with his trunk, and assists those
who are loading him in laying them on
his back; but, above all, he delights
in shining harness and trappings, and
in being thus led on to the war.


reasoning faculty of brutes, and to distinguish the operations of intellect from those of instinct, we need only contemplate the actions and disposition of the Dog. In a savage state, it must be allowed, that he is fierce, cruel, and voracious; but, when civilized, and accustomed to live with men, he is possessed of every amiable quality. He seems to have no other desire than to please and protect his master. He is gentle, obedient, submissive, and faithful. These dispositions, joined to his almost unbounded sagacity, justly claim the esteem of mankind. Accordingly, no animal is so much caressed or respected: he is so ductile, and so much formed to please, that he assumes the very air and temper of the family in which he resides.

An animal endowed with such uncommon qualities must answer many useful purposes. His fidelity and vigilance are daily employed to protect our persons, our flocks, and our goods. The acuteness of his smell gains him employment in hunting: he is frequently employed as a turnspit: at Brussels and in Holland he is trained to draw little carts to the herbmarket; and in the northern regions draws a sledge, with his master in it, or else loaded with provisions. The instances of sagacity, fidelity, and attention, and even of foresight, which these faithful animals have evinced towards their masters, must have fallen

The intrepidity and sagacity of the Horse has been regarded with admiration by all ranks of men, and in all ages of the world. Even in a domestic state he is bold and fiery; and, equally undaunted as his master, faces danger and death with ardour and magnanimity. He delights in the noise and tumult of arms, and seems to feel the glory of victory: he exults in the chase; his eyes sparkle with emulation in the course. But, though bold and intrepid, he is docile and tractable; he knows how to govern and check the natural vivacity and fire of his temper. He not only yields to the hand, but seems to consult the inclination, of his rider. Constantly obedient to the impressions he receives, his motions are entirely regulated by the will of his master. He in some measure resigns his very existence to the pleasure of man. He delivers up his whole pow-under the observation of every reader; ers, he reserves nothing; he will rather I shall therefore only recite the foldie than disobey. Who could endure lowing instance, which is of unquesto see a character so noble abused? tionable authenticity: who could be guilty of such gross bar- At the seat of the late Earl of Litchbarity? none but wretches most relent-field, three miles from Blenheim, there less and unfeeling! We need go no is a portrait in the dining-room of Sir farther than the Horse, to prove how Hen. Lee, by Johnstone, with that of a strongly nature has endowed brute ani- mastiff Dog which saved his life. It mals with memory; for whatever roads, seems, a servant had formed the design pastures, inns, or stables, a horse has of assassinating his master, and robbeen accustomed to, though removed bing the house; but, the night he for years to a distant part of the coun- had fixed on, the dog, which had never try, he never forgets them; but if ever been much noticed by Sir Henry, for he returns, or passes by them again, the first time followed him up stairs, he gives evident tokens that he has got under his bed, and could not be been accustomed to the place. The got from thence. In the dead of night, celebrated equestrians, Hughes and the servant entered the room to execute Astley, could, I doubt not, furnish a his horrid design, but was instantly thousand curious anecdotes to illus- seized by the Dog, and, being secured, trate this fact, and to shew that confessed his intentions. There are nothing is wanting but the gift of ten quaint lines in one corner of the speech to make them reasonable crea-picture, which conclude thus:


But in my Dog, whereof I made no store,

--But to shew, more obviously, the I find more love than those I trusted more.

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