SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of this association will be held in the State Capital, Jefferson City, Mo., May 15, 16, 17. The first day will be devoted to the sessions of the House of Delegates and the transaction of routine business. Reduced rates on the certificate plan will be in effect on all railroads. The Missouri Pacific, with its excellent train service, will be the popular route from this city and vicinity. Following is the preliminary program: MEDICAL SECTION SECOND DAY-WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. The Nervous System of the Child............ Scott P. Child, Kansas City The Use and Abuse of the Obstetrical Forceps.... A. L. Gray, St. Joseph ... Davis Forster, St. Louis Typhoid Fever..... Illegal Practice of Medicine The Best Time to Give Quinine...... E. P. Davis, Woodruff H. F. McGinnis, Higginsville ......R. L. Johnson, Rolla ........T. F. Lockwood, Butler Criminal Abortion; A Prevailing Evil Against the Unborn Genera tion; A National Crime Committed for Mere Social Promotion Malaria...... Broncho-Pneumonia. Afternoon Session, 1:30 P. M. The Present Status of Psychotherapy... Dora Green-Wilson, Kansas City ......T. C. Allen, Bernie .......Τ. Ο. Davis, Maitland Cough...... .....J. C. Buckwalter, St. Louis Infantile Intussusception from the Country Practitioner's Stand point.......... .. J. D. Brummall, Salisbury Mucous Colitis F. H. Matthews, Liberty Syphilis of the Nervous System... C. J. Morrow, Kansas City Ear-Tire as a Factor in Disease.............. E. H. Mussen, Buckingham .. David S. Booth, St. Louis ...E. F. Walter, Perry C. M. Mitchell, Blythedale Neurasthenia, Traumatic and Idiopathic; Its Pathology and Progno sis........ Etiology and Cure of Hysteria.... State Medicine..... Gas Bacillus Infection; the Clinical Results of the Development in the Bacillus Aerogenes Capsulatus.. Ernest E. Robinson, Kansas City The Importance of the Sigmoid Flexure in the Production of Enteroptosis, Pelvic Displacement and Reflex Phenomena..J. M. Allen, Liberty The Treatment of Gastric Ulcer........Franklin E. Murphy, Kansas City Tuberculous Affections of the Rectum........E. H. Thrailkill, Kansas City Primary Tuberculosis of the Rectum with a Report of Cases........ SURGICAL SECTION SECOND DAY-WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. Morning Session, 9 o'clock Ectopic Pregnancy.... Abdomidal Injuries..... Spina Bifida........ W. T. Elam, St. Joseph ......J. D. Seba, Bland Some Remarks on the Treatment of Chronic Joint Disease..... .. .. M. M. Edmondson, Kansas City Surgical Aspects of Typhoid Fever.......... W. C. G. Kirchner, St. Louis Suppuration of the Superior Maxillary Sinus with Involvement of Ethmoidal Cells and Sphenoidal Sinus.............H. Jurgens, Edina Afternoon Session, 1:30 P. М. .... W. H. Dorsett, St. Louis Pyuria..... .........E. G. Marks, Kansas City Limitations of Surgical Procedures in Cancer....G. W. Broome, St. Louis The Limitations of Surgical Interference... Ernest von Quast, Kansas City Some Questions Concerning the Treatment of Uterine Fibromyo mata... .....H. S. Crossen, St. Louis The Treatment of Retroflexion of the Uterus.. A. F. Hertzler, Kansas City Some Recent Advances in Ophthalmology...........J. M. Ball, St. Louis Rectal Abscesses.......... J. M. Frankenburger, Kansas City ...... THIRD DAY-THURSDAY MAY 17 Non-Lithogenous Obstruction of the Biliary Ducts....... .. A. H. Cordier, Kansas City Lessons to be Drawn from Recent Operations on the Stomach Appendicitis..... ..... Why Some Appendectomies are Followed by Prolonged Abdominal Pain....... ...W. Bartlett, St. Louis ...C. G. Geiger, St. Joseph Francis Reder, St. Louis M. P. Shy, Knobnoster John C. Morfit, St. Louis The Country Doctor and Appendicitis........ Rectum... W. H. Stauffer, St. Louis AFTERNOON SESSION, 1:30 P. M. The Relative Value of the Surgical Procedure Employed for the Relief of Paralysis Following Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis........ Nathaniel Allison, St. Louis Surgery of the Liver... St. Elmo Sanders, Kansas City Do We Cure Diffuse General Peritonitis....John Young Brown, St. Louis A Method of Radical Relief of Cases of Deafness Long Abandoned as Hopeless, Illustrated by Report from Actual Practice.......... ......R. Barclay, St. Louis A Method of Operating in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia When Complicated by Abscesses...............Herman E. Pearse, Kansas City Ovarian Tumors, and Presentation of Specimen .. OFFICERS FOR 1906. .... Leon Straus, St. Louis President-D. C. Gore, Marshall, Mo. Secretary-C. M. Nicholson, St. Louis. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE MISSOURI VALLEY AT ST. JOSEPH. The eighteenth semi-annual meeting of this society was held at St. Joseph on March 22-23, under the presidency of Dr. Joo. E. Summers, of Omaha. There were fully one hundred and fifty in attendance, and the prediction made in these columns a few weeks since regarding the scientific work accomplished by this body was fully realized. Dr. Chas. H. Mayo presented a most timely paper on "The Surgical Treatment of Goitre," detailing results in 200 cases. Dr. L. L. McArthur, of Chicago, delivered the oration on Surgery and handled his subject in a masterly manner. Surgery of Intestinal Tuberculosis was his theme. Other papers read were as follows: S. Grover Burnett, Kansas City, Some Pathology of the Morphine Habit, and My Preferred Method of Treatment. C. O. Thienhaus, Milwaukee, Wis., The Surgical Treatment of Total Prolapse of the Uterus, with a Report of Operated Cases. Palmer Findley, Chicago, Is Vaginal Cesarean Section Justifiable? Wm. Frick, Kansas City, Mo., Blastomycetic Dermatitis, with Reports of Cases. F. E. Coulter, Omaha, Tumors of the Cerebellum, with Report of a Case. M. M. Edmondson, Kansas City, Mo., Club Foot, with Special Refererence to Postoperative Treatment. W. F. Milroy, Omaha, Indirect Effects of Valvular Lesions. Rupture of the Male Urethra. T. C. Witherspoon, St. Louis, Removal of the Uterus in Certain Inflammatory Conditions. R. D. Mason, Omaha, Some Advances in the Office Treatment of Rectal Diseases. R. C. Moore, Omaha, The County Sanatorium for Pulmonary Tuberculosis. L. J. Dandurant, St. Joseph, Ligation of Common Femoral Artery for Large Aneurism in Scarpa's Triangle; Recovery; Presentation of Patient. John P. Lord, Omaha, The Surgery of Paralyses. E. T. Shelley, Atchison, Kas., The Expectant Mother. The discussions were animated and interesting. A full report of the proceedings was taken by Mr. Wm. Whitford, of Chicago, the official stenographer of the American Medical Association, and this report will appear, together with all the papers, in the society's official journal, the Medical Herald. A resolution was adopted endorsing the Pure Food and Drug bill now pending in the house. An amendment to the constitution was adopted, changing the date of the annual meeting to the first Thursday in September at Council Bluffs. The society will go as a body to the meeting of the American Medical Association in Boston, June 5th. A special train will be chartered on the Grand Trunk railway, taking the members and their friends via Niagara Falls, Montreal, and down the St. Lawrence River to Boston. When Your Income Stops -What Then? How much a gies? month do you get for your Brain, your Time, your Ener What part of your income are you saving, against the time when misfortune, old age, or sickness comes? -How much for the protection of those dependent upon you? Can you look the Future in the face with the assurance that you have nothing to fear? Just as sure as certainty itself, the time is coming when the man or woman of today must step aside. 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